



领导力{{@@@keyword0@@@}} 第1篇

Home-School communication is the most important aspect of community maintenance. Among the principals surveyed, ways to establish home-school communication include: holding regular home-school meetings to give parents the opportunity to communicate directly with the principal, doing parent satisfaction surveys regularly to get first-hand feedback, establishing a specialized home-school communication department , and organizing parent club activities to give parents a sense of school belonging.

领导力报告 第2篇











领导力报告 第3篇



2023年,英国心理学家西蒙·巴伦·科恩(Simon Baron-Cohen)提出了女性和男性大脑的移情-系统理论。





领导力报告 第4篇

Curriculum has to keep changing with the needs of society for talents. Principals should not only focus on the existing curriculum, but also constantly think about how to innovate the curriculum to meet the trend of the times.

Principal of Western Academy of Beijing - Dr. Krajnovic: ^v^Western Academy of Beijing has developed the Flow21 Innovation Plan for the 2023-2023 period and continues to develop new goals. Goals already achieved in the plan include establishing 11 approaches to student planning and personalized learning, changing some school spaces to accommodate new learning styles, resetting the curriculum, implementing personalized online education, and allowing students to make their own decisions about how they submit their learning presentations.^v^

In the recent ^v^Research on Chinese International Schools^v^, KingLead Research Institute found that keywords such as artificial intelligence and big data are gaining in popularity. In this regard, we also interviewed principals about their views. Many principals said they would increase the proportion of technology-specific courses in their future curriculum design, and help students keep pace with the times through PBL and cooperation between companies and schools.

领导力报告 第5篇

This report has carried out a comprehensive and in-depth discussion on principal leadership.

In the new era of international education, the core elements for principals to exert their leadership are thought, implementation, and management. The identities of principals of international schools are diverse. They are not only the ideological navigator, but also the helmsman in execution, and the ^v^old captain^v^ in management. Internally, they should build a campus, operate the school and manage the team, be good at communicating with the outside world, publicize the brand, and seek cooperation. As an educator, a principal should also consider the important task of supervising teaching and promoting the students’ rising to further education.

The complexity of managing international schools will bring specific challenges to the principals' leadership, such as the competitive pressure brought by the rapid development of the market, the impact of the pandemic, talent recruitment and stability, the differences between China and foreign countries, difficulties in the source of students, etc. In the face of these challenges, principals admitted that they urgently need policy guidance and more perfect and standardized rules and regulations. In terms of gathering talents, perhaps the focus of work should be shifted to opening up overseas recruitment channels and bridging the differences between Chinese and foreign teachers.

We have reason to believe that these challenges are only temporary. Today, with the development of international education, it has changed from a small-scale experiment for a minimal number of families and children to an essential part for more people to pursue high-quality educational resources and meet diversified needs. China's international education has entered a new stage of development. The school running characteristics are composed of school running concept, curriculum system, education mode, and education environment, which determine the core competitiveness of international schools. In the future, the principal of the international school can give full play to his leadership in optimizing school running and deepening cooperation. The principal will base himself in China to seek breakthroughs and development.



领导力报告 第6篇

Alumni associations are a very common and important group in overseas schools. International schools in China are gradually starting to pay attention to this group as well. For example, the schools invite outstanding graduates to give speeches and organize alumni events to maintain a good connection between alumni and the school.

International Department of Suzhou High School - Shen Guifang: ^v^Since the development of the school over ten years, we have a student association and an alumni association, and all of our students will join our alumni family after graduation. We also provide academic follow-up and personal care for our students after they graduate and go to different parts of the world.^v^

领导力报告 第7篇



京领研究院进而对本次采访的45名校长的基本特征、教育背景、管理背景进行了统计。在这些校长中,12名为外籍校长,33名为中国籍校长。包括23位女校长和22位男校长, 性别分布较为均衡。任职形式有执行校董、名誉校长、创始人、董事会任命校长、运营校长、总学监、总督学等。半数以上的校长拥有硕士、博士文凭,多毕业于海内外知名大学,所学专业涵盖教育、管理、计算机、法学、文学、语言、心理、物理、领导力、生物等等。不少校长都拥有海外求学、生活、工作的经历。受访校长在教育管理经验都在十年及以上。



领导力报告 第8篇

Recently, with the rapid improvement of the Chinese education system and peoples’ cultural confidence, international schools, especially private schools and public school’s international division, should ^v^stabilize student’s Chinese roots^v^ and integrate the essence of Chinese culture into the school system. In this way, students can have a ^v^Chinese heart^v^ before becoming an international talent. In the future, China may also transform into a student importing country: foreign high school students may also choose to come to China to experience China's education and culture personally.

