




  When I was a little girl ,I used to play with my friends all day and allnight , I was very happy .But now ,Im growing up ,I just wand to be alone , so Ibecome worried . I used to like planting flowers ,but now I dont have any timeto do that , I only study and do my homework every day .I used to like watchingTv , and ofen watch cartoon ,but now Im more interested in sports games andEnglish programmes.

  I didnt use to reading books ,now ienjoy reading magazines ,because I think that the more books I read, the more knowledge I get . I usde to make my mother be angry with me ,now Im obedient to her . I used to beafraid of the dark , but now I like to think about my problem in the dark and enjoy the dark instead How much Ihave changed !But what changed my life ? The time ,time could change everything.


  I think my life changed,For example, I used to very short,But now I'm very tall,And I used to have short hair,Now I have long hair,I used to very ouegoing ,Now I'm qhite,  As a matter of fact,people sure change.Two years ago,I'm a pimary and secondary school students,I have much time,And I often play tble Tennis with my friends,Noe I'm a mddle School Students,I have to study ,And I don't have time with my frinds,

  So now I fell very happy to study . I love my life


  My life changed a lot in the last few years,I used to be short and have long hair ,but now I am tall and have short hair ,I used to be quiet and shy ,now I am very outgoing .I used to be afraid of dark ,now I am not .I used to be heavy ,now I am thin and healthy .

  My daily life is different and I used to like different thing when I was a child.For example,I didn't use to like tests.Now,I don't mind them.I used to hate gym class.Now it'smy favorite class.I used to walk to school.Now,I take the bus .when I was young,I used to have so much time to play with my friends ,but now I am really too busy ,I have to get up early and stay in school all day ,then I go right home and eat dinner.at night ,I used to watch TV with my parent or chat with my grandmother ,but now I can't .I love sports ,but now ,I hardly ever have time to play sport.I have to do lots of homework .I really miss the old days!






    幼儿园老师年终工作总结篇1  当妈妈肚子里面有一个小小生命时,辛苦地孕育十个月之后,突然几声稚嫩的啼哭声,迎来了宝宝的诞生,是欢呼、是喜悦、是想不到的爱、是一个家庭增添了新的生命!  这时爸爸妈妈将把

    校长在军训表彰大会上的讲话稿(通用15篇)校长在军训表彰大会上的讲话稿 篇1尊敬的各位教官、老师、亲爱的同学们:大家好!难忘的军训生活即将画上圆满的句号。同学们嘹亮的口号、整齐的步伐、规范的动作,让我




    摘要:  高校半军事化管理工作对教育工作的正面作用与负面效应同时存在,为了真正做到教书育人,应将学生的自我管理提高到新的高度,与半军事化管理方式科学结合,充分培养学生的能力,挖掘学生的潜力,将个性论文


