



大于10时歧化成有一定氧化能力的氯酸盐和氯酸盐离子,但据报道如果浓度太高就会对身体有害。在溶液中二氧化氯是不稳定的,即使在氧化过程中二氧化氯有比导致阴离子占主导地位的亚氯酸盐和氯酸盐更强的氧化能力。根据方程(6)和(8),二氧化氯的实际浓度依靠氯、亚氯酸盐和氯酸盐的存在,他们的浓度是由溶液的pH值决定的。因此,pH值是二氧化氯、氯酸盐和氯酸盐浓度至关重要的控制因素。后两个有害离子能被很快去除,pH值在5~7时通过减少代理例如二氧化硫-亚硫酸盐离子。二价铁可用于去除水中的亚氯酸盐和在pH值5~7时使氧化还原反应更加迅速。很明显分解在酸性条件下比在碱性条件下更好,因为在碱性条件下二氧化氯的歧化数量通过反应被消耗。对于饮用水处理,有建议指出0.8毫克/升的氯气和0.5毫克/升的二氧化氯混合物将达到消毒和控制三卤甲烷的形成在优先使用纯二氧化氯。根据美国环保局用水标准,二氧化氯的残留量被限制在0.8毫克/升,它将趋于0.4毫克/升的目标。 4.消毒剂对病原体的控制





K = Cηt (9)


K —在固定的pH和温度条件下一个给定的微生物被消毒剂处理的常数; C —消毒剂的浓度(毫克/升); η—稀释经验系数;

t —要求达到一定灭活比例的时间。


表.5CT值(毫克?分钟/ L)对于通过使用4种消毒剂隐孢子虫和贾第虫包囊的消毒

原生动物臭氧 二氧化氯氯 氯胺 贾第虫包囊(pH6. 9 , 5 ℃) 0. 34.316~47 365 隐孢子虫包囊(pH7 , 25 ℃) 5~10 7872022200平均Ct值在pH为7和温度为5°C时是11.9毫克·分钟/升,在pH为7和温度为25°C时下降至5.2毫克·分钟/升。高温通常能增强消毒的效果,但低温达到对应效果需要额外的接触时间或过量的消毒剂。ClO2的最佳性能是在pH为9和温度为25°C的条件下生成Ct产物的速率为2.8毫克·分钟/升。二



微生物 臭氧 二氧化氯氯 氯胺 (pH6~7)(pH6~7) (pH6~7)(pH8~9)大肠杆菌 0.020.4~0.750.034~0.0595~180 脊髓灰质炎0.1~0.2 0.2~6.7 1.1~2.5768~3740 轮状病毒 0.006~0.06 0.2~2.10.01~0.05 3806~6476 囊肿G的鞭毛虫 0.5~0.6 26 47~150 2200 G的鞭虫囊肿1.8~2.0 7.2~18.5 30~630 1400 平均Ct值在pH为7和温度为5°C时是11.9毫克·分钟/升,在pH为7和温度为25°C时下降至5.2毫克·分钟/升。高温通常能增强消毒的效果,但低温达到对应效果需要额外的接触时间或过量的消毒剂。ClO2的最佳性能是在pH为9和温度为25°C的条件下生成Ct产物的速率为2.8毫克·分钟/升。二氧化氯对隐孢子虫卵囊似乎比氯或氯胺更有效。在pH为7,温度为25°C的条件下卵囊暴露一小时还原脱囊从87%到5%。基于此,统计计算Ct产物为78毫克·分钟/升。然而,对于臭氧做这个实验是检查5~10毫克·分钟/升Ct产物从观测与浓度1毫克/升的臭氧反应五分钟后脱囊从84%减少到0%。如同其他消毒剂一样,随着温度降低减少Ct值和改善杀孢囊反应。随着温度意外降低使Ct值从高达6.35毫克·分钟/升在pH为5减少到低于2.91毫克·分钟/升在pH为9。一般规则,即对原生动物臭氧时最好的杀孢囊剂,二氧化氯优于氯和碘,但总体上氯优于氯胺。




图表1臭氧和二氧化氯对大肠菌群消毒效率的比较 5.饮用水消毒的趋势


鉴于实用性、有效性、可操作性和成本,在所有目前使用的这些消毒工艺中应优先考虑紫外线消毒方式,特别是在发展中国家。这种中低压紫外线存在的巨大潜能适应于各种规模的供水厂。研究已证实非常低的紫外线剂量可以十分有效的灭活卵囊。此外,中低压灯的比较证明没有显著差异。通过在3、6和9毫焦/平方厘米剂量下使用低压紫外线,卵囊灭活水平生成量在3.4—3.7观测日。在超过1浊度水的紫外线试验中,中压紫外线的消毒能力没有受到影响,而且卵囊的高效灭活仍然可以实现。 6.结论




