





  Dear friends:

  Good evening,

  Thanks to experts present, with you attending the symposium, the whether of Shanghai has became cool and comfortable from the day you came to Shanghai. Before this, Days of shanghai continuous high temperature above 38 degrees break the historic record, it let me really feel that environment without borders. The solution of regional issues and global environmental problems should depend on Cross-border actions and international cooperation Research. In this regard, Kyushu University, as a world-renowned university has set us a good example. I also believe the contribution of the multi-layers cooperation between Kyushu University and Tongji University is positive and profound.

  At the time when Shanghai World Expo held, Kyushu University in Japan and domestic scholars in other universities take the time to come to Shanghai. On behalf of Tongji University, I extend a hearty welcome to you all.

  Yesterday, we visited beautiful chongming island, Today, we completed a total of 30 presentations, and 2 keynote lectures, There are many reports on the East Asian environment problems, besides, some of the Sino-Japanese cooperation are very consistent with the theme of EAEP. Tomorrow afternoon, we have a visit to shanghai word Expo, I wish you have a good time in expo park and in shanghai,.

  How happy we are, To meet friends from far away! Among of you, many are our old friends, we have a good relationship. Besides, I found some are new face, I am so happy, because of you, the symposium can be more successful. I suggest,We must drink to our cooperation and friendship.


  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Welcome to China! Welcome to our company!

  You must have had a happy travel after covering such a long distance. We are very appreciating that you come cross so long distance from India to China. We have arranged a nice guest house already for you to give you a good rest which will make you feel at home while studying here. We'll study and train together during your stay here.

  Of course there are so many things need us to study, especially the safety knowledge. Let’s work together to have a happy and satisfactory training and study here, and wish you enjoy each of minute!

  Yours sincerely






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