



  To whom it will concern,

  I’m , an English teacher from Long Shan Middle School in Fujian Province, China. I have been the head teacher of ’s class for about one year and a half, since she came to study in our school. I’m very happy that she may get the chance to further his study in your esteemed high school. As her head teacher, I have more contact with her than other teachers do. She is one of my favorite students. I feel very pleased to share with you what I know about her.

  Honestly, I feel satisfied with her in a number of ways. Firstly, she has a good ability of organizing class activities. As monitor of our class, she did very well in organizing several large class activities, including the two chorus contests held in last December and this December. Under her directions, our class won the first prize in both contests. In order to help the students with their daily studying tasks, she invented a kind of form to record every student’s achievements. For example, in the form, everyone can see how many times he or she has got full marks in a week or how many times he or she has failed in finishing his or her tasks. It works very well. As everybody can see his results clearly, all the students works harder than ever before and they all get higher marks in exams.

  She loves photographing very much and she is really good at it. Her works have got several prizes in exhibitions. She has hosted two class meetings about her photographing, both of which received good reviews. In one of her mini exhibitions held in our classroom, she also showed us her feelings and experience about the year 2019. Many of us were impressed and even moved with her excellent skills and her unique views.

  Her most outstanding virtue is that she is really kind-hearted. She is always ready to give others a hand whenever necessary. During the school sports meeting held last spring, a boy in our class called Lin Wei hurt his foot in the long-jump event. and three other students volunteered to carry Lin to and from classroom for a whole week. This is just a very simple example of her good deeds.

  I have to say that her scores are not so satisfying, but fortunately she knows what she wants to learn, so she is happy that her family can afford her such a good chance as to study in Windsor high school. She knows what it means to her and her family. She will certainly make full use of this chance to develop what she is weak in at present. She is a person that has already learnt to be grateful and that is willing to spare no efforts to live up to her dream!

  Finally, it is been much appreciatable to hear any good feedback that will accept her application to United States.

  Thanks for your attention!

  (’s English teacher and head teacher)


  Cell phone:





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