


答案,拼音为dá àn,汉语词语,指对有关问题所作的解答。以下是小编整理的20229月英语六级考试试题及答案,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。




  Conversation 1

  M: Welcome to Money Matters - a weekly program that helps you manage your money. Tonight, I"ll be talking to Mary Johnson about budgeting.

  W: Hello, everyone.

  M: There"s a magic about money, when it"s not planned for, tracked and kept the record of, it literally disappears.

  What are some of the steps we can take to prevent this from happening?

  W: Well, it"s all about keeping track of your money.

  If you don"t do that, you"ll never be able to set any goals for your budget or have the discipline to stick to them.

  M: That"s easier said than done. I read recently that only 41% of Americans adhere to a budget.

  W: Yes, but knowing what you earn and what you spend can give you reassurance that you won"t get into debt in the first place. You can do this by adding up all of your sources of income you have, and writing them all down on a piece of paper. On the same page, write down all of your monthly expenses.

  M: I"m always amazed at how much my expenses add up.But designating each item as an income or an expense really helps me have a much better sense of all my spending.

  W: Right. Most people have no idea how much they spend each day, let alone each week or month, no matter how careful they are. Next, subtract your monthly expenses from income. If the result is positive, you are living within your means. If the result is a negative number, you"re going to have to cut back on your spending.

  M: I"m usually a negative number. I just can"t resist the allure of all those prestigious goods.

  W: Well, it"s not a catastrophe, but you do have to make some changes. Try cutting back on those non-essential items, sell some stuff in your attic or shop online to avoid unnecessary temptations like chocolate. Failing that you can always find yourself a part-time job.

  Q1: What does the man say about the weekly program?

  Q2: What did the man read recently?

  Q3: What does the woman suggest the man do first to avoid getting into debt?

  Q4: What does the woman say about online shopping?

  Conversation 2

  M: Hi there. I"ve come to see the flat. My name is Mark Adams. We spoke on the phone on Wednesday.

  W: Hi Mark. Come on up. I"ll buzz you in green door, on the second floor on the right side. Nice to meet you. I spoke to all your references and they all checked out Okay. So let me show you around the place actually belongs to my mother, but her health isn"t great. So we finally managed to persuade her to move in with us and rent this old place out.

  M:It"s a great size, plenty of space, very versatile. I think it"s a winner for us.

  W: Yes. All the appliances are brand new. There"s a washing machine and a tumble dryer in the utility room next to the kitchen.

  M: Lots of closet space two, which is fabulous. My wife has a ridiculous number of shoes. Now, the big question What about noise and the neighbors?

  W: Well, all the neighbors are elderly, so no noisy kids and the back of the house overlooks a clear and peaceful pond. So it"s perfect. If tranquility is what you are looking for.

  M: That"s good news. We"ve been living in a less than glamorous part of Aberdeen, constantly harassed day and night by noisy neighbors. Getting to work was a nightmare too. As we only have one car. And my wife has to use it as she works nights at the hospital.

  W: Well, if you like the place it"s yours. As soon as I get a contract drawn up with the solicitor, the first month"s rent and a deposit are mandatory on signing the contract, then we can work out when is the best day for you to pay rent each month?

  M: We"ll be incredibly happy to be your new tenants. Thank you so much. My wife will be thrilled to get out of the shabby place we are now in and start filling those wardrobes with all those shoes.

  Q5: What does the woman say about the flat question six?

  Q6: What is the man"s chief consideration in looking for a flat?

  Q7: What does the man have to do on signing the contract?

  Q8: Why does the man say his wife will feel very excited if they move into the flat?

  Passage 1

  A new study has found a positive correlation between how much television children watch and their parents stress levels. Why? Because the more television kids watch, the more they"re exposed to advertising .The more advertising they see, the more likely they are to insist on purchasing items when they go with their parents to the store.This could generate conflict if the parents refuse. All that researchers say can contribute to parents overall stress levels. What"s the solution ? Perhaps the most obvious is curtailing screen time.

