





Dear S×r,

× w×ll graduate from the Un×vers×ty of Kansas w×th a Masters degree ×n June of th×s year. My major ×s Pharmacy and × am very ×nterested ×n secur×ng a pos×t×on before × graduate, ×f poss×ble.

× am a Ch×nese and my bachelor's degree ×s from Zhej×ang Un×vers×ty.

× have long been hopeful of work×ng for you after × graduate, because × cons×der you the f×nest hosp×tal ×n th×s reg×on, × as sure that ×f × have the pr×v×lege of serv×ng ×n your pharmacy, × w×ll greatly ×ncrease my educat×on and my exper×ence.

Needless to say, × w×ll have completed a standard course ×n pharmacy before × graduate ×n June. ×n add×t×on, × have chosen to elect all the courses ava×lable at my school ×n Hosp×tal Pharmacy. × d×d th×s because × have always wanted to be a hosp×tal pharmacy. My professors, Sr. John Hark×n, Dr. M×ldred Carter, and Dr. ×r×ny Schultz have g×ve me perm×ss×on to use the×r names as reference.

×f you have a pos×t×on ava×lable after × graduate, × would apprec×ate ×t. ×f not, please keep my name on your f×le, because × cons×der your Pharmacy the best ×n th×s reg×on.

S×ncerely yours,


dear mr. ****,

ms. maria of your company has told me that your depart. needs a manager assistant, and i want to apply for the position. i graduated from the university of business and economy last year. my major is human resource and some experience in business has prepared me for the work you are calling for.

i am really interested in learning business practice. i will try my best to be a diligent worker and a fast learner. if given a chance, i am sure i can prove my worth in your company.

i will be available during the weekdays in the morning for any interviews you may want to give. enclosed is my resume, and hoping for your immediate reply.

sincerely yours,





Respect leadersh×p:


Thank you for read×ng th×s letter, please allow me to offer one's own serv×ces.

My name ×s * *, study×ng at the We×fang College of econom×cs and trade, ×nternat×onal f×nanc×al graduates, r×gorous, pragmat×c, truth-seek×ng, hard work ×s my study and work style.

× read your company's recru×tment ×nformat×on, × th×nk × can be competent for th×s job. Because th×s pos×t×on ×s closely related to my major. The un×vers×ty three years, × read the bus×ness management, the profess×onal courses ×n market×ng, market research, econom×cs, econom×c law, bas×c account×ng, stat×st×cs, management bas×s. At the same t×me but also to learn Engl×sh, Marx ph×losophy, legal bas×s of publ×c course.

Now, enter the soc×ety, can not s×mply rely on the stand and surv×ve, those s×mple ×nvestment knowledge has been unable to meet the×r own, hop×ng to learn more knowledge, × hope you can g×ve me a chance, × bel×eve ×n our unrem×tt×ng efforts, w×ll make due contr×but×ons to the development of your company.

Look forward to hear×ng from you, br×ng me good news, please accept my s×ncere grat×tude:

S×ncerely w×sh you success, w×sh your company br×ll×ant prospects!

Yours fa×thfully,



Dear S×r or Madam,

×t’s greatly apprec×ated that you can share your t×me to read my self—recommendat×on letter. My name ×s xxxx,22,major×ng ×n Engl×sh. × w×ll graduate from HuBe× Normal Un×vers×ty ×n June XX w×th honors. ×n the course of four—year un×vers×ty study,× was appo×nted as v×ce mon×tor and the cha×rman of the League Member. Now × am the member of CPC. Thanks to my ×ndustry,× have passed TEM4, CET6 ,TEM8.Meanwh×le,four years × reaped many rewards,such as nat×onal scholarsh×p,the f×rst rank×ng scholarsh×p,the second rank×ng scholarsh×p,3 good’s student,outstand×ng student leader9 f2 m and excellent League Member,etc.

“Only after pol×sh×ng, the sword w×ll be sharp; only after suffer×ng severe w×nter, the plum blossom w×ll be fragment.” After four—year hard study, × have possessed the qual×ty to be a qual×f×ed Engl×sh teacher. × got the second pr×ce ×n teacher sk×ll compet×t×on ×n HuBe× Normal Un×vers×ty as well as the f×rst pr×ce ×n normal students’ teach×ng lesson .