Study on Disinfection and Anti – microbial Technologies for Drinking Water

ZHU Kun, FU Xiao Yong

(Dept. of Environmental Engineering, LAN Zhou Railway University, LAN Zhou 730070, China)

Abstract: Disinfection by-products produced by the reaction between chlorine and dissolved organic compounds and other chemicals are considered as a worrying problem in the drinking water treatment process since a series of mutagenic carcinogen substances are formed including trihalomethanes (THMs). Among the tested disinfectants(chlorine , ozone , chlorine dioxide , potassium permanganate , chloramines and hydrogen peroxide etc. ) , chlorine dioxide has proved to be the most feasible and effective oxidant for drinking water treatment and removal of pathogens due to its oxidation efficiency , low cost and simple way of utilization. A series of experiments indicate that chlorine dioxide can significantly restrain production of trihalomethanes (THMs) and control bacteria growth particularly for Cryptosporidium oocysts. The experiments verified that both ozone and chlorine dioxide are absolutely vital to ensure thtion of water storage are destroyed. The paper discusses oxidation capacity of chlorine dioxide, especially for removing petroleum compounds, which is affected by reaction time, gas injection way, and pH of treated water.

Key words: disinfection; oxidants; water treatment; pathogens; chlorine dioxide CLC number: X523 Document code: A 1Introduction

Chemical and filtration processes are two main methods used in China for treating drinking water meanwhile UV radiation has been used successfully for water treatment with relatively low flow rate. On the individual family level, usually chemical treatment is a feasible alternative. The following guidelines exist for the selection of suitablal of contaminants should be done by decomposition, evaporation or precipitation etc, to eliminate or decrease the toxicity, oxidants or reaction

by-products should not be harmful to human health, and the purification processes should be practical and economical. The objective of this paper is to evaluate and discuss available disinfectants for drinking water treatment. The different disinfectants are compared regarding purification efficiencies and application approaches.

2Comparison of

O3 > ClO2 > HOCl > OCl - > NHCl2 > NH2Cl

Referring to Fiessinger′s [2] suggestion, the properties of these disinfectants are compared in Tab. 1. Chlorine is shown to be an excellent disinfectant to prevent waterborne diseases such as typhoid fever over long periods. Chlorine reacts not only within oxidation, but also by electrophilic substitution to produce a variety of chlorinated organic by - products, particularly trihalomethanes (THMs) and other mutagens.








dibromochloromathane and bromodichloromathane etc. Since the 1970`s, the usage of Cl2 in drinking water disinfection has been questioned with ozone being substituted as the preferred disinfectant in the water supply plants. But , ozone could not be introduced to the rural farmer community due to its high costs and short half - life (15~20 min. ) . As with other disinfectants, ozonation also leads to formation of organic by - product s such as aldehyde, ketones, and carboxylic acids, and also mutagenicity may be induced if bromic anion exists. Tab. 1 Comparison of various oxidants

Comparison Cl2 ClO2 O3KMnO4 NH2Cl H2O2 THM formation + + + - - -- - Disinfection effects++ + ++ + ++ - + -+ Enhanced biodegradability++ + + + + - + Taste removal- ++ + + - + Iron and manganese++ + ++ + ++ - +

Ammonia+ + + - -- -- Formation of mutagens or toxic substances+ ++ - + - + -+ -+ - - no effect ;+ little effect ;+ + effect ;+ + + largest effect

Many studies have pointed out that disinfection is absolutely vital to ensure that any microorganisms arising from fecal contamination of water storage are destroyed. The selection of the available disinfectant s must concern to reduce risk from microbial contamination of drinking water and the potential increase in risk from chemical contamination that result from using any of the disinfectant s. The biocidal efficiency of commonly used disinfectants - ozone, chlorine dioxide, chlorine and chloramines are ranked almost with the same order as the oxidizing capacity, but the stability of those are following the order as [3]:

Chloramines > Chlorine dioxide > Chlorine > Ozone 3Purification of organic pollutants by chlorine dioxide