  Commercial content is there for a reason :to elicit purchasing behavior, so parents might want to shut off the TV. Researchers can see that this is easier said than done. So they suggest another option. Parents can change how they talk to their kids about purchases. The researchers suggest that parents seek input from their children on family purchasing decisions.They shouldn"t try to control all purchases. Instead, parents might tell their children things like: I will listen to your advice on certain products or brands. This type of communication, the researchers assert, can lead to children, making fewer purchasing demands- that means less parent stress. However, the protective effect of this kind of communication diminishes with greater exposure to television. This is because advertising aimed at children is especially persuasive. Advertisers use an assortment of tactics, such as bright colors, happy music and celebrity endorsements to appeal to children. Plus children don"t have the cognitive ability to fully understand advertising"s intent that makes them particularly vulnerable to advertisements.

  Q9: What has the new study found about children watching television?

  Q10:What are parents advised to do to reduce the impact of TV commercials?

  Q11: What makes children particularly vulnerable to TV commercials?

  Passage 2

  Everyone is supposed to cheer for good guys. And we should only punish the bad guys, but that"s not what we always do. Most of the time we do indeed reward good people. We also often punish people who harm others or who aren"t good team players, but sometimes the good guys also get punished or criticized specifically because they are so good. This seems baffling because it"s detrimental to group cooperation. However, the phenomenon has been discovered in multiple fields and it has been found in every society. Why does this happen? Research suggests a simple reason when one person looks really good, others look bad by comparison. Those others then have an incentive in stopping that person from looking good, especially if they can"t or won"t compete. After all, we"re all judged in comparison with others. When faced with someone better, what can a normal person do? One option is to actively compete. A second option is to bring that person down that is to suppress their cooperation or work ethic, and first selfish motives for their actions or imply real or imagined hypocrisy. Other tactics include attacking them on unrelated dimensions or punishing them outright. Why does this matter? Critics often attack the motives of people who protect the environment, donate money or work too hard. Such good deeds are dismissed as naive or hypocritical by those who do not perform those deeds. This criticism may ultimately discourage people from doing good deeds.so it"s important to recognize these attacks for what they are.

  Q12: What baffling phenomenon is discussed in the passage?

  Q13: How are we all judged according to the passage?

  Q14: What can a normal person do when faced with people who perform better?

  Q15: what may discourage people from performing good deeds?

  Lecture 1 雪萱

  In America, most researchers can see that boys and girls are brought up in different ways, taught different skills and rewarded for different acts. Women, it is agreed excel at certain tasks, men at others. There is little argument that some personality traits appear more dominant in one sex than in the other.

  All of this, not withstanding, gender differences are very much in the media these days. Since the rise of the women"s movement, gender role behavior has come under closer scrutiny. How has this affected friendship? How do the sexes differ in their friendship relations? Most preteen children have a best friend who is usually some one of the same sex and similar age.Both sexes share an essentially positive recollection of these childhood friendships, they do not differ in this respect. However, the type of play engaged in during these early friendships is telling of the difference to come. Boys tend to form playgroups that are competitive in nature. Girls groups more frequently revolve around cooperative enterprises. Thus at an early age, boys become concerned with trying hard and winning, while girls by contrast play house and school, engaging in roles that require complimentary support. Speaking of their childhood, men recall being highly responsive to and aware of the gender role opinions of other boys. Girls in preteen years appear to be less susceptible to gender role pressure. It is not until the dating years that women report being concerned with feminine behavior. Males for the most part are responsive to the suggestion that their behavior is unmanly at almost any age. These early attitudes reinforced by social conditioning continue to play an active part in the friendships of both sexes during adolescence. This is a period when the majority of males, once again, report a close Alliance with same sex friends.Now, however, with heightened intensity, considerable energy is devoted to competing for position and a definite undercurrent of competition permeates the relationship. Although in dissimilar fashion, females share equally fragile relationships at this age. For them, the bond of loyalty extends only to the line of romantic involvement.This is most apt to be the case in late adolescence when dating and relationships with boys take sharp precedence over sisterhood. Actually dating dilutes the intensity of same sex friendships for men also. For the majority of us, the moment we begin to date seriously, there"s a competition between romance and friendship.

