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my dream job英语作文

Everyone has a dream, but for me,becoming a lawyer might seem like a dream job.本站今天为大家精心准备了my dream job英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助!

  my dream job英语作文

  我梦想的工作(My dream job)

  Everyone has a dream, but for me,becoming a lawyer might seem like a dream job.Because the job can help people when they have difficulies or trouble and I can try my best to make the world fair .I think it will be exciting!

  If I become a lawyer,I will be able to make a living by doing something I love,and I can make money for my parents.

  No one can perdict the future, so I must work hard from now on in order to realise my dream in the near future.

  my dream job英语作文

  Everybody has his dream job. I also have my dream job. My dream job is to be a reporter so that I have opportunities to write articles for newspapers and magazines, and to interview some presidents and many famous figures in the world. After graduating from high school, I intend to go to university in Beijing. When I left university, I hope that I can get a job in a broadcasting station. After working for several years and after earning for myself enough bread , I will start a project that I want to travel around the world.

  my dream job英语作文

  I am a unknown high school student, I the ideal of life is to be a travel around the world of reporter. Although I know the road is tough, but I'll stick to it.

  I'm going to give some newspaper and magazines, write some articles earn money, etc have enough enough money, after graduating from high school went to Beijing university, read the department of professional journalists. After the graduation to find a job in a radio station to work, then work while for themselves responsible enough to save money to travel around the world.



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