





  prof. dr. 0000

  leiden institute of chemistry

  p.o.box 9502

  2300 ra leiden

  the netherlands


  fax:(+31) 0000

  dear prof. dr.0000

  I take great pleasure in writing a letter of recommendation for dr. 0000 to support his application for a postdoctoral position in your lab.

  Dr. 00 is an outstanding graduate student working for the m.s. degree under my supervision. in my contact with him in the university, his creativity and attitude to research work gave me deep impression. he always proposed new ideas on his research and could resolve problems by himself, i was very satisfied with him.

  Dr. 00 has been working on molecular luminescence research about six years. as i know, most of his researches have been concentrated on bioanalytical chemistry in his master’s work, such as protein and nucleic acids assays etc. in these fields, dr. 00 has strong background and research ability. he has and would be published several papers in international journals. i am often interested in reading his papers in publication and discussing with him. i am very appreciated of his research ability.

  Dr. 00 also possesses very fine character. he is a devoted research worker. he works on weekends. he is an honest and smart, reliable and responsible person, and is very cooperative too.

  Based on these qualities, i believe this young man will achieve greater academic success in his future work. therefore, i strongly support his application, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could give him your favorable consideration.

  Please feel free to contact me if i can answer any additional questions about 0000. my address is as follows:

  professor 0000


  p. r. china

  your sincerely


  Dear professor,

  It is a privilege for me to recommend Miss a talented and resourceful individual for admission into your program of Psychology at your renowned university.

  I met her when she applied the undergraduate research funds during her sophomore time. Her strong curiosity and fine intelligence in psychology and her independent research ability have left me deep impression. Her research of research on online advertising placement and its effects on web advertisement recognition is an interesting one. With the intelligent and artifice invention, the design is interesting and cooperates with the practice well. After reading her research proposal, I willing accepted to instruct her to do the research. With the financial aid of the undergraduate research funds, the research has continued very well. I’d like to say it is very difficult for an undergraduate student to gain the undergraduate research funds successfully. However, with the outstanding research ability and solid academic background, she got it sucessfuly.

  As the group leader of the whole research team,she is responsible and always organized the other members to discuss how to improve the temperature design. After the discussion of the design project modification and testing much experiment, they gave a careful plan with the whole research before the formal work. During the whole research period, she cooperates with the classmates well. At the same time, she read lots of relative papers and always had some discussion with me and I am satisfied that she always has her own thought. I believe with the strong academic background and the intensive spirit she will get final success in the research. Most importantly, it will benefit her in the future research a lot. This year,she get the undergraduate research funds twice, I am very gratified, and she is the first undergraduate student in the history of Beijing Normal University, who got the funds to do research twice.She also gives me an impression of she don’t satisfy the current achievements and like to exceed herself. Once she makes the decision to improve herself, she will never be impeded by the difficulties she encountered in her research and daily life.

  Now, my dear student determines to go abroad for her doctor degree, to achieve her own ideal. I firmly believe that she would achieve her success in this field. I would appreciate it if you could give her your favorable consideration.

  Sincerely yours,

  professor of Psychology Department, Beijing Normal University


  Dear Sir or Madam:

  It is my pleasure to writ the letter to recommend my excellent student, Miss , to continue her Ph.D study in your esteemed university.

  The great impression she gives me is the solid foundation in the academic background and the strong motivation of research. As an undergraduate, she got many opportunities to participate to do research and gain many practice experiences. Most importantly, she applied the undergraduate research fund of Beijing Normal University twice which is very difficult for an undergraduate student. So I am satisfied with her creative thought and the strong academic research potential.

  By communication, I learned that she was not only satisfied with the academic achievements but also eager to widen her sight and knowledge. I am pleased that she is also a kind hearted girl in her daily life; she always helps others with the psychology knowledge when they are in trouble. She energetically severed as a voluntary telephone counsellor for “Edelweiss” mental health hotline, provided four hours psychology consultant service per week. She has continued the services for more than two years. She helps telephone clients from all over the country to clarify their problems.

  As an easy-going student, she also gets the praise from her classmates. Whatever her outstanding academic background or the belief from the teacher and classmates, she was selected as the Excellent Student from many competitor.

  As far as she hopes study in your university, I give her my full support. If you have question about her application, please no hesitate to contact me.

  Sincerely yours,








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