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仁爱版初中初三英语下册教案:Unit5 Topi


The main activities are 1a and 4.

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands

1. Learn some new words and a phrase:

2. Learn a useful sentence:

3. Summarize attributive clauses.

4. Let the students understand the history of China deeply. Raise the awareness of patriotism.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids


Ⅲ. Teaching ways:Five-finger Teaching Plan

Step 1 Review (时间:5分钟)

Check homework.. Ask several students to report the great men in the Long March who have influenced them most to the class.

Step 2 Presentation (时间:10分钟)

1.Introduce the book named Red Star over China.Then let Ss read some sentences about the Long March and give the correct order.

2.Check the answers. Then read it together in the correct order.

3.Look at the numbers about the Long March on the blackboard. Please find out the information related to the numbers from 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation (时间:8分钟)

1.Read 1a again and find key words:Red Star over China—wipe out—safety—begin the Long March—fear—succeed.Tetell the stories about the Long March according to the keywords on the blackboard.

2. Finish 1b.

Step 4 Practice (时间:15分钟)
1.Find out some useful expressions in Topic 2 within 2 minutes.

2.ind out some attributive clauses in Topic 1 and Topic 2 within 3 minutes.

3.Ask Ss look at the words on the blackboard.

that, which, whose, who, whom

And tell a story to Ss, then learn some new words. And then according to the example, finish 2.

4.Have a competition. Each group writes some sentences using attributive clauses as many as possible.

Step 5 Project (时间:7分钟)


Join the sentences with “that”, “which”, “whose”, “who” or “whom” to form attributive


(1)The girl is Mrs. Smith’s daughter.

She lost her way last night.

(2)I have a TV set.

It was made in Japan.

(3)I received a postcard yesterday.

The postcard was from Kangkang.

(4)I met a beautiful girl at the party yesterday.

Michael knows the girl.

(5)I know Jackie Chan.

His movies are very popular with the young.


I’m becoming more and more interested in China’s history.



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