篇一:Domestication and Foreignization in Advertisement Translation
题目: 毕业设计(论文)说明书Domestication and Foreignization in Advertisement
系 名社会科学与外国语系
专 业科技英语
年 级 06级
姓 名 封阳阳
年月 日
At present, the world has become a highly connected and open world, the cooperation and the communication among different countries is more frequent than ever, and the traditional cultural pattern has been improved. In order to sell out more products in the world market, the most powerful way is advertising, so the translation of ads becomes essential. Domestication and foreignization are the two main ways of ads translation. Domestication focus on the effectiveness, less strange words exits in the translation, foreignization focus on the original culture. The appropriate use of domestication and foreignization can bring a lot of benefits to the merchants and the customers.
[1]Venuti, L. The translator’s invisibility –A history of translation (M) London and New York:
Routledge, 1995.
[2]Newmark A textbook of translation (M) London: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd 1988.
[3]Mueller, Barbara. International Advertising Communicating Across Cultures. Da Lian:
Northeast Financial University Press, 1998.
[4]刘金侠. 归化与异化理论在商业广告翻译中的应用与解析. 全国中文核心期刊.1998
[5]三友李静. 广告翻译中的文化转换. 中国科技翻译.1997.
[6]蒋磊. 英语文化差异与广告的语用翻译. 中国翻译.2022.
[7]凌征华. 英汉广告差异及其翻译. 全国中文核心期刊.2022.
[8]林琳,单小艳. 文化因素在广告翻译中的体现. 全国中文核心期刊.1996.
[9]贾文波. 文本类型的翻译策略导向. 上海科技翻译.1996
[10] 曹顺发. 谈广告用语的翻译. 涪陵师专学报.2022.
[11] 冯焕红. 浅谈中英语言与文化差异对广告翻译的影响. 中国校外教育.2022.
[12] 邓建辉. 广告翻译中的文化因素. 全国中文核心期刊.2022.
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Content of studies
At present, the world economy in slow recovery phase, still faces many uncertainties. Every country should undertake to promote the world economic growth. Each country is responsible to eliminate trade barriers, and jointly promote sustained world economic recovery and development. In order to gain more market share and profits, every country is positively promoting their goods across the world. Consequently, ads translation is an essential approach for the international communication of economy and culture.
As a social culture, advertisements possess bright national features. Because different country
has its distinct history, custom, culture and values, it is significant to make the consumers around the world clear of the national culture and ideology contained in the advertisement.
In the process of ads translation, domestication means bring the foreign culture closer to the reader in the target culture, and translate the foreign words by local ways so as to make the text recognizable and familiar. The ultimate goal of the advertisement is to stimulate the customers and inspire them into a buying impulse. In order to make the customer of the target language and the source language get the same effect, the appropriate application of domestication is necessary, and it will make the advertisement more effective, raise empathy among the customers. Lastly, the ultimate aim of the manufacture will be reached.
Globalization has promoted the international communication and combination in culture. In the process of ads translation, foreignization means making the target language reader travel abroad and see the differences. Foreignization designates the type of translation in which a target text “deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the “original” (Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:59). The domestication of ads translation is popular with the most youngsters, who are open-minded and courageous to experience the new things, and sensitive to the fashion. It can satisfy the needs of the youngsters to contact with the outer world. At the same time,
the youngsters are part of the consumers with largest vigor, which can realize the manufacture?s aim of winning profits. What?s more, the foreignization will help promoting each country?s culture across the world, and increasing the national reputation in the world.
Domestication and foreignization in ads translation have great impacts on the promotion of the commodity in the international market.