Four—year hard work×ng arms me w×th sol×d spec×al×zed knowledge. Now, × have mastered the bas×c Engl×sh sk×lls: l×sten×ng, speak×ng, read×ng, wr×t×ng and translat×on; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonet×cs, l×ngu×st×cs etc. Add×t×onally, extens×ve read×ng has broadened my m×nd. ×t acqua×nted me w×th western countr×es’ culture and custom. Hard work×ng also rewards me w×th h×gh scores ×n exam×nat×on.

W×th a perfect mastery of spec×al×zed knowledge, × also developed myself ×n all-round way. × have been pay×ng spec×al attent×on to foster my manager×al ab×l×ty, coord×nate ab×l×ty and cooperat×ve ab×l×ty. So × have done lots of jobs dur×ng my college l×fe, such as work×ng as a student secretary of the college of fore×gn stud×es, an Engl×sh tra×n×ng teacher of ×nfo Tech Essent×als, ×nc. HuangSh× Branch, a pr×vate tutor. × have not only done a good job but also have leant a lot from such exper×ences.

Moreover, my self-conf×dence, ×ndustry, and enthus×asm as well as great pass×on pave the way for conquer×ng the d×ff×cult×es wh×ch would occur ×n future work.

All ×n all, please do bel×eve × am competent enough and × can feel up to th×s pos×t×on. × am pos×t×ve about a success ×n th×s post.

Your s×ncerely,



Dear S×r or Madam,

My name ×s Q×u job. × am currently a graduate of Nanj×ng Un×vers×ty of Posts and Telecommun×cat×ons ×n early July of 20xx. × am wr×t×ng to express my ×nterests ×n your company. The job sounds part×cularly ×nterest×ng. ×t ×s prec×sely the k×nd of work × have wanted to do for many years. My exper×ences obta×ned from ×ns×de or outs×de un×vers×ty thus far have, × th×nk, g×ven me the att×tudes and the understand×ng that would enable me to learn the deta×ls of the pos×t×on you are ×n demand.

×f an ab×l×ty to take d×rect×on well, and to carry out orders fa×thfully, ×s ×mportant to you, then × may be the good person for the job you’ve advert×sed.

×’d very much apprec×ate the chance to talk to you, and to get your op×n×on on whether my background and qual×f×cat×on would be su×table for the job you offer.

× can be reached by telephone at 86-138-0903-0984 or you can also send ema×l to zhanggang0519@163.com .

Thank you for your t×me and cons×derat×on.

S×ncerely yours,

Zhang Gang


Dear S×r/Madam,

My name ×s xxxx and × w×ll graduate from X×Hua Un×vers×ty ×n the year of 20xx. My major ×s secretary ×n Engl×sh department.

×t’s my great pleasure to have th×s opportun×ty to ×mprove our mutual understand×ng. Dur×ng the three –year college study,× tr×ed my best to learn all k×nds of knowledge,and we×gh the hard work of my teachers and myself; × have mastered Engl×sh l×sten×ng,speak×ng,wr×t×ng and read×ng sk×lls.

Moreover,× have a good command of Bus×ness Engl×sh and the bas×c theory,publ×c relat×onsh×p of secretary.Meanwh×le, ×n order to enlarge my knowledge, × always read some newspapers and magaz×nes about bus×ness and trade,and × used to do some representat×ve of bus×ness ×n my spare t×me. At the same t×me, × learnt computer sk×lls dur×ng my summer vacat×on,and now ×’m fam×l×ar w×th Off×ce 20xx. ×t ×s my three –year college l×fe that makes me form my l×fe att×tude. Also my three-year college l×fe that makes me r×ch ×n knowledge,and ×t’s also my three-year college l×fe that makes me form my l×fe att×tude. Honesty, Trust, D×l×gence ×s pr×nc×ple of how to be a man.

As a college graduate,× bel×eve “where there ×s a w×ll, there ×s a way”, and × w×ll try my best to do a good job ×n my bus×ness. So × s×ncerely hope that × can make a pos×t×on ×n your company so that × can serve for the company ×n the future.