According to WHO guideline for drinking water quality, much consideration should be paid to benzene homologous compounds; therefore, the study on purification effect s of chlorine dioxide is focused on petrochemical pollutants. A series of experiment s were carried out to simulate the oxidation processes of contaminated water. The polluted solutions were prepared in a dark barrel (10L capacity) of seven kinds of benzene homologous compounds-Benzene , toluene , ethyl benzene , p-phenylmethane, o-phenylmethane, m-phenylmethane and styrene. Samples were taken to determine the initial concentration of the compounds prior to the test s. Standard chlorine dioxide solution was produced from sodium chlorite reacted with HCl solution of 10% [4]. The GR - 16A Gas - chromatograph with FID detector Shenyang LZ-2022 was used for measurement of Cl2, ClO2, ClO-2 and ClO-3[5]. Oil concentrations were determined with an UV -120-20 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu) following the procedure described by APHA [4]. Organic compounds in the water samples were measured with a GC-MS (QP-1000A). ClO2 and O3 were standardized by iodimetric titration at pH7.

For the purpose of chemical disinfection for drinking water, chlorine was instantaneously ignored due to the formation of THMs and other mutagenic substances. The results indicated that potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide did not have enough oxidation capability to decompose petroleum contaminant s achieving only 46 %, and 5.7% decomposition of styrene, respectively. Ozone could not be selected due to it s high cost, complex operation and short half-life although it is an excellent oxidant for water treatment. Chlorine dioxide was the next most successful alternative for disinfection. The benefit s include-effective oxidation capacity, algicidal effect and negligible formation of halogenated by-products. Based on economic and operational requirement, the mixing gas method is easily used. The results obtained suggest that disinfection of drinking water with ozone and or chlorine dioxide seems to be a suitable alternatives to the use of NaClO for cont rolling the formation of non-volatile mutagens[6].

In the laboratory experiments, the oxidants ozone, chlorine dioxide, potassium permanganate and the mixing gas (mainly contained ClO2 and a certain amount of Cl2, O3 and H2O2) were tested for removal of the petroleum compounds, and results are shown in Tab. 2.

Tab. 2 Comparison of oxidation capacity for the various oxidants

Organic Compounds Initial conc.O3ClO2H2O2Mixing Gas KMnO4 / mg·L – 1Oil11. 34 67. 245. 8061. 8 0 Benzene3. 61 78. 3 71. 40 82. 30 Toluene 5. 23 91. 883. 0095. 2 0 Ethyl benzene8. 37 95. 191. 1094. 5 0 p–phenylmethane 7. 86 95. 890. 50100 o-phenylmethane 8. 36 95. 990. 301000 m–phenylmethane9. 29 95. 487. 3 0 1000 Styrene 9. 36 96. 284. 7 5. 7 100 46. 1 A study was conducted to elucidate the decay pathway of monochloramine in the

presence and absence of natural organic matter (NOM) [7]. It was found that natural organic matter acted primarily as a reductant rather than catalyst. This conclusion was verified using a redox balance, and much of oxidizing capacity of monochloramine goes towards NOM oxidation. Cleaning agents and disinfectants from house keeping, hospitals, kitchens are sources of absorbable halogenated organic compounds (AOX) in municipal wastewater. The amount of AOX generated strongly depends on the nature and concentrations of dissolved and solid organic compounds, the concentration of active substances, temperature, pH and reaction time [8] When the mixing gases react with water molecules and organic micro-pollutants, hypochlorous acid is formed by chlorine, chlorite and chlorate ions are produced from chlorine dioxide in a series of redox reactions. The principal reactions are summarized as follows:

ClO2 + organic →ClO -2 + oxidized organic (1)

2ClO -2 + Cl2 = 2ClO2 + 2Cl - (2) 2ClO -2+ HOCl = 2ClO2 + 2Cl - + OH- (3) 2ClO2 + HOCl + H2O = 2ClO - 3 + HCl + 2H+ (4)

The rate of chlorate yield can be described by Equation (5):

d [ClO3]/ d t = 2 k [ClO2] [HOCl] (5)

in which k = 1.28 M/ min at 25 ℃ [9].

The stoichiometry of the undesirable reactions that form chlorate in low concentration of chlorite or presents of excess chlorine is given as:

ClO -2 + Cl2 + H2O = ClO - 3 + 2Cl - + 2H+ (6) ClO - 2 + HOCl = ClO - 3 + Cl - + H+ (7)

At alkaline conditions:

ClO -2 + HOCl + OH- = ClO - 3 + Cl - + H2O (8)

Typically, chlorine dioxide is used in drinking water treatment and the concentrations are ranging from 0.1 to 2.0 mg/L [10]. However, the relevant by - products of chlorine dioxide treatment-chlorite and chlorate have been found to induce methemoglobinemia in the human body when concentrations are more than 100 mg/L [11]. The oxidation results of the organic contaminants were affected by

reaction time. The initial concentrations and removal rate at different times are listed in Tab. 3. It is shown that chlorine dioxide has a very strong oxidation capability including the break down of the benzene ring. There are no other commonly used oxidants to do like this except for ozone.