  Q16: What does the speaker say about most preteen children?

  Q17: What do most males devote much of their energy to during adolescence?

  Q18: What do children do when they reach late adolescence?

  Lecture 2

  Good afternoon. In today"s lecture, we"ll be talking about how and when to disclose a disability when applying for a job. On average, about 20% of the population has some form of disability. Most countries these days have equal opportunity and non-discrimination laws, yet disabled people often find it hard to decide when, how, and if at all to raise their disability problem with a potential employer. There is uncertainty about how a recruiter will perceive their disability as such many candidates fear they wouldn"t be considered for a position as a result of disclosing this personal information. And research has validated this as a genuine concern for many job applicants. It’s a natural reaction, but it shouldn"t be a reason to stay quiet. People need to remember that they are applying for a position they have the skills and experience to.

  Discussing a disability with a potential employer may help them make reasonable workplace adjustments in their favor. It"s most appropriate to discuss a disability when they reply to confirm an interview, this information needed to be put up front in their cover letter or resume. because it"s probably not relevant to the position itself. Candidates with disabilities should feel they have the power to make their own decisions around sharing this information free from prejudice. If they find an organization that doesn"t celebrate diversity and inclusion, it could say a lot about the company"s culture, perhaps the organization isn"t the right fit. It"s important for them to. remember That they are seeking a manager, an employer that"s going to be supportive and continue to give them a great employment experience. Companies sometimes offer candidates the chance to disclose disabilities on their application form, but people shouldn"t feel restricted by this method or timing. People should avoid sharing the name of their disability or condition. There is always the risk that the recruiter will research inform that is inaccurate or irrelevant. If people don"t think their disability will impact their ability to perform in the advertised position, then it"s entirely their entitlement to choose when and whether to share this information.

  Q19: Why do disabled job applicants feel reluctant to disclose their disability information?

  Q20: When does the speaker suggest applicants reveal their disability information? Q21: What are people advised to do when filling out their job application form?

  Lecture 3

  Smartphones Distract attention and reduce learning because of their potential to offer activities more inviting than study.

  But what about background sound alone?

  A group of American researchers compared students" comprehension of verbal material when reading in the presence of background speech, instrumental music or general noise.

  General noise is neutral such as that from the sound of an air conditioner or fan.

  Student scores were most depressed in the presence of background speech. Comprehension was slightly better with the presence of music than with speech.

  However, when they were asked to identify melodies rather than understand text background music interfered more. When the background speech was in a language unfamiliar to participants, there was little, if any hindrance of reading comprehension.

  British researchers compared the effects of background speech, vocal music, instrumental music, general background noise and silence on short term memory.

  Background speech had the biggest negative effect. Vocal music was slightly more disruptive than instrumental.

  In general background noise and silence were least disrupt.

  It seems the degree of interference from background noise depends on the overlap between the processing required on the task and the processing required to screen out the background noise.

  The studies suggest that when people read and when they try to remember any verbal material, background speech will inhibit their ability.

  Instrumental music will have at worst a slight effect.

  When students write essays, however,

  other research has found it is best to reduce all background noise as much as possible.

  Not everyone reacts in the same way to distractions.

  Other studies suggest some aspects of personality may make a difference.

  The researchers subjected shy, quiet people and confident, outgoing ones to high arousal or low arousal background music, general noise or silence while asking them to remember words.

  Everyone performed best in the silent condition, but less sociable people were more negatively affected by each of the distractions.

  So when children are reading and trying to incorporate new material, parents could consider allowing some background music, particularly if it is instrumental and their child is the outgoing type.

  Q22: What did some American researchers find about students reading comprehension in the presence of background noise?

  Q23: What do we learn from the British researchers about the degree of interference from background noise?

  Q24:What is best for students to do when writing essays according to some research?

  Q25: How do people of different personalities react to distractions according to other studies?