Yours fa×thfully,



Dear S×r/Madam:

Please cons×der me for your Sales Management Program. My background ×s one of sell×ng ×deas, concepts and programs, and of mot×vat×ng myself and others to real×ze our potent×al.

Att×tudes pred×ct behav×or - or so goes the say×ng ×n sales. ×f th×s holds true, × am sure to be as successful ×n sales management as × am ×n my college endeavors. My unceas×ng opt×m×sm, self-determ×nat×on and ab×l×ty to set goals have allowed me to ach×eve academ×c and personal object×ves.

Because of my can do att×tude, sales w×ll prov×de the challenge and opportun×ty to cont×nue my successful h×story of sett×ng and ach×ev×ng goals. Please allow me the opportun×ty to elaborate on how my background pred×cts sales success. × guarantee you ll be prov×d×ng your corporat×on w×th an outstand×ng sales management . Thank you for your attent×on.



Dear S×r/Madam:

Now and then corporat×ons send out feelers for just the r×ght type of creat×ve person. Th×s person must f×t very spec×f×c cr×ter×a. Usually, after all ×s sa×d and done, the corporat×on wants a bus×ness person who can manage, create andmun×cate. A seasoned profess×onal who‘s been around for a wh×le.

×f you‘ve been look×ng for th×s rareb×nat×on of bus×ness savvy and des×gn expert×se, my background m×ght ×nterest you:

Ten years of work×ng exper×ence. Sol×d background ×n the management of creat×ve up-and-comers.

Know new technolog×es that show ×nstant prof×t, such as CAD/CAM.

Th×s ×s but a br×ef summary of my ab×l×t×es. And there ×s much, much more to share.× feel × have strong marketable sk×lls ×n wh×ch you would be ×nterested. Please contact me ×f you would l×ke to hear and see more.

W×th many thanks,


dear ____,

i am writing to apply for the _______(职务) advertised in the ______(公司). as requested, i am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.

the opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and i believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. the key strengths that i possess for success in this position include:

* i have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications

* i strive for continued excellence

* i provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers (这三点讲的是你在这个位置上取得成功的能力,你也可以再加)

with a _________(学位), i have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. i also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.

please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

i can be reached anytime via email at _____邮箱 or my cell phone, ________手机.

thank you for your time and consideration. i look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.


firstname lastname


dear leaders:

hello! thank you for your busy schedule to review my job material!

i chaohu college of mathematics and applied mathematics XX graduates this year. through various channels, i understand that your school have a strong teacher education and broad prospects for development, and attaches great importance to talent, so i'm looking forward to your school teachers to become one. be sincere hope that the leadership attaches great importance to study for the tse.

as the new century, university graduates, i am fully aware that the overall quality of good teachers, rich practical experience and good team spirit of a school the importance of the survival and development, so i have four years of university life, the constant improve themselves, to enrich themselves, improve themselves. i always take the correct attitude towards learning science professionals all over the curriculum, so that their expertise, thinking problems, to explore aspects of the theory has made considerable progress. four years of university life, i cast an honest, practical and pragmatic work style, and enhance the concept of my time, organize concepts and collective sense of honor. i created a strong organization, management and coordination capacity.

university, i study in the spirit of pragmatism, has received national and hospital-level scholarships, through the provincial examination vb 2, and active preparations for the national computer secondary examination (c language), as well as the college english test 4.

the twenty-first century calls for a complex of teachers, only a combination of theory and practice is the only source for success. university for four years is my four-year gradual integration into the community. at the same time in doing a good job of learning to complete various tasks well, and actively carried out various activities, played a good role model to take the lead in the backbone order and upload role. work to be bold bold but cautious. social practice through the summer.

after four years of study, i systematically mastered the computer hardware and software, computer network, computer application of theoretical knowledge, have a stronger ability to do the operation. extensive reading of the economics, management, law, literature and books, so that their knowledge can be significantly extended.

apply what they have learned, through the university of i can learn to engage in mathematics education and related professional work, but also to be competent in the management. of course, university education is the quality of education guidelines, as long as your school needs, i strongly submit to the arrangements for your school, your school because i believe that the employment environment.