As an indispensable part of undergraduate education, the writing of thesis plays an important role in developing the students? ability to comprehensively apply learnt knowledge and skills to practical use. According to the Document of Tianjin University Ren?ai College issued in 2022 on the requirements of undergraduates? thesis, students should stick to the following requirements:
1. The thesis must be based on the student?s own ideas. Plagiarizing is not allowed.
2. The thesis should strictly conform to the format set by the university.
3. The length of the thesis is 5000-7000 words.
篇二:Domestication and foreignization
Domestication and foreignization are strategies in translation, regarding the degree to
which translators make a text conform to the target culture
. Domestication is the strategy of making text closely conform to the culture of the language being translated to, which may involve the loss of information from the source text. Foreignization is the strategy of retaining information from the source text, and involves deliberately breaking the conventions of the target language to preserve its meaning. These strategies have been debated for hundreds of years, but the first person to formulate them in their modern sense was Lawrence Venuti, who introduced them to the field of translation studies in 1995 with his book The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation.[1][2][1] Venuti's innovation to the field
[1]was his view that the dichotomy between domestication and foreignization was an ideological one; he views foreignization as the ethical choice for translators to make.
In his 1998 book The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference, Venuti states that "Domestication and foreignization deal with 'the question of how much a translation assimilates a foreign text to the translating language and culture, and how much it rather signals the differences of that text'".
According to Lawrence Venuti, every translator should look at the translation process through the prism of culture which refracts the source language cultural norms and it is the translator’s task to convey them, preserving their meaning and their foreignness, to the target-language text. Every step in the translation process—from the selection of foreign texts to the implementation of translation strategies to the editing, reviewing, and reading of
translations—is mediated by the diverse cultural values that circulate in the target language. He estimates that the theory and practice of English-language translation has been dominated by submission, by fluent domestication. He strictly criticized the translators who in order to minimize the foreignness of the target text reduce the foreign cultural norms to target-language cultural values. According to Venuti, the domesticating strategy “violently” erases the cultural values and thus creates a text which as if had been written in the target language and which follows the cultural norms of the target reader. He strongly advocates the foreignization
strategy, considering it to be “an ethnodeviant pressure on [target-language cultural] values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the reader abroad.” Thus an adequate translation would be the one that would highlight the foreignness of the source text and instead of allowing the dominant target culture to assimilate the differences of the source culture, it should rather signal these differences. [3]
题目来源:Red Delta (新托福考试冲刺试题)
1. page 39-29;2.page 43-39;3.page47-51;4.page 79-18
When an odorous substance enters the nose, it binds to olfactory receptor cells, the neurons lining the yellow upper portion of the nasal cavity. Olfactory receptor cells contain microscopic hairs called cilia that extend into the layer of mucus coating the inside of the nose. Odor molecules diffuse into this region and are absorbed by the cilia of the olfactory receptor cells. What this means is that when we hold a nose to our nose and inhale, odor molecules float up into the nasal cavity, where they are absorbed by five million olfactory receptor cells. The receptor cells alert the olfactory nerve, which sends impulses to the brain’s limbic system, where, in most of us, it stimulates a feeling of pleasure.
29. The word diffuse in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. drop
B. flow
C. cut
D. bend
In the study of mythology, the character known as the trickster is a god, spirit, human, or animal who breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously but usually with results that are positive. The rule breaking often takes the form of mischief or thievery. The trickster is usually male but occasionally disguises himself in female form. He can be cunning or foolish, or both, and often very humorous. His curiosity leads him into trouble, but he recues himself with his sly wit. When he plays tricks, he performs important cultural tasks that benefit humans, and for this reason the trickster is a significant figure in world mythology.
39. The word maliciously in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. destructively
B. falsely
C. bravely
D. mistakenly
The domestication of wild species led directly to denser human populations by yielding more food than the hunter-gatherer lifestyle could provide. In societies that possessed domestic animals, livestock helped to feed more people by providing meat, milk, and fertilizer, and by pulling plows. Large domestic animals became the societies’ main source of animal protein, replacing wild game, and they also furnished wool, leather, and land transport. Humans have domesticated only a few species of large animals, with “large” defined as those weighing over 100 pounds (45 kilograms). Fourteen such species were domesticated before the twentieth century, all of them terrestrial mammals and herbivores. The five most important of these are sheep, goats, pigs, horses, and cattle or oxen.
