






  To: UN Procurement Service

  Ref. Recommendation for Company to become an UN supplier

  To Whom It May Concern:

  It is our pleasure to learn that

  company intends to apply for UN supplier.

  We have been doing business with

  company since

  . We feel satisfied with their products and their after-sales services. We are particular happy with their quality of the products and timely delivery based on the agreements. Therefore, we strongly recommend this company to you without reservation and appreciate your help in accepting

  as an UN supplier. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at

  Sincerely Yours

  (Authorized Signature)

  (Company Name)




  得知 公司拟申请成为联合国注册供应商,我们十分高兴。我们公司与 公司自 年以来一直有业务往来。我们对该公司的产品质量和售后服务均感到十分满意。多年来,该公司信守合同,保质保量,交货准时,我们之间的合作十分愉快。我们支持该公司积极参与联合国的采购业务。

  为此,我们郑重地向贵司推荐该企业。希望贵司能审查 公司的资质,早日接纳 公司成为联合国注册供应商。如需进一步的资料,请随时与我们联系。我们的联系地址(公司地址和电话)。






  年 月 日


  dear sir/madam,

  i am very happy to have this opportunity to recommend mr. roger, who is presently applying for admission to your graduate (or undergraduate) program in (name of program)这个你自己写哦

  i have known mr. roger for the this year while he has worked as an foreign trade clerk in the company(公司的名称,找你盖章的公司). when mr. roger held the position of foreign trade clerk in this company he was one one of my best employees. his job responsibilities included first, to develop the new customers. second, to reply clients’ inquiries and do good sevice after-sales. third, when the clients place an order, he need know well bags trade flow. when he finds the problems, he should do his best to solve problems, make the goods can go smoothly. from my observations, he not only did his own work, but also helped other employees, and made many valuable contributions to the efficient running to our firm. so i have been consistently impressed by both mr. roger’s attitude towards his work and his performance on the job. his interpersonal and communication skills have allowed him to develop productive working relationships with both our clients and our staff. from my memory, in his first four months in the company, one of his clients placed an order, even though the quantity is XXpcs and the profit is small, we have a client who will place other orders in further day, it is a potential source of profit. to some degree, he had created wealth for the company in the shortest time among the new employees. therefore, he left me a good impression in my mind. there was one thing which impressed me so much. , in order to attend china sourcing fair, all of us need to rearrange the samples in showroom, when we were cleaning our showroom, mr. roger always very carefully to fetch the water, clean the window and mop the floor. he did the most of cleaning thing. he had set a good example for us. and mr. roger possesses solid writing skills which have enabled him to compose quality correspondence. everytime mr. roger sends the letter of foreign trade to foreign customers and carbon copy to me, and his letter is very excellent and powerful. mr. roger also has the analytical skills to diagnose problems and devise viable solutions. he also can work well under pressure. so i firmly believe that mr. roger can do whatever they decide to do.

  as to his personality, i would like to say mr. roger is a warm-hearted, honest and upright staff. he was always ready to help others. during daily work, many newcomers got confused at some points and i could always see mr. roger help them explain during breaks. in the meanwhile, i must admit that mr. roger was a bit impatient sometimes. sometimes he was so absorbed in his woking that he didn’t answer my or others calling quickly.

  finally, i would like to conclude my recommendation as follows: frankly, mr. mr. roger is not a genius, but i promise his great intelligence, commitment to work and his kind nature will impress you deeply. thus i recommend him without reservation for his admission and financial aid to your program. please feel free to contact me if needed. (name, company, address, phone)

  sincerely yours,





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