





__________________ center:

Comrade I unit [XXXXX] because [XXXXX] x mission, will be in (XXXXX) in x x month x country (region), stay outside xx days, pay cost of xx. Because of the comrade of the personnel archives check your center, entrust the relevant foreign affairs formalities.

(name of the entity and affix one's seal)

In x x month x day


Client: gender: * * * * * * id: * * * * * * * * * * * * * is the principal: gender: * * * * * * id: * * * * * * * * * * * * *

For himself in the provincial and the job is busy, can't personally to deal with * * * * * * * relevant formalities, hereby entrust * * * * as my legal agent, authorized representative I deal with related matters, signed in to the trustor in handling the matters of related documents, I have to be recognized, and bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

Entrust deadline: since the date of signing to the above items is done.

The principal:

(date) (month) (year)


M/s. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE having its PRESENTS Head that Office …………………. Ltd.,

at ………………………… (here-in-after called the company) appoint Mr. CL, s/o Mr. ML, r/o ……………………………, (herein after called the attorney) as its attorney to do all deed and acts, which the Company is aurthorised to do through an attorney. The said attorney shall have the power to do the following:





5. The attorney shall be the over all in-charge of the staff. He shall appoint, suspend, and terminate Manager, Accountant, Steno, Typist and peons etc. as and when he thinks proper in the best interest of the company.

6. The attorney is authorised to enter into any kind of contract, execute and perform all obligations and receive and accept all benefits for and on behalf of the company. The attorney shall manage and supervise manufacture, and sales of the goods in the best interest of the company. The attorney shall work, manage and develop the properties or undertakings in the interest of the firm. The attorney shall purchase or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property in the interest of the company. That attorney shall carry out the business of the company to best of his ability and capacity in the interest of the work.

7. The attorney is authorised to enter into, make, sign and do all such agreements, receipts, payments and contracts, etc. as he thinks proper and expedient in the interest of the company. The attorney can mortgage property if he thinks proper and expedient for carrying on affairs of the company smoothly.

8. The attorney shall adjust, settle, compromise and submit to arbitrators all accounts, debts, claims, demand, disputes and matters which may a rise between company and persons/persons from time to time.

9. The attorney shall draw, accept, endorse, negotiate, retire , pay or satisfy any bills of exchange, promissory notes, hundis, cheques, drafts etc. which he thinks necessary and expedient in the interest of the company.

10. That attorney shall draw, accept , endorse, negotiate, retire, pay or satisfy any bills of exchange, promissory notes, hundis, cheques, drafts etc. which he things necessary and expedient in the interest of the company.

11. The attorney shall borrow from time to time any sums by pledging movable or immovable properties the company on such terms and conditions as he thinks proper in the interest of the company.

12. The attorney shall open a bank account in the name of the company in any of the Nationalised Bank and shall operate it as General Manager of the Company. The attorney is authorised to close the bank account, already running, and open the account to some other Nationalised bank as and when he thinks it proper in the best interest of the company.


14. The attorney is empowered to commence and prosecute, and to defend compound and abandon all actions proceedings, suits and claims in relation to the business and property of the company. He is empowered to appoint advocate/advocates to look after the matter in the courts and Government offices.

15. The attorney shall represent the company before any Department of the State Government or the Central Government , or before any local authorities and vote at any meeting in any firms, companies, or Government departments for and on behalf of the company.

16. The attorney shall appoint some insurance agent for insurance of the stock, buildings, plant and machinery and other movable and immovable properties.

17. Generally the attorney shall do all other works concerning with the affairs of the company to the best of his ability in the best interest of the company.

18.The company agrees that all the works done by the said attorney shall be binding on the company. The attorney is empowered to invest the money of the company in the best interest of the company, as and when he thinks it proper.

I execute this power of attorney in the presence of the following witnesses.


1. ………….

2. …………..

For ………………………. Ltd. Signature……………….. Director (seal) Signature of Director







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