51. The word furnished in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. demanded
B. invented
C. provided
D. changed
The transportation technology of the Industrial Revolution contributed greatly to deforestation. The river steamboats that came into operation after 1830 had a voracious appetite for wood. To keep their wheels turning, steamboats typically took on fuel twice a day. The wood was supplied by thousands of “wood hawks” along the banks of the Ohio and Mississippi with stacks of cut firewood. Annual consumption of wood on riverboats continued to increase until 1865. Consequently, river valleys that had the heaviest traffic were stripped of their forests.
18. The word voracious in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. varying
B. greedy
C. strange
D. moderate
1.page39-32;(文章第5段) 2.page163-10(文章第4段)
Scent may be the strongest trigger of memory and emotions. When we inhale a scent, receptors in the brain’s limbic center compare the odor entering our nose to odors stored in our memory. Along the way, memories associated with those odors are stimulated. A smell can be overwhelmingly nostalgic because it triggers powerful images and emotions. The waxy fragrance of crayons can instantly transport us to our second-grade classroom, or the scent of freshly mown grass can flood us with the joy of summer freedom. What we see and hear may fade quickly in short-term memory, but what we smell is sent directly to long-term memory.
32. When a scent is inhaled, all of the following occur in the limbic system EXCEPT
A. The scent is compared to other scents stored in memory.
B. The scent is transmitted to the other sensory organs.
C. The brain stimulates memories associated with the scents.
D. The person may feel an emotion related to a memory.
Several control processes enable the transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory. One such process is rehearsal, or “practice makes perfect”. Rehearsal is when you repeat something to yourself over and over. The purpose behind such behavior is usually to memorize information for later use, although sometimes it is simply to hold information in short-term memory for immediate use. For example, you may rehearse a telephone number by saying it aloud so you can redial it after getting a busy signal without having to look it up again in the phone book. Another process that enables the transfer of information to long-term memory is the association of new data with data previously learned and stored in long-term memory. Thus, it is easier to learn a
new card game if you already have “card sense” from playing other games.
10. All of the following enhance the transfer of information from short-term memory to long-term memory EXCEPT
A. deciding that information is not meaningful or relevant
B. repeating information over and over to oneself
C. linking new information with data in long-term memory
D. performing a task frequently and repeatedly
1. page43-40; 2.page163-7
In the study of mythology, the character known as the trickster is a god, spirit, human, or animal who breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously but usually with results that are positive. The rule breaking often takes the form of mischief or thievery. The trickster is usually male but occasionally disguises himself in female form. He can be cunning or foolish, or both, and often very humorous. His curiosity leads him into trouble, but he recues himself with his sly wit. When he plays tricks, he performs important cultural tasks that benefit humans, and for this reason the trickster is a significant figure in world mythology.
40. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 1? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. In world mythology, every important aspect of human culture is the result of the trickster’s behavior.
B. The trickster develops human culture by tricking people into performing dangerous cultural tasks.
C. When the trickster wants to be helpful, he devises a trick that will teach people what is important.
D. The trickster is an important mythological character because his tricks contribute positively to human culture.
Several control processes enable the transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory. One such process is rehearsal, or “practice makes perfect”. Rehearsal is when you repeat something to yourself over and over. The purpose behind such behavior is usually to memorize information for later use, although sometimes it is simply to hold information in short-term memory for immediate use. For example, you may rehearse a telephone number by saying it aloud so you can redial it after getting a busy signal without having to look it up again in the phone book. Another process that enables the transfer of information to long-term memory is the association of new data with data previously learned and stored in long-term memory. Thus, it is easier to learn a new card game if you already have “card sense” from playing other games.
7. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 4? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. Usually information is rehearsed so it can be used later, but sometimes it is rehearsed so it can be used right away.
B. There are several reasons for memorizing information; the most common reason is to improve short-term memory.
C. The belief that “practice makes perfect” causes people to repeat certain behavior even when the behavior is very complex.