Tab. 3 Removal rate of tested organic compounds at different operating time (at pH7) CompoundsInitial concern Removal rate/ % / mg·L – 1 2 min 10 min 15 min Oil 18. 12 45. 846. 947. 3 Benzene 41. 25 14. 141. 260. 7 Toluene 31. 75 17. 554. 986. 8 Ethylbenzene 16. 15 24. 763. 589. 8 p-phenylmethane10. 7525. 9 84. 9100 o-phenylmethane30. 2520. 9 79. 1100 m-phenylmethane33. 2022. 6100100Styrene62. 40100100100 The injecting method for chlorine dioxide gas into the solution also has an apparent influence on the removal rate. With the indirect method, the gas firstly was dissolved in a certain amount of distilled water, and then added to the tested organic solutions, as a result, removal rates appear lower than for the direct blowing method. The main reason for the difference is due to the conversion and decomposition of chlorine dioxide in the dissolving process before the reaction. It is confirmed from Tab. 3 that the removal rate was proportional to operating time. Since chlorine dioxide showed very strong oxidation capability for organic chemicals but was reduced to chlorite anion according to Equation (4), and the removal rate initially appeared quite high. Then, chlorite keeps the oxidation capacity at a level, which allows decomposition of the organic compounds to continue even though the oxidation reaction gradually became weaker with reaction time. The experiment indicated that pH values significantly influenced the removal rate of the organic compounds. The differences of degradation rates in a variety of pH through indirect input way are

shown in Tab. 4.

Tab. 4 Degradation rate of benzene homologous compounds with indirect method at different pH (after 15 min)

CompoundsInitial concern Removal rate/ %/ mg·L – 1pH5pH7pH10 Benzene 5 54. 0 48. 2 24. 1 Toluene 571. 7 63. 5 52. 6 Ethylbenzene 5 84. 2 78. 7 73. 5 p–phenylmethane 584. 477. 673. 0 o-phenylmethane 584. 1 80. 3 73. 7 m–phenylmethane584. 09. 870. 4 Styrene 5 100. 098. 790. 5 There are, however, some disadvantages with ClO2, such as easy loss from solution due to volatilization, and disproportionation above pH 10 into chlorate and chlorite ions that are of certain oxidation capacity, but reported to be harmful to health if the concentration is too high. Chlorine dioxide was unstable in the solution even though it has a stronger oxidation capability than chlorite and chlorate as the two resulted in anions being dominant in the oxidation processes. The actual concentration of chlorine dioxide depended on the existence of chlorine, chlorite and chlorate whose concentrations were determined by pH values of the solution according to Equations (6) and (8) respectively. Consequently, the pH is the critical controlling factor in the concentrations of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate. The latter two harmful ions can be removed quite quickly by treatment with a reducing agent such as sulfur dioxide - sulfite ion at pH values of 5~7[10 ,12]. Fe (II) can be used to eliminate chlorite from the water , and the redox reaction is kinetically more rapid at pH 5~7 as well[13]. It was evident that the decomposition in acidic conditions was much better than that in alkaline conditions because a disproportional amount of chlorine dioxide was consumed by the reactions under alkaline conditions. For drinking water treatment, it has been suggested that the mixture of chlorine 0.8 mg/L and chlorine

dioxide 0.5 mg/L will achieve disinfection and control THMs formation in preference to use of pure chlorine dioxide[14]. According to USEPA drinking water standard, the residue of ClO2 is limited as 0.8 mg/L that tends to the goal of 0.4 mg/L. 4Control of pathogens with disinfectants

Human pathogens that are transmitted by water including bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Organisms transmitted by water usually grow in the intestinal tract and leave the body in the feces. Thus, they are infections. Fecal pollution of water supplies may then occur, and if the water is not properly treated, the pathogens enter a new host when the water is consumed, therefore, it may be infectious even if it contains only a small number of pathogenic organisms. Most outbreaks of waterborne diseases are due to breakdowns in treatment systems or are a result of post contamination in pipelines.