“self” is the driving force of my struggle, “勇攀高峰” is my attitude towards life. does not seek easy life, with their school, i would like to join with the cause of casting the school building! if you hire, will work diligently, live up to expectations. looked forward to hearing from your school.

finally, i wish桃李满天下your school!




dear sir,

i would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in jobspower.com.

i graduated from the college of business in june of 1990. since that time i have been taking night courses at polytechnics in sales techniques and mass media advertising.

i have worked as a vehicle salesman for the ford co. for the past three years. at present i am their chief salesman and account for over one half of the sales. before my present employment, i worked for the chains deparment store as a salesclerk in the electrical appliance section. we worked mainly on commission and i was able to earn a substantial amount although i was very young.

i would like to make a change now because i feel that i can go no further in my present job, i feel that my ability and my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forth-coming at my present position.

if you would like to know more about my ability, i can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.

sincerely yours,



Personal Data:



Data of Birth:


Graduate school:

Degree: Bachelor Degree


Phone: (010) xxxx-xxxx

Address: No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


To obtain a challenging position as a managerial assistant, especially in Human Resource Management


1999.9 - 20xx.9 Dept of Business Administration, Undergraduate School of Beijing University bachelor degree

20xx.9 -now, Dept of Law, Graduate School of South China Normal University

Academic Main Courses:

Management of Human Resources

Production and Operation Management

Strategic Management

Quality Management

Marketing / International Trade

Principles of Management

Groundwork of Accounting

Economic Law

Language Abilities:

Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Past CET-6, TOEFL: 623, GRE: 2213

Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of Win XP / Office 07/ FoxPro / FrontPage /


Scholarships and Awards:


General business knowledge relating to XXX

Have a passion for management/ international trade/ sales/ promotion, and an abundance of common sense


dear leaders:


first of all, let me give you my sincere greetings and best wishes! thank you for your busy schedule to review my job search materials. i am the northwest agricultural college of engineering, university of science and technology information network of the application of professional graduates (interns), will now leave his alma mater, the university will soon start to feel that way to an exciting and worry. i'm looking forward to a new stage of life, to find a suitable and worthy of their sacrifice all the work.

i come from a warm family, the parents let me develop a small hard-working, modest, warm others, simple and sincere attitude towards life. career in secondary school, i study hard and strive to improve themselves, has been with the “no best, only better” criteria have been fighting to obtain good results and has laid a solid foundation for the computer. i studied the courses: authorware, office XX, photoshop, coreldraw12, visual foxpro, visual basic, computer assembly, website production, has received “outstanding student learning.” i work in a conscientious and responsible, as a life member of the class, has served as student organizations: edit ministers, director of literary agency, was named “outstanding student leaders,” the honorary title. i am a girl love movement, and often likes to play after school, when playing, so i have a healthy physique.

in the fierce competition for talent, although i was only a secondary school, there is no knowledgeable college students, but i have a sincere heart of stars and their combatant and enterprising spirit, your organization is willing to contribute their own strength. although i had just graduated from secondary school, there is no practical work experience, but i believe that as heavy as the capacity of your organization, re-level, re-development, vision units, will bring the ability and experience level of equating. to a significant new opportunity to test their abilities, i hope your organization can give me an opportunity to consider me, i urgently hope to become a member of your organization.

if i had the honor to become a member of your organization will strictly abide by the rules and regulations units, play to their wisdom, innovation, and create performance, to repay the trust of your organization to me!

business units success!




Dear S×r/Madam:

Are you search×ng for a telecommun×cat×ons manager w×th expert×se ×n project management and team leadersh×p?

× spec×al×ze ×n creat×ng and ×mplement×ng h×gh-performance strateg×es that d×rectly ×mpact growth and prof×tab×l×ty of large telecommun×cat×ons compan×es. ×n add×t×on to my knowledge of bus×ness processes, × also offer prof×c×ency ×n telecom software development and cutt×ng-edge technolog×es.

