班级 电气自动化
姓名 贾原 性别 男 年龄 21 指导老师 贾志刚 学号 2022014006 完成日期 2022.6.15 摘要
本文详细介绍了智能小车速度控制系统的硬件设计。系统主控制核心采用了STC89C528位单片机,该系统是在Keil uVision软件平台基础上设计完成的,采用了C语言编程。系统硬件包括电源模块,测速模块、显示模块及电机驱动模块的设计。在电机驱动模块中,为了提高智能小车调速的准确度和敏捷度,本设计采用PWM技术和PI算法。在测速模块中,为了提高小车测速的精确度,本设计选用了光电测速传感器进行测速。
Intelligent vehicle is an intelligent walking robot.It can be applied to unmanned vehicles,unmanned production lines,warehouses,service robots,aerospace and other fields.Intelligent vehicle can complete the exploration missions in the environment which people could not enter or survive in.Therefore,in order to let the intelligent vehicle in the best condition the further research and improve its velocity control is very necessary.
The hardware velocity control system design is introduced in detail.STC89C52 which program with C and compilation language works on the core processor of the control circuit.The system is designed based on the Keil uVsion software platform.The hardware design of control system include power module,velocity measurement module,display moduleand driving module.In driving module, PI algorithm and a way of PWM used to improve the accuracy and agility of the
vehicle’s velocity control. In velocity measurement module,photoelectric speed sensor is chosen to increase the accuracy of the velocity measurement.
Finally, from the work which has been done in this project,the conclusion can be draw that the intelligent vehicle and its control algorithm not only has the virtues of high-performance,high-reliability, but also has the auto tracing.This paper presented an experimental base for the further research.
1 绪论 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.1 本设计研究的背景和意义 ............................... 7 1.2 本设计的研究内容 ..................................... 7 2 智能小车速度控制系统的硬件设计 ............................ 9 2.1 智能小车的速度控制系统的选择 ......................... 9 2.2 速度控制算法 ........................................ 9 2.3 直流调速系统 ....................................... 10 2.4 单片机控制方案论证 .................................. 11 2.5 单片机最小系统设计 .................................. 13 2.6电源模块设计 ........................................ 14 2.6.1 智能车电源设计要点 ............................. 14 2.6.1 三端中电流正固定电压稳压芯片78M05简介 ......... 15 2.7 测速模块设计 ....................................... 16 2.7.1 测速模块方案论证 ............................... 16 2.7.2 MC-2单路测速模块简介 .......................... 17 2.8显示模块设计 ........................................ 19 2.8.1 LED数码显示器的结构与编码方式 ................. 19 2.8.2 LED数码显示器的显示电路 ....................... 21 2.9 电机驱动模块设计 .................................... 21 2.9.1 电机工作原理 ................................... 22