The microorganisms of concern are those which can cause human discomfort, illness or diseases. These microbes are comprised of numerous pathogenic bacteria, viruses, certain algae and protozoa etc. The disinfection efficiency is typically measured as a specific level of cyst inactivation. Protozoan cysts are the most difficult to destroy. Bacteria and viral inactivation are considered adequate if the requirement for cyst inactivation is met. Therefore, water quality standard for the disinfection of water have been set at microorganisms, usually take the protozoan cysts as indicator, so viruses will be adequately controlled under the same operation conditions required for inactivation of protozoan cysts. The widely found drinking water contamination is caused by protozoan that is a significant intestinal pathogens in diary cattle, likely a source of this outbreak.

There are two of the most important protozoa - Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts those are known to outbreak diseases, frequently are found in nature and drinking water storage ponds. Protozoa form protective stages like oocysts that allow them to survive for long periods in water while waiting to be ingested by a host. Protozoa cysts are not effectively removed by storing water because of their small size and density. Cryptosporidium oocysts have a setting velocity of 0.5 um/s. Therefore, if the water tank is 2 m deep, it will take the oocyst 46 days to settle to the

bottom. Giardia cysts are much large and have a great settling velocity of 5.5um/s. It was evident that chlorine and chloramines were ineffective against Cryptosporidium oocysts, which was discovered to be amazingly resistant to chlorine, and only ozone and chlorine dioxide may be suitable disinfectants [15]. The investigations have verified that Cryptosporidium is highly resistant to chorine, even up 14 times as resistant as the chlorine resistant Giardia, therefore methods for removing it in past rely on sedimentation and filtration. Watson′s Law to study protozoan disinfection, reads as follows:

K = Cηt (9)

In the formula:

K ——constant for a given microorganism exposed to a disinfectant under a fixed set of pH and temperature conditions; C ——disinfectant concentration (mg/ L); η——empirical coefficient of dilution ;

t ——time required to achieve the fixed percentage inactivation.

For the preoxidation and reduction of organic pollutants , the recommended dosages are between 0. 5~2. 0 mg/ L with contact time as 15~30 min depending on the pollutants characteristics in the water. In the case of post - disinfection , the safe dosages of ClO2 are 0. 2~0.4 mg/L. At these dosages, the potential by - products chlorite and chlorate do not constitute any health hazard [16]. The relation between disinfectant concentration and contact time can be established by using Ct products based on the experimental data. From this the effectiveness of disinfectants can be evaluated based on temperature, pH value and contact time. Since Cryptosporidium has become a focus of regulatory agencies in the United States and United Kingdom, the prospects of controlling this pathogen show more considerable. The comparison of the Ct values by using ozone , chlorine dioxide , chlorine and chloramines for Giardia and Cryptosporidium cyst s are listed in Tab. 5[17 ,18 ] , and for some microorganisms disinfection are displayed in Tab. 6[19 ] .

Tab. 5 Ct values (mg·min/ L.) for disinfection of Giardia and Cryptosporidium cysts by using 4 disinfectants

ProtozoaOzoneChlorine dioxide ChlorineChloramines Giardia (pH6. 9 , 5 ℃) 0. 34. 316~47365 Cryptosporidium (pH7 , 25 ℃) 5~1078 72022200Tab. 6 Comparison of value intervals for the product Ct (mg·min/ L) for the inactivation of various microorganisms by using 4 disinfectants

MicroorganismsOzoneChlorine dioxideChlorine Chloramines (pH6~7)(pH6~7)(pH6~7) (pH8~9)

E. Coli 0. 020. 4~0. 75 0. 034~0. 05 95~180 Polio 1 0. 1~0. 2 0. 2~6. 7 1. 1~2. 5768~3740 Rotavirus0. 006~0. 060. 2~2. 1 0. 01~0. 053806~6476 Cysts of G. Lamblia0. 5~0. 6 2647~150 2200 Cysts of G. muris1. 8~2. 07. 2~18. 530~630 1400 The mean Ct value for ClO2 at pH 7 and 5 ℃was 11. 9 mg·min/ L, and dropped to 5.2 at pH 7 and 25 ℃. High temperatures normally enhance the efficiency of disinfectants while lower temperatures have opposite effects requiring additional contact time or extra quantity of disinfectants. The best performance for ClO2 is at pH 9 and 25 ℃, which yields a Ct product of 2.8 mg·min/ L [20]. Chlorine dioxide appears to be more efficient for Cryptosporidium oocysts than either chlorine or monochloramine. Exposure of oocysts to 1.3 mg·min/ L at pH 7 reduces excystation from 87 % to 5 % in a hour at 25 ℃. Based on this result, Ct product of 78 mg·min/ L was calculated. However, the Ct product for ozone to do this work was examined as 5 - 10 mg·min/ L from observation that excystation decreased from 84 % to 0 % after 5 minutes with the ozone concentration of 1 mg/ L [15]. As with other disinfectants, increasing temperature decreased the Ct values and improved the cysticidal action. Increasing temperature unexpectedly reduced the Ct values from a high of 6.35 mg·min/ L at pH5 to a low of 2.91 mg·min/ L at pH 9[20]. It is generally the rule, that for protozoa ozone is the best cysticide, chlorine dioxide is superior to chlorine and

