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外研版二年级英语下册教案:What’s he d


What’s he doing ?
课 时
教学目标 Teaching aims:(教学目标与要求)
1. Enable the students to use the following sentence patterns to talk about the things happening:(学生能用以下句型表述他人正在进行的动作)
What is he doing? What is she doing?
He’s…… She’s……
2. Learn to say the following phrases and spell them:(能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式)
listening to music washing clothes
cleaning the room writing a letter writing an e-mail
德育教学目标    大家要有竞争意识
重点掌握五个短语动词的ing 形式。
三.Difficult points:(教学难点)
以不发音的字母e 结尾的动词ing形式的变化。
教学难点    The same as the important points .
教学准备 课件 卡片 CD
教学板块 教与学预设
(师生活动) 教学重构

Step 1: Warm up
1.Let’s chant:(通过说唱、唱歌等形式,引入课堂)
What are you doing? I am doing the dishes. (将上节课内容串成“数
What are you doing?I am drawing pictures. 来宝”作为一个复习内容)
What are you doing?I am reading a book.
What are you doing?I am cooking dinner.
What are you doing?I am answering the phone.
2. Sing a song: What are you doing?(唱一首歌引入主题)

Step 2: Revision
1.Show students some photos, ask and answer: ––What are you doing?(学生通过句型复习五个已学过的动作)
——I’m doing the dishes\drawing pictures\cooking dinner\answering the phone\reading a book.(学生边说边做)
2.Students ask and answer in pairs.(同桌间互问互答)

Step 3. Presentation
1. T: What do you usually do on the weekend?
S: I usually……(通过对话,直接引出词组)
T: But I usually listen to music. I like listening to music very much. Look, I have a radio. Now I’m listening to music.
2. Learn to say and spell “listening to music”.(学生跟读词 组,并拼写词组)
3. Show the photos, ask and answer: (从What are you doing句型引出What is he doing?句型)
——What’s he doing?
——He’s listening to music.
4. Learn to say the following four phrases and write down the phrases on the blackboard:(继续引出其余四个词组,并将词组写在黑板上,为学生以后的活动做准备)
washing the clothes cleaning the room
writing a letter writing an e-mail
Step4. Drill and practice:
1. Look at the photos, ask and answer:(通过CAI课件中的模糊画面,让学生猜一猜他们在干什么,巩固词组)
Look and guess: (每幅图片上三个动作,看谁记得最快)
There are three actions in the pictures, guess :
Who’s that? What’s he/she doing?
2. Do an action: Students are divided into several groups. One acts teacher and says “ Everybody. Do an action.”(做“每个人做一个动作”游戏。让学生切实体会进行时的含义)
Practice the sentence patterns:
“What are you doing?”
“What is he doing?”
Step 5. Consolidation and extension:
1. Watch and listen to a short story.(听蓝猫的故事,回答蓝猫正在
1) Listen to the story twice.
2) Answer the questions:
What’s the cat doing first、next…?
2. Write and say: We are so busy!(仿造例子写自己一家正在干什么,并以对话的形式表演出来)
1) Choose the activities the family member’s doing.
Write them down and read it out.
2) Make a short dialogue according to the chart.
3) Act out the dialogue.

Step 6. Homework
Write down the dialogue “We are so busy!”

板书设计 Unit 4 What is he doing?
drawing pictures listening to music (listen)
doing the dishes washing clothes (wash)
cooking dinner cleaning the room (clean)
answering the phone writing a letter (write)
reading a book writing an e-mail (write)



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