D. It is fairly simple to keep information in short-term memory, but it is difficult to send it to long-term memory.
1.page40-49; 2.page168-25
37. Look at the four squares, A, B, C, and D, which indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?
One of these structures is a kind of central processing unit that connects memory with physical functions.
The limbic system of the brain integrates memory, emotion, and behavior. The system is composed of a group of related nervous system structures that are the functional center of emotions such as anger, fear, pleasure, and sadness. A The components of the limbic systems are linked to the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain involved in complex learning, reasoning, and personality. B The cerebral cortex makes decisions about the emotional content of these unique human qualities after “consulting” the limbic system and other brain centers in processing and retrieving memories. C it may, in turn, use memories to modify behavior. D
25. Look at the four squares, A, B, C, and D, which indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?
Railroad construction required enormous amounts of capital and was financed in diverse ways.
A In Britain and the United States, private companies built hundreds of uncoordinated rail projects, nut in continental Europe railroad construction became a concern of the state, which provided overall control and a large share of capital. B Until 1914, the building of railroads remained the most important reason for the export of capital as well as the main method of developing new territories. C British capital financed the majority of the railroads built in India, Canada, and Latin America. D The U.S. transcontinental railroad played a key role in populating and developing huge tracts of land in North America, as did the Trans-Siberian Railway in Asia.
1.page47-55;(第4段) 2.page119-10;(第6段) 3.page135-54;(第2段)
Domestication involves transforming wild animals into something more useful to humans. Truly domesticated animals differ in many ways from their wild ancestors. These differences result from two processes: human selection of individual animals that are more useful to humans than other
individuals of the same species, and evolutionary responses of animals to the forces of natural selection operating in human environments rather than in wild environments.
55. According to the passage, what is one reason that domesticated animals differ from their wild ancestors?
A. Wild animals find food easily, but domesticated animals must work for food.
B. Domesticated animas live near humans, so they forget their wild ancestors.
C. Animals’ evolutionary responses in captivity differ from those in the wild.
D. More animals survive in human environments than in wild environments.
Construction techniques were refined and extended over the next several decades to produce what architectural historians have called “true sky scrapers”, buildings over twenty stories high. The invention of steel was particularly significant, as steel T-beams and I-beams replaced iron in these new structures. Steel weighs less than half as much as masoy and exceeds both masoy and iron in tension and compression strength as well as resistance to fatigue. Steel rivets replaced iron bolts and were in turn replaced by electric are wilding in the 1920s. The skyscraper’s steel skeleton could meet all the structural requirements while occupying very little interior space. Exterior curtain walls could be quite thin, since their only function now was to let in light and keep the weather out.
10. According to the passage, why did steel replace iron in the construction of skyscrapers?
A. Steel is stronger than iron and resists fatigue better.
B. Steel allows architects more freedom of expression.
C. Steel is more available and less expensive than iron.
D. Steel does not rust, so it lasts longer than iron does.
Other photographic images of Mars revealed its seasonally changing polar ice caps and features that appeared to be ancient islands located in what was now a dry streambed. When the islands were first discovered, some scientists speculated that a thick water-laden atmosphere capable of generating heavy rains had once existed on Mars. However, others remained unconvinced of the presence of water. Then, in 1963, a team of astronomers obtained a good photographic plate of the near-infrared spectrum of Mars. The photograph showed that, faintly but definitely, water vapor lines could be seen. This photograph established that there really was water on Mars, though the amount was very small. Today, the presence of water vapor in the Martian atmosphere is generally accepted, as is the belief that the atmosphere was once much denser than it is now, with a much greater abundance of water vapor.
54. What discovery led some scientist to think that the Martian atmosphere had produced heavy rains in the past?
A. a network of canals on the surface
B. Ancient islands in a dry streambed
C. Water vapor lines on a photographic plate
D. Volcanic cones near the planet’s North Pole