iodine, but chlorine, in overall, is much superior to chloramines [21].

Although disinfection efficiency of ozone is higher than chlorine dioxide, this difference can be compensated by the contact time. The experiment indicated that chlorine dioxide could reach the same results for disinfection of coliform bacteria as ozone did if time lasted long enough, which can be seen in Fig. 1. The added concentrations of both of ozone and chlorine dioxide were 2 mg/ L.

Control of Cryptosporidium oocysts in potable water requires an integrated multiple barrier approach. Coagulation is critical in the effective control of Cryptosporidium by clarification and filtration. Dissolved air floatation can achieve oocysts removal of 3 logs compared to about 1 log by sedimentation. Dissolved air floatation and filtration provide two effective barriers to Cryptosporidium oocysts with cumulative log removal of 4 to 5 compared to log removals of 3 to 4 by sedimentation and filtration [22].

Fig. 1 Comparison of disinfection efficiency between ozone and chlorine dioxide on coliform bacteria

5Tendency of disinfection for drinking water

In the future, the burden of producing water with low pathogen level and low tastes and odor will be allocated to a combination of steps, including source water protection, coagulation - flocculation - sedimentation, filtration, floatation, membrane processes and adsorption. Some form of terminal treatment with chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, UV, or other agents will also be required. No single step can or should be expected to shoulder the entire burden to controlling a given contaminant. With the development of techniques, new chemical and physical agents will meet tests of practicability for use in water treatment and will reduce pathogens. These may include electromagnetic fields and other forms of treatment with light or sonic energy [23].

In light of availability, efficacy, operability and costs, the priority should be given to ultraviolet method among all of the currently utilized disinfection technologies, particularly in developing countries. The medium and low - pressure UV extends tremendous potential promise for adaptation into various scale water supply plants. The researches have validated that extremely low dosage of UV can be

highly effective for inactivate oocysts [24]. Furthermore, comparison of medium and low - pressure lamps demonstrated no significant differences. By using low - pressure UV at the dosage of 3 , 6 and 9 mJ/ cm2 , oocyst inactivation levels were yielded between 3.4 and 3.7 log. In the trials of UV in water with turbidity of more than 1 NTU, the ability of medium – pressure was not affected, and high level of oocysts inactivation could still be achieved. 6Conclusions

To purify drinking water, chlorine dioxide can be chosen instead of chlorine, ozone and other disinfectants because of it s advantages of high efficiency of disinfection, competent stability, low cost and simple utilizing way etc. Both ozone and ClO2 are absolutely vital to ensure that any microorganisms arising from fecal contamination of water storage are destroyed. The utilization of chlorine dioxide has been found to efficiently restrict protozoa growth, to disinfect from bacteria and viruses. Taking the protozoan cysts as indicator in which Cryptosporidium oocysts were solidly resistant to chlorine, but chlorine dioxide may be suitable disinfectants to mutilate. Thus, viruses will be adequately controlled by chlorine dioxide under the same operation conditions required for inactivation of protozoan cysts. The experiment indicated that chlorine dioxide could reach the same results for disinfection of coliform bacteria as ozone did if time lasted long enough although disinfection efficiency of ozone is higher than chlorine dioxide.

