




  I had a cold winter.


  A novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in early 2023 broke out in a more cold year. The Spring Festival should be joyful, but it is cold and clear; the streets should be bustling, but there are few people; the heart should be full of expectation, excitement, but full of tension and uneasiness.


  My family and I only stayed for a few days. In my hometown, my days were boring. I finished the exercises in several class hours I took from home too early. There's nothing to do at home except to take care of my grandfather, who's nearly 80 years old. No one came to visit. I often squat in front of the big red gate which was even worse than me in my hometown that year. I look at the road paved with loess with my eyes. I hope to see some familiar figures of people or cars, but I can't see anything. It's empty and lifeless. It looks like Like the dead earth. Sometimes, my eyes will travel to the asphalt street far away. There are only three or two sporadic cars on the street, speeding towards. My heart, can not help but rise a trace of desolation "This coronavirus is so severe?" I couldn't help thinking.


  It's an amazing early time to go home. Maybe it's because there's no one at home. Maybe it's because of fear I went back to my home in Xingtai. Life is still like before, living regularly and spending most of the time in front of the desk. There is no TV at home, and the computer is also controlled by the parents. In one day, in addition to eating in the living room, other times are accompanied by books in their own house. Oh, there's no possibility of going out to play. Now it's almost like going out to eat by yourself. Who knows the name of "coronavirus"?


  Everyone lives like a wild animal trapped in a cage, and the hunter is a "coronavirus".


  For the first time, I was excited. In the past days, I have never taken online classes. After my father drove me out of the house, he opened the password for me. I'm very angry, but I think it will be like this for more than ten days, and my anger is pressed down by me. When I got to the computer, I quickly grabbed the stool, held the mouse, clicked on the browser at an extremely fast speed, and planned to put the web address I remembered on the Internet. However, as soon as I entered the browser, a group of information came from all over the world. It's about this virus. They are full of websites, leaving no space. I'm surprised. I never knew that the epidemic was so serious. In fact, I'm also an "ancient ape". After all, in the information age, the semi isolation of the Internet and the blind are no doubt fast. Naturally, I don't know much about the epidemic. I stayed in my eyes and stared at the information reports one after another, and then I knew that the number of people suffering from the disease was nearly ten thousand. I can't help but think of the terrible disaster in 2003....


  The torrent of information engulfed me. I was immersed in the whirlpool of Internet for half an hour. I am deeply shocked, not only because of the great harm of coronavirus, which makes me feel creepy, but also because those white "rebels" who take the epidemic situation as their cause stand up for me. They face the difficulties, hand in hand, side by side, with their bodies and hands, and build a strong and solid life line! I want to give them a sentence, which I didn't want to read on the Internet "No one is born to be a hero, but there are always people who make great achievements with ordinary efforts."


  In time span, mind leisurely and return. After writing this composition, I am deeply moved. Although I don't feel the same, I know that I will never be lonely again. Because, although the days will not change, I know that I am not alone in the efforts, white heroes are leading me forward.


  I had a warm winter.



  1. 同舟共济,苦尽甘来。

  Let's help each other and expect happiness to come.

  2. 中国人,永不言败!

  Chinese people never say die.

  3. 众志成城, 抗击疫情。

  Let's unite as one to fight the epidemic.

  4. 武汉加油,中国加油!

  Wuhan stay strong! China Stay strong!


  our medical people shine, are heroes at frontline.


  Be Strong, Wuhan

  7. 万众一心,共克艰难。

  Let's overcome difficulties with one heart and one mind.

  8. 病毒无情,人有情!

  The virus is merciless, but the world is full of love.

  9. 天佑中华。

  God bless China.


  We are all with you。


  1.Wuhan just had a disease, the motherland and we still love it!武汉只是生了一场病,祖国和我们依然爱它!2.With so many people sticking it out, why wouldn't we try.有这么多人都在坚守,我们有什么理由不去努力。3. Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.用肥皂或者用含酒精的洗手液洗手。4. Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow.咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用面巾纸或屈肘捂住口鼻。5.Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.疫情就是命令,防控就是责任。6.If Wuhan wins, Hubei wins. If Hubei wins, the whole country wins.武汉胜则湖北胜,湖北胜则全国胜。7.Saving lives is of paramount importance.生命重于泰山。8.Tribute to the most beautiful retrograde! This is the role of medical workers! Come on!致敬最美的逆行者!这就是医护工作者的担当!加油!9.Isolate viruses but not love, because love is the best bridge.隔离病毒但不隔离爱,因为爱是最好的桥梁。10.The epidemic is ruthless, and I believe that spring will always come!疫情无情人有情,相信春天总会到来!





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