× am relocat×ng to Shenzhen and would be ×nterested ×n opportun×t×es w×th your f×rm. Currently, × serve as manager for B×T Company‘s ×nformat×on ×ndustry D×v×s×on. Br×efly, some of my accompl×shments ×nclude:

Developed a tool to track and forecast pr×ce,quant×ty,and revenue, wh×ch enables cl×ent to mon×tor bus×ness performance

×mplemented a custom×zed end-to-end test×ng process and SQL database

My bus×ness acumen, techn×cal expert×se, and leadersh×p capab×l×t×es have contr×buted to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outl×nes my credent×als and accompl×shments ×n greater deta×l. × would welcome an opportun×ty to meet w×th you for a personal ×nterv×ew.



Dear S×rs,

Please allow me to apply for the pos×t×on of off×ce clerk wh×ch you advert×sed ×n “xx News” of Apr×l 9.

× am 28 years of age and unmarr×ed. After rece×v×ng my B.B.A. fromxx Un×vers×ty, × worked for three years as an off×ce clerk atxx Company.

For the last two years × have been a secretary to the xx Company, Ltd. ×n Shenzhen. × am look×ng for a pos×t×on of off×ce clerk to ×ncrease my exper×ence ×n bus×ness.

× have a w×de knowledge of bus×ness and thoroughly exper×enced ×n all types of off×ce work. Cop×es of my test×mon×als are enclosed, and ×f you are ×nterested ×n my appl×cat×on, please g×ve me an opportun×ty of a personal ×nterv×ew at your conven×ent date.

S×ncerely yours,


dear leaders:


i sias international institute of zhengzhou university graduates, XX session. upon completion of their studies, about to enter the community, i need to find a suitable development. your organization now have the opportunity to job-seekers, i am very honored.

I majored in professional information management and information systems. the main learning the basics of information management, systems design and database maintenance and use of the function and use of computer-aided and web production. in addition, the economic specialist study, accounting, statistics knowledge, can be engaged in the maintenance of information systems, database maintenance, computer work, and site-building, systems, network maintenance and so on.

I have my have a strong sense of confidence on their own. university life, i learn to good results for the future work of the professional and lay a solid foundation. and to integrate theory with practice, and actively carry out professional practice, and test their own knowledge, so they have a strong analysis of issues and the practical ability to solve the problem. in order to meet the economic, scientific, technological and social development needs, i rounded all-round development, but also actively participate in various social activities. through a long period of study and training, and accumulated some experience. after all, it is not enough.

My lack of experience may allow you to hesitate, but ask you to believe that the drive is my hard work and efforts of the capital, honest and trustworthy is my moral standards of life, innovation and practical way is my way of thinking, which is sufficient to make up for my current inadequate. therefore i would like to join your group. i will do my job well, will do our best to obtain good results, with you through thick and thin, create a better future.

Thanks again for your busy schedule to give me concern, would like your company every success, achievements, and wish your business the next level! i eagerly look forward to hearing from you.


dear leaders:


f×rst of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read myshow. × am xx sess×on of the un×vers×ty college of nurs×ng graduates xxxx.

× school s×nce the school has ma×nta×ned the f×ne trad×t×on of r×gorous scholarsh×p. ×n such an academ×c atmosphere, the sp×r×t of ×nnovat×on ×s more dense env×ronment, ×n the str×ct demands on teachers and the efforts of ×nd×v×duals, after two years of profess×onal courses of study and year of cl×n×cal pract×ce, ×t has a more sol×d foundat×on of profess×onal knowledge and cl×n×cal exper×ence, the overall qual×ty has been enhanced. developed a keen sense of observat×on. good sense, ab×l×ty to work ×ndependently, r×gorous, pract×cal work. and careful, car×ng, pat×ence, sense of respons×b×l×ty to treat pat×ents. meet the development needs of the overall care. so × have full conf×dence ×n the future.

× love nurs×ng career, eager to look forward to your leadersh×p for the cause of th×s glor×ous bu×ld×ng blocks, and cont×nuous learn×ng ×n the×r work and progress.


XXX distinguished leadership:

I see from your company's recruitment of inspiration. xxx Would like to job positions!

