



  1. I haven't what to write about.(决定)
  2. The poem gives a good of the beauties of nature.(描写)
  3. It's two O'clock.(刚刚)
  4. You idea like a good one.(听起来)
  5. This tea sweet.(闻起来)
  6. I will be to lend you the book.(高兴的,愉快的)
  7. Have you finished your poen ?(已经)
  8. Her face great joy when she heard about her son's successin business.(表示)
  9. I was about to fall asleep when I a loud noise.(听见)
  10. We were all that Wang Nan lost the game.(感到惊讶的
  1. He taught me to write an English letter.
  A. what B. whether C. which D. how
  2. THe teacher told Bill a cat on the blackboard.
  A. draw B. to draw C. drew D. drawing
  3. Would you like some fruit?No, thanks. I don't feel like anything now.
  A. to have, to eat B. having, to eat C. having, eating D. to have, eating
  4. He felt very tired, so he stopped under a big tree.
  A. to rest B. resting C. to going D. going
  5. Don't forget the door when you leave.
  A. closing B. close C. closed D. to close
  6. Did you see him out?
  A. to go B. go C. went D. gone
  7. You'd better . I think the plane is going to take off in a moment.
  A. sitting down B. sit down C. to sit down D. sat down
  8. Would you like me with you?
  A. to run B. running C. run D. runs
  9. He stopped with me, beacuse there was a call for him.
  A.talk B. talks C. talking D. to talk
  10. I'm too busy to my family often.Why not call them instead.
  A. writing B. to write C. written D. write
  1. The ice is as (clear, clearly ) as glass.
  2. The sun (soft, slftly) kisses the earth.
  3. I like to walk (slow, slowly)in the warm sunshine.
  4. Use your (imagine , imagination) and have fun.
  5. I sat in the garden and the (warm, warmth) of the sun made me feel sleepy.
  6. The classroom is usually very (noise, noisy)after class.
  7. Lucy has (gold, golden) hair.
  8. That (listens , sounds) a good idea.
  9. They were greatly (surprising, surprised) at the news that he didn't pass the exam.
  10. The water running (swift, swiftly) uncler ice





    春天来了,到处都是生气盎然。下面是爱学范文网特意整理的春天短信问候语样本集锦,希望内容能够满足各位的阅读需求,让您看完后有所收获。 1、春分到,人欢笑,桃花红,蜜蜂闹,梨花白,花枝俏,风含情,雨带笑

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