It is an obvious preference for chlorine dioxide to pragmatically remove oil and benzene homologous compounds in water treatment meanwhile the formation of mutagenic and toxic substances is limited. The degradation rate was proportional to input amount of oxidants and increase of operating time. The dosage input , in overall , is suggested to range between 0. 5~2.0 mg/ L. The effective pH at which reactions occur is in the slightly acid range of 5 to 7 at which formation of chlorite and chlorate is minimized. The chlorine dioxide gas should be injected directly into the treated water body, so that high concentrations of ClO2 can be kept in the solution. Under these conditions, the elimination rate for organic pollutants will be much higher. For the storage system, input dosage of chlorine dioxide concentration should be higher

than that in laboratory studies due to complex pollutants in treated water. References:

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(兰州铁道学院环境工程系, 甘肃兰州 730070)

摘 要:饮用水处理消毒过程中可产生一系列致癌物质,主要是氯与水中的有机物和其它化学成分反应的结果,其中典型产物有三氯甲烷. 通过对常用消毒剂液氯,臭氧,二氧化氯,高锰酸钾,氯胺及过氧化氢的实验对比,证明二氧化氯是高效,方便,廉价的消毒剂. 它不仅对一般病原菌类有明显的抑制和杀菌作用,对清除难以灭杀的潜原性病毒也有理想的效果. 在净化水中石油类有机物时,二氧化氯的效果受到反应时间,注入方式和pH 值的影响. 关键词:消毒;氧化剂;水处理;病原菌;二氧化氯 中图分类号:X523 文献标识码:A



朱琨 伏小勇



关键词:消毒;氧化剂;水处理;病原菌;二氧化氯 中图分类号:X523文献标识码:A 导言

在中国化学及过滤过程是用于处理饮用水的两种主要方法,与此同时紫外线照射已经被成功的应用于相对流速较低的水处理。对于个别家庭水平,通常化学处理是一种可供选择的可行方法。下属的准则存在于合适消毒剂的选择:反应必须强烈,足够消灭细菌和控制微生物生长,污染物通过分解,蒸发,沉淀等被去除,为了排除或减少毒性,氧化剂或反应副产物不应该对人体健康有害,而净水过程要使用经济。这篇文章的目的是评价和讨论对于饮用水处理可供利用的消毒剂。不同消毒剂的对比主要是净水效率和使用范围。 消毒剂的比较


这些药剂的氧化能力按效率降低排序如下: O3 > ClO2 > HOCl > OCl - > NHCl2 > NH2Cl



氯胺 >二氧化氯 >氯>臭氧

表.1 不同氧化剂的比较

比较Cl2 ClO2 O3 KMnO4 NH2Cl H2O2 三溴甲烷的构造 + + +- - - - - 消毒剂的效果++ + + + + + + - + -+ 增强生物可降解性+ + ++ ++ - + 除味-+ + ++ - + 铁和锰 ++ + + + + + + - + 氨 + + +- - - -- 诱变剂或毒性物质的构造 + ++ - + - + -+ -+ - - 没有影响 ;+ 影响很小 ;++ 有影响 ;+++影响最大 3.有机污染物通过二氧化氯的净化法


种异体混合物,因此关于二氧化氯净化效率的研究被集中在石油化学污染物。一系列实验被执行去模拟受污染水的氧化过程。受污染溶液被制成一个有7种苯的同源性化合物 - 苯、甲苯、乙苯、对 - 苯基甲烷、邻 - 苯基甲烷、米 - 苯基甲烷和苯乙烯的黑色桶(10升容量)内。样本被用于确定该化合物的初始浓度比前测试。标准生产的二氧化氯溶液是由亚氯酸钠与盐酸溶液反应的10%。沈阳LZ–2022的FID检测器GR–16A气相色谱仪被用于Cl2, ClO2, ClOˉ2 和 ClOˉ3的检测。油浓度用美国卫生协会编程设计的紫外光-120-20分光光度计(日本岛津)确定。水样中的有机成分用气相色谱—质谱仪(QP—1000A)测定。对于饮用水化学消毒的目的,由于三卤甲烷和其他诱变物质的形成氯气被瞬间忽视。结果表明,高锰酸钾和过氧化氢没有足够的氧化分解能力对石油污染物分别只有实现46%,5.7%的苯乙烯分解。不可能被选为虽然臭氧是一个优秀的水处理氧化剂,但由于它的高费用、复杂的操作以及半衰期短而不可能被选中。二氧化氯是未来最成功的消毒剂替代品。它的好处包括:有效的氧化能力、溶藻效果和微不足道的卤化副产品的形成。根据经济和运行的要求,混合气体的方法要容易使用。上述结果表明,饮用水使用臭氧或二氧化氯消毒,似乎是对次氯酸钠控制非挥发性致突变物形成的一个合适的替代品。