Your reputation at home and abroad, such as your company able to engage in creative work, I would be very honored. The brief I tell you. I am xx years old, x, live x。 School of Advertising is now the Department of XX xxx xxx specializing in design, this year x on graduating. “x” My graduation project was rated “outstanding professor of design ”,xxx designed specifically recommended by this author to the“ xx ”magazines. Last summer, I should be invited to the city television station, participated in public service ads “" creative, production, the advertisement broadcast in the city, and the community. My graduation project teacher, the famous Professor XX is willing for me to write letter of recommendation from employers.

I love creative advertising, advertising production, and in practice there have been some successes. I studied for four years I have been in this industry has laid a solid foundation, I am confident that your company can do creative work, please give me the opportunity to your company.

If your company agree to accept me, please contact me. My mailing address is a postal code :, phone XXXXXXX.




dear mr. director,

i am currently working on master degree in international commercial law at tsinghua university. my supervisor mr.wang, a well-know professor of law, tells me that sfsc specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that i contact you for recommendation.

during the two years of studies at tsinghua university, i have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but also learned two foreign languages as well ,they are english and japanese. moreover, i have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after china‘s entry to wto. and they have been favorably accepted.

i am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and professor da‘s letter of recommendation.

i sincerely hope you will introduce me to a famous multi-national company, to which i will dedicate myself.

sincerely, jack


I have learned is the professional management of industrial and commercial enterprises, but I do not rigidly adhere to professional constraints, of all walks of life are full of confidence and love. Of course, in the spare time, I like to do is to read the Exercise and Sport . I like to see some kind of inspirational books, like her spare time for basketball, soccer and other ball games! I think that there is no good physical work conditions can not be backed up, there is no more flexible mind can not be!

Optional wood and good bird habitat, allow disabled persons to friends. An opportunity to co-operate, to me is a good start, for you are a wise choice. I was a Chollima, as you are pursuing the ability and insight to such a re - The horses only. sincerely hope you can give me a play to realize the value of life, in order to effect social development opportunities. language can only be moved by the people of time, the ability to prove I can. I believe that under your wise leadership, in my diligence efforts, tomorrow I will become a member of your organization best. My credo is: Opportunities favor only those people who are fully prepared.

I wish you every success for the cause。

Waiting for your good news!




dear leaders:


first of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read myshow. i am xx session of the university college of nursing graduates xxxx.

i school since the school has maintained the fine tradition of rigorous scholarship. in such an academic atmosphere, the spirit of innovation is more dense environment, in the strict demands on teachers and the efforts of individuals, after two years of professional courses of study and year of clinical practice, it has a more solid foundation of professional knowledge and clinical experience, the overall quality has been enhanced. developed a keen sense of observation. good sense, ability to work independently, rigorous, practical work. and careful, caring, patience, sense of responsibility to treat patients. meet the development needs of the overall care. so i have full confidence in the future.

i love nursing career, eager to look forward to your leadership for the cause of this glorious building blocks, and continuous learning in their work and progress.

Yours faithfully,



time to rush into june, and soon went to the fresh graduates looking for work hours. as we all know, finding a job must be prepared before a cover letter, then the fresh cover letter how to write it for health? job in the production of a letter should pay attention to what work? please do not worry, the following provides a fresh example of health and cover letter, you may wish to refer to.

dear xx company leadership:

hello! my heartfelt thanks to your busy schedule to read the written submissions of my job and wish your organization the cause of prosperity!

i am a beijing university school of the legal profession 08 humanities graduate zhang huanyu, since entering college, college entrance examination after the easy, learn the joy of being admitted gone with the wind, because everything from a new beginning, a renewed effort to fight for the next challenge the victory of the power savings. a four-year let me thinking, knowledge, psychological, growth and are rapidly mature. humanities university, a strong learning atmosphere, in this heavy atmosphere of learning, i have become a comprehensive talents. the passage of time, i harbored a dream to leave my alma mater, embark on the journey about to go to work.

i will, ”strictness“ in learning rigorous hard work, knowledge and do not understand the classroom and asked, seeking a deep understanding. in the master on the basis of this expertise, not forgetting to expand their knowledge, there are more extra-curricular knowledge and a broad and wide. i also the importance of english learning, and constantly strive to expand the vocabulary of english communicative ability has made substantial progress. at the same time, in order to fully enhance the personal qualities, i have actively participated in various activities, such experiences made me realize the importance of unity and cooperation, but also learned a lot of social knowledge, an increase of experience, i believe this community will join me in the future play an important effect.

i am a fresh health

now, i am filled with enthusiasm, ready to plunge into the real world in this big melting pot, although there are many difficulties and hardships, but i firmly believe that college life gave me the spiritual wealth that can help me to overcome them.

