



Dear Sir or Madam,

Hello! I am a 20xx session graduates, Yangzhou University, specializing in accounting. Has been working in the current unit of the financial year and a half positions, primarily responsible for accounts payable module, familiar with SAP system . I am lively, do today completed, and not the status quo, like challenges, hoping to a more harmonious corporate culture, provide me with a better financial platform for the unit office .

I think I must have a quality of financial staff.

First, the skills, techniques: through the National Computer Rank Examination (Two), proficiency in the use of excel . Through the national levels and six , with excellent writing skills and oral reading level.

Second , capacity personality. during the school term as a squad leader and Vice President Student Union, the organization of field grade and class activities , to develop a good organizational skills and communication skills , have a certain resilience and meticulous work , and efficient charge.

Third, the objective factors, I am only 24 years old, Changzhou locals, good stability, not yet take into account matters of marriage , the young is my greatest asset.

Experience in the accounts of one and a half for my follow-up of the financial work laid a good foundation, hope to have a more challenging

position to exercise me, so I fast-growing, do a good finance staff.

While English learning this, since graduating with a few, but usually there are concerns related to English magazines, back English words, I believe that learning English with a little ability to quickly pick up this one for future work service.

I hope to join your company, play my potential. Please find attached my resume. Opportunity to interview with you if I would be very grateful.

  Yours sincerely,






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