领导力报告 第9篇

 1、 作为领导者要以身作则,卓越的领导者都知道,我们要通过个人行为和技能去赢得别人的尊重,那么首先需要明确自己的价值,以身作则树立榜样,使自己的行为与共同的价值观相一致。

 2、 展望未来,想象未来各种令人激动的可能画面,向人们描绘和传递一个激动人心的、崇高的未来愿景。回顾过去,关注当下,运用各种表达方式让抽象的愿景更加具体、生动,并吸引他人的注目,让你的梦想和他人的梦想协调一致,让大家持之以恒地为之奋斗。

 3、 通过掌握主动和从外部获取创新方法来猎寻改进的机会,敢于应对挑战和困难,提出问题,倾听不同的观点。领导变革是领导者的职责,他们需要需要寻求持续地改进、发展和创新。因此领导者必先敢于尝试并承担风险。领导者需要有成长型思维,我们都知道尝试新生的事务,错误和失败就会并存,卓越的领导力要求领导者将失败作为学习的经历,从失败中总结经验持续改进。

 4、 单凭一己之力是无法成就卓越,通过强调共同目标和建立信任来合作,通过增强他人的权利来增强他人的能力。卓越的领导者除了以身作则,更有学会让其他人共同协同行动。

 5、 卓越的领导者对他们自己和他们的追随者都有很高的期望,通过表达积极的期待和提供具有及利息的反馈信息,激发和重新点燃他人的激情。通过公开的、群体活动的形式来庆祝价值观的实现和胜利,领导者可以创造一种集体注意精神和团队的凝聚力。







领导力报告 第10篇

At the management level, principals should be good at communication and managing the cohesion of the team. They also need to be humble and tolerant, and empower others by setting an example. In particular, as an international school principal, it is necessary to have cross-cultural leadership.

领导力报告 第11篇

Due to the fierce competition in the international education market, the key to whether a school can become outstanding lies in the school-running quality. First, international schools should pay attention to the standardization of running schools as well as the dual output of both high test scores and strong abilities of students. Second, they should develop differently from public schools, grasp the focus of development, and form brand characteristics. Third, international schools need to seriously consider the quality of Chinese teaching, their position on Chinese culture, and have a Chinese heart. If China's international schools want to develop well in the future, the most important thing is to have a unique curriculum system, which must integrate the strengths of Chinese and western education and follow the Chinese culture and national conditions.

领导力报告 第12篇

To run a school, a principal must first form a good school culture. Among the schools surveyed by Kinglead, the schools cultures varies in different aspects. Some focus on character development, others focus on the integration between Chinese and Western. Among them, the words with the highest frequency are ^v^love^v^, ^v^respect^v^, and ^v^tolerance^v^. In the process of building school culture, the principal should not only be a proposer, but also a practitioner. By organizing campus activities, the principal will drive the teachers and students to create an ideal cultural atmosphere.

领导力报告 第13篇

In fact, there are only 20 years since the first international school in China was established in the late 1990s. However, international schools in China have developed very fast in the 10 years from 2023 to 2023. The growth in number has led to a sharp intensification of market competition and talent competition. After 2023, with the impact of uncontrollable factors such as the pandemic, the international education industry has suffered unprecedented challenges.

领导力报告 第14篇

The student source of international schools is different from schools in the traditional Chinese education system. Many students do not receive a consistent international education, and many students are transferred to international schools when rising semesters. Therefore, there are differences in students' language levels, which is a big challenge for schools to carry out systematic education.

At present, some international schools have also encountered difficulties in enrollment. The pandemic and the global situation have had a certain impact on the international education. Some parents do not fully understand the characteristics of international education, and some families will have some concerns about the further education after graduating from international high school.

领导力报告 第15篇

In our research, we found that the concept of ^v^innovation^v^ runs through the principal's understanding and specific implementation of leadership. In future development, international schools must grasp the key points, strive to find the suitable students, and ensure the continuing innovation. If they do not innovate and rely only on the existing achievements, it will be difficult for the school to continue to grow and meet the demand for talents in the future. Innovation can start with innovating curriculum, transforming education focus, developing digital education, reforming learning mode, updating the evaluation system, etc.

