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外研版六年级下册英语教案范文:The sun i


The sun is shining. learning aims: 1、能识别单词:shine ,everyone.并能书写sun ,sing 2、能听懂会说: The sun is shining. The birds are singing in the trees. We’re looking at some ducks. It is raining. 等句子。 3、能口头运用一般现在时态说明图片内容。教学步骤 Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims. T: Look, there is a big sun in the picture. The sun is shining. Today we’ll learn Module3 Unit1 The sun is shining. (板书课题) First,please look at our learning aims. (出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。) Step 2:Learn the new words and the key sentences. 1. Ask the students to learn the new words by themselves.① Try to read by themselves.② Listen to the tape and read after the tape.③Let the students remember the words in their own small groups. 2. Review the key sentences. T: look, what am I doing? (教师做动作,学生猜。) Ss: You are playing basketball. / You are reading a book. / You are walking. T:(教师放课件)What is he/she /they doing? Ss: He is playing table tennis/He is running/ They are playing football…(复习动词的ing形式,为后面的课文学习作好铺垫,同时营造英语学习氛围。) T: Now, let’s have a chant.(教师出示课件,学生边做动作边读。) Step3:Learn the text. Listen to the tape. T:(出示课件).Look, this is Lingling’s letter, Do you know who give the letter to Lingling? Ss: Daming. T: Yes, on Saturday, Simon, Simon’s mum and Daming, they went to the park and had a picnic. But their picnic was eaten by some ducks. It’s very funny, so Daming wrote a letter to Lingling. Now listen, what did Daming say? (播放录音,并请学生划出不理解的单词、短语或句子。) Learn the key words.:funny① T: What’s the meaning: a very funny day and sending some photos? Ss:有趣的一天和发送照片。 T: I think reading books is funny. Do you think so? S1: I think playing computer games is very funny. S2: I think…② Ask the students to read the letter correctly and skillfully. Step4.Learn the sentences about the photos 1. T: These are Daming’s photos. What’s in the photos? Ss: the sun, the birds, the ducks, the trees… T: Listen carefully then identify which picture are you listening?(学生听音分辨图片,初步感知图片训练听力。) T:The sun is… S1: The sun is shining. S2: The birds are singing in the trees…(教师板书句子,学生认读shine—shining.学生齐读,指名读,轮读。)(教师引导学生做简单的归纳) 2. 使用同样方法,学习另外两张照片。 Step 4:Finish a task 1.Look at the picture,match the sentences using the following information.(通过连线、朗读,复习所学图片的句子。) 2. Summary the key sentences in pairs. (Make sentences using “is / am / are / +v--ing”) 3. Recite the new words and the key sentences correctly and skillfully in 5 minutes. 3. Copy the new words and the key sentences correctly three times. (要求:①在四线格内书写 ②用手写体书写 ③书写要认真、细心、端正、漂亮) Blackboard Writing: The sun is shining sending\ eating\ raining\ shining In this photo, the sun is shining. We are looking at the ducks.



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