有机化合物初始浓度O3ClO2 H2O2 新鲜气体 KMnO4 / mg·L – 1石油 11. 34 67. 245. 8061. 80 苯3. 61 78. 371. 4082. 30 甲苯5. 23 91. 883. 0095. 20 乙苯8. 37 95. 191. 1094. 50 p-苯基 7. 8695. 890. 501000 o-苯基 8. 3695. 990. 301000 m–苯基9. 2995. 487. 301000

苯乙烯9. 36 96. 284. 7 5.7 100 46.1 进行的一项研究阐明了在天然有机物存在和不存在的情况下氯胺的腐蚀路径。结果发现,天然有机物主要充当的是还原剂而不是催化剂。这一结论使用氧化还原平衡得到了验证,大多氯胺的氧化能力是对天然有机物的去除氧化。在城市废水在来自于家庭饲养,医院,厨房的清洁剂和消毒剂是可吸附有机卤化物的来源。可吸附有机卤化物剧烈产生的数量依赖于它的性质和溶解固体有机物浓度、活性物质的浓度、温度、pH值和反应时间。当混合气体、水分子和有机微污染物反应时,次氯酸是由氯,氯酸盐组成,氯酸盐离子是在一系列氧化还原反应中从二氧化氯产生的。主要反应式总结如下:

ClO2 + 有机物→ClO -2 + 氧化有机物(1) 2ClO -2 + Cl2 = 2ClO2 + 2Cl - (2) 2ClO -2+ HOCl = 2ClO2 + 2Cl - + OH- (3) 2ClO2 + HOCl + H2O = 2ClO - 3 + HCl + 2H+ (4)


d[ClO3]/ dt = 2k[ClO2][HOCl](5)

在其中k = 1.28米/分,在25℃。


ClO -2 + Cl2 + H2O = ClO - 3 + 2Cl - + 2H+ (6) ClO - 2 + HOCl = ClO - 3 + Cl - + H+ (7) 在碱性条件:

ClO -2 + HOCl + OH- = ClO - 3 + Cl - + H2O (8) 通常情况下,二氧化氯用于饮用水处理的浓度范围从0.1到2.0毫克/升。但是二氧化氯反应的相应副产物亚氯酸盐和氯酸盐被发现在人体内当浓度超过100毫克/升时可能诱导高铁血红蛋白血症。有机污染物的氧化结果受反应时间到影响。初始浓度和不同时间的去除率列于表3。结果表明,二氧化氯具有很强的氧化能力,其中包括打破了苯环。有没有其他常用氧化剂做得像这样,除了臭氧。


化合物初始浓度去除率 %

/mg·L – 12 min 10 min 15 min 石油18. 12 45. 846. 947. 3 苯41. 25 14. 141. 260. 7 甲苯31. 75 17. 554. 986. 8 乙苯16. 15 24. 763. 589. 8 p–苯基 10. 75 25. 984. 9100 o–苯基 30. 25 20. 979. 1100 m–苯基 33. 20 28. 6100 100苯乙烯62. 40100 100 100 二氧化氯气体注入溶液的方法对去除率也有一个明显影响。依据间接的方法,首先是气体溶解在一定量的蒸馏水,然后加入检测的有机溶液,结果显示,去除率比直接吹法低。此种差异的主要原因是由于在反应之前溶解过程中二氧化氯的转换和分解。从表格3得到证实,去除率与操作时间成正比。由于二氧化氯对有机化合物的强氧化能力,根据方程(4)它被还原为亚氯酸盐阴离子,去除率最初出现相当高的现象。然后亚氯酸盐能把氧化能力保持在一定水平,即使氧化反应随着反应时间逐渐变弱也允许有机化合物分解继续。实验表明,pH值明显影响了有机物的去除率。通过间接投入的方式对不同pH值降解率的差异列表显示在表4中。


化合物初始浓度 去除率/ %/mg·L–1 pH5pH7pH10 苯 5 甲苯 5 71.763.552.6 乙苯 5 84.278.773.5 p–苯5 84.477.673.0 o–苯5 84.180.373.7 m–苯5 84.079.870.4 苯乙烯 5 100.0 98.790.5 但是二氧化氯有一些不利条件,如由于挥发性容易从溶液中丢失,和在pH








    一年来,我以党的教育理论方针为指导,为人师表,解放思想,开拓进取,创新改进工作方法。工作中坚持面向全体学生,以人为本,培优转差,师生和谐,共同进步,并注重自身的业务培训和提高。  本人思想端正,遵自我鉴定





    尊敬的各位领导、老师们:  大家好,我是7号参赛者,来自于北郭乡城子学校,我演讲的题目是