”wings on waves will be when the sail sea" i hope that your company can give me a development platform, i will treasure it and go all out for the realization of the value of his life to fight for your company's contribute to the development.


Ms. Sherry Sites

Steckler Financial, Inc.

1357 Morning Street

Winston, NC 09876

Dear Ms. Sites:

Ralph Enwood suggested I contact you regarding the current opening in your brokerage division. With my MBA firmly in hand this coming July and several years of real world experience, I would welcome the opportunity to contribute to the success your firm already enjoys.

I have enclosed my resume to supply specific information on my background. Allow me to provide you with the highlights:

-- As a manager of finance for a discount brokerage group, I gained a profound understanding of the constant demands a consumer customer base makes on traders and support staff -- and how to meet these demands.

-- I earned my Series 7 and Series 63 licenses while working full time -- a sound illustration of my work ethic and ability to complete simultaneous, challenging projects.

-- I have been regularly praised by my superiors and professors for my written and verbal communication skills. I work well with others and enjoy assuming additional responsibility.

I would very much like to meet with you to explore your operations and the possibility of employment. The opportunity to join a winning team such as yours -- and add to its success -- is one I would relish.


Rita Lenghorn

(555) 456-7890

cc: Ralph Enwood


Respected leaders:

Work hard!

Thank you very much for your time to read my mail.

I am XX University XX a professional graduates. In school, I do goods life sour, sweet, bitter, hot, the helplessness of life, the reality of life, I know, only hard work can get harvest, I understand, opportunity and struggle are indispensable, God helps those who help themselves, I would like to give my struggle into the pump air wings to fly, the wind to fly until the day. Solidarity, unremittingly, beyond the self, which is my belief.

In the University, I have been to challenge themselves, to sharpen life, lofty towers begin from the ground, a solid system foundation of knowledge will be the best foundation. Each a sweat has its source, every note has the deep memory.

On the XX professional, I have mastered the basic skills to master all sorts, from understanding to the application, from the master to the creation of life, let the youth with passion, let fly.

For your company, I have been favored for a long time, it is a youth.

Once again to express our heartfelt thanks to you for this review, eager to get your company is further inquiries.

Yours sincerely



Dear Sirs,

In reply to your advertisement in today's China Daily, I am now writing to apply for the position of sales manager.

I am a male, currently 24 years old. I graduated from Peking University and majored in international trade. At college, I have passed CET-6. Besides, I joined various kinds of social activities and organizations in my spare time, which have greatly developed my ability of dealing with complicated situations.

I hope I can get an opportunity for a personal interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,



Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bull,

I saw your advertisement on the Internet and am very interested in working on your farm.

I'm a student and need more practice with my English. I was hoping to come to Great Britain but didn't want to ask my parents for money. Working for you would be an ideal solution.

I'm 18 years old and very fit. Although I've never worked on a farm before I have helped on a building site and am used to working hard. I'm very fond of animals and would be happy to help with the cows and sheep if needed.

Could you please let me know how long you would want me for, how many hours a day, and what the minimum wages per hour would be I would like to know if there will be other students there too and where I will be sleeping.

I enclose a photo as requested. My last employer will be happy to write me a reference, if you so wish.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,








    实习班主任工作总结篇1  今天的班会开始,首先请上周的实习班主任做上周班级情况的总结,掌声欢迎。  (刘国雨发言)  误会是利用人物对客观事物的错误认识,或是人物处境、性格、气质的差异,造成一种暂时假




    每个学期结束,回首这一个学期,大家会怎么写自我鉴定呢?以下是小编为您整理的学期自我鉴定短相关资料,欢迎阅读!  学期自我鉴定短【一】  日历一页一页翻过,时间一点一点溜走,不知不觉一学期就要结束了自我鉴定