领导力报告 第16篇

The particularity of team management in international schools is that the school has foreign teachers from different national cultural backgrounds. International schools have a high demand for foreign teachers. However, the recruitment and management of foreign teachers are long-standing problems for principals. Foreign teachers have very different cultural and educational backgrounds compared with Chinese foreign faculties will face issues such as culture shock or not adaptable to the living environment while working in China, which will cause high mobility of foreign teachers. It is difficult to understand their needs and reassure them fully.

In addition, some international schools will have a dual system in team management, so there will be friction in managing foreign teachers, which is also a difficult point.

领导力报告 第17篇

For more mature schools, stability leads to change, and change leads to communication and cooperation. Unlike traditional public schools, international schools focus more on holistic education and therefore have a closer connection to society. By communicating with companies, principals can introduce companies’ most advanced educational resources into classrooms and facilitate students’ development.

领导力报告 第18篇

The curriculum of the school needs to be systematically considered. Schools should improve their training programs annually according to the trends and the national demand for future talents.

The school's curriculum is also an externalization of the school's educational philosophy. Especially, the school-based programs directly reflect a school's unique strengths in developing talent. The school-based curriculum of international schools has several general directions: promoting traditional Chinese culture, sports, arts, STEM/technology, and leadership. These school-based programs can greatly expand the horizons of students and nurture the all-round talents in a variety of ways, including moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic.

领导力报告 第19篇

In particular, one of the major challenges faced by international schools is the balance between Chinese and foreign parties. The school's direction should integrate East and West, and ensur an equal management of Chinese and foreign faculty and staff.

North Cross School Shanghai - Li Jian: ^v^At North Cross, we want all teachers, no matter what country they come from, to do the same thing, and we strive to have the same standards and requirements for them, including teacher ethics.^v^

领导力报告 第20篇

The development of globalization not only puts forward new requirements for talent cultivation, but also makes the public understanding that in today. Social problems faced by humanity need cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, and innovative solutions. International talents trained by international education will promote the development of globalization more effectively, and they are more capable of leading the world in the direction of becoming a community with a shared future.

In this context, although the current pandemic situation is still severe and the global problem is complex, principals are still optimistic about developing international education. The overall trend of international education is stable and positive, which is reflected explicitly in the dimensions of market demand, customer, and capital. The attraction of top universities overseas will continue affect the students in China. In this case, there is still a demand for international schools. Where there is demand, there is a market, and where there is a market, there is an influx of capital.

领导力报告 第21篇

This report includes four chapters: interviewees, principals' leadership, development and outlook, and conclusion.

The report is based on the interview content of outstanding international school principals in the ^v^Research on Chinese International Schools^v^ which was jointly initiated by the Secondary School Branch of China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), KingLead & Peking University Innovative Talents Research Group, and several experts from Harvard University, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Peking University, and Tsinghua University. The research mainly focuses on three aspects including principal leadership, innovation competitiveness, and brand influence. At present, nearly 100 well-known international school principals have participated in the program, of which 48 principals' survey content has been officially released.

The purpose of this report is todiscuss the characteristics of international schools principal's leadership over China, the current situation and challenges in the school's development process, practical or theoretical questions of development goals and paths, challenges of school management, the relationship between principals and school development, the practice and exploration of cultivating innovative talents in international schools, and the future development trends and models of international schools.

领导力报告 第22篇

International schools are an important place to develop international talent with a global perspective. Principals should integrate resources and actively expand cooperation channels to create more possibilities for developing students’ horizons.

Shanghai North Cross - Jian Li: ^v^North Cross promotes global resources and walking classroom. Global resources means using more platforms to give children more opportunities to go out in the learning process, while also inviting outside platforms in. Walking classroom means matching with institutes in Shanghai while learning, and even traveling to the base area so that students can have a field understanding.^v^

领导力报告 第23篇



哈罗珠海——Charles Grayhurst:“在过去的两年中,我们逐步打开中国双语学校的市场,因此我们和哈罗重庆、哈罗海口以及哈罗南宁之间的交流十分紧密,与此同时我们和英国哈罗公学的沟通也是非常密切的。我们学校的各个层面和哈罗公学都经常会通过会议进行交流。”

领导力报告 第24篇




美国心理学家埃莉诺·迈克比(Eleanor Maccoby)在《性别差异心理学》中,对有关性别差异1600项研究成果进行了回顾,她借此向人们展示:普遍认为的两性差异大多是人们杜撰和加工的,人们对性别的很多刻板印象并不真实。



桑德拉·贝姆(Sandra Bem)在1974年提出了二维性别模型。她认为,人可以双性化,即既有男性特征也有女性特征,并提出了“性度”这一概念。








领导力报告 第25篇



领导力报告 第26篇

The principal of an international school not only needs to have abilities beyond teachers, but also needs to have strong leadership, brand awareness, innovation ability, and the ability to identify and attract high-quality educational talents.

A total of 45 principals were interviewed. They are working in 42 schools, including 29 private schools, 7 schools for children of foreign personnel, and 6 international division of public schools. The distribution area of the schools covers Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Sichuan, Heilongjiang, Hainan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Tianjin, and Guangxi. The time span of the schools establishment is from 1993 to 2023, and the schools’ sizes are also different.

The Kinglead Research Institute further conducted statistics based on characteristics, educational background, and management background of the 45 principals. Among these principals, 12 are foreign principals and 33 are Chinese principals, 23 of them are female principals and 22 are male principals. The gender distribution is relatively balanced. The appointment forms of the principals include executive director, honorary principal, founder, principal appointed by the board of directors, operating principal, chief superintendent, superintendent, etc. More than half of the principals have master's or doctoral degrees, and most of them graduated from well-known universities at home and abroad. Their majors cover education, management, computer science, law, literature, language, psychology, physics, leadership, biology, etc. Many principals have overseas study, living, and working experience. The principals interviewed have ten years or more experience in education management.

During the survey, we found that the school's development stage and size had a direct impact on the main content and the focus of the principal's work. Also, the principal's background experience also affected the principal's understanding of leadership and the way to practice it.

For the schools with established brand, the development in all aspects has been relatively mature and stable. Most of them have become benchmarks in international education. Therefore, the principal will devote more energy to maintaining the existing development achievements of the school, expanding the brand influence, seeking breakthroughs, and striving to ^v^make progress and go further^v^. For schools in the middle of development, they are in a critical period of linking between the preceding and the following. The principals of these schools not only need to lead the school's development, but also need to create school characteristics to stand in firce competition of international education. For new schools, all aspects of the school are in their infancy, with potential and challenges coexisting. The main focus of the principal's work is to point out the direction of the school's development, work together with the team, and establish a firm base for the school. Principal leadership will be analysed in more detail below.

领导力报告 第27篇

Campus construction includes establishing schools, enlarging schools sizes through campuses evelopment, and creating a comfortable pus environment.

Seven of the principals surveyed were the founding principals. As the principal of the school, it is necessary to conduct a large number of visits and researches in the early stage, discuss cooperation and sponsorship, and agree on the school route and school-running philosophy. The process of establishing school is never easy.

The development of international schools is a step-by-step process. Many schools may only have kindergartens at the beginning, but after years of development, they gradually expanded into an education brand that provides 15-year consistent high-quality education with multiple campuses. In this process, the principal plays a pivotal role.

领导力报告 第28篇

The principal should also have the ability to respond to crises that the school may face. From handling conflicts among children, parents, and staff, to dealing with the impact of an epidemic, principals need to respond calmly, quickly, and precisely to these challenges. They need to master both soft and hard tactics and adopt a flexible policy when necessary, easing the negative emotions of all parties while actively seeking solutions.





    正是那挑战的勇气和精神,在我们平凡人中谱写了一篇篇并不平凡的篇章,在我们的生活中创造了一个又一个奇迹……  ——题记  发生于1993年7月23日银川机场的一次空难,使宁夏人民,乃至全国人民认识了

    《父亲的名片》读后感优选作文12班  于舒齐  11岁他们在我孤单时陪伴我;在我害怕时鼓励我;在我迷失方向时指引我;在我有困难时帮助我,

    这篇《高一地理说课稿:《地理图表的判读》》是®爱学范文网为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!一、 本课题提出的思路此次出课正赶上高一地理总复习结束期间,第二轮

    保安年终工作总结篇1  斗转星移,时光如梭。转眼入司已近三年多,回顾自己三年来的工作历程,收获及感触颇多。  我与20xx年4月参加物业保安工作至今,在这段时间来我感受到物业保安工作与自己以前认识的不

    销售内勤个人工作总结篇1  不知不觉中,我已加入XXXX团队已经近一年了。我非常荣幸和庆幸自己能够成为XX(公司)的一员。在这里,我首先要感谢公司领导对我的信任和工作上给予的肯定,同时也非常感谢各位同