  1.C) It helps people with budgeting.

  2.D) Most Americans do not stick to a budget.

  3.A) Keep track of his money.

  4.B) It helps avoid unnecessary spending.

  5.C) It belongs to her mother.

  6.B) Tranquility.

  7.B) Pay the first month"s rent and a deposit.

  8.D) She will have plenty of space for her shoes.

  9. D) The more television they watch, the greater their parents" stress.

  10. C) Involve children in making purchasing decisions.

  11. A) Their limited cognitive ability.

  12)D Good guys may get unfair treatment

  13) C In comparsion with others

  14) B Compete with them actively

  15) A Being dismissed as hypocritical

  16.D) They make friends with peers of the same sax.

  17. A) Competing for position.

  18. A) They prioritize romance over friendship.

  19. B) They are worried about being turned down.

  20. C) When confirming an interview.

  21. D) Avoid mentioning the name of their disability.

  22.B) It was the poorest when there was background speech.

  23.C) It depends on the overlap in processing different kinds of information.

  24.A) Keep everything as quiet as possible.

  25. B) Shy quiet people were most adversely impacted.




  开头:The now extinct passenger pigeon has the dubious honor of being the last species anyone ever expected to disappear.


  【答案速查】26-30 LAIMO 31-35 BCHND

  26. L) estimates

  27. A) vulnerable

  28. I) hatched

  29. M) edible

  30. O) delicacy

  31. B) unprecedented

  32. C) tracts

  33. H) infinite

  34. N) depleted

  35. D) specimen



  标题:Is computer coding a foreign language?


  36-40 LEKGD 41-45 HBJCM


  36. Employers attach more importance to applicants" computer skills than their language competence.

  36. L 【定位】Even with the benefits and skill sets languages provide, recruiters and employers value computer skills more.

  37. One U.S. state senator proposed that high school students be allowed to study either foreign language or computer coding.

  37. E【定位】“I think the opportunity to give people a choice is important," says Florida state Senator Jeremy Ring.might as well do computer coding."

  38. Learning languages broadens students" international perspective and nurtures mutual respect among peoples, according to a high school language teacher.

  38. K【定位】 We need to find a way to put ourselves at the global table and to treat each other with mutual respect.

  39. One U.S. state will see to it that programming classes are taught by quality teachers.

  39. G 【定位】 Instead, the state will provide support for higher quality teachers for programming classes.

  40. Statistics show while computer-related jobs have been on the rise, foreign languages have become less appealing to American students since mid-1990s.

  40. D 【定位】Foreign language interest, on the other hand, is declining for the first time since 1995.

  41. All school subjects are said to be essential to students" well-rounded development.

  41. H 【定位】…because every subject, whether art, math or language. is a significant contribution to a well-rounded existence.

  42. There is consensus among most educators that coding should be taught in schools but should not replace foreign language.

  42. B【定位】Coding should be added to curriculums, but not at the expense of foreign language classes.

  43. One study showed that foreign language learning improved students" academic performance.

  43. J【定位】Studies show that bilingualism (双语) correlates with cognitive development, intelligence, memory and problem solving abilities, according to the American Cou

  44. Being short of funding and qualified teachers, schools lag behind the fast developing computer science field.

  44. C 【定位】The computer science field is growing faster than schools can keep up because of budget constraints and a lack of skills training for teachers.

  45. A distinguished high school language teacher also believes it is advisable to start learning a foreign language at an earlier age.

  45. M 【定位】I just think it"s something you have to start early and not just have something that you do for a couple of years in high school," he says.

  Passage One


  The U.S. and China don’t agree on much these days.


  【答案速查】 46-50 DCABC


  46. D) How to stop tech companies from gaining monopoly.

  47. C) All companies must be regulated by the government.

  48. A) They can no longer do business independent of tech giants.

  49. B) They have considered regulatory action to promote fair competition.

  50. C) They are becoming untrustworthy.

  Passage Two

  文章开头:Born from the accessibility of mass air travel, modern

  答案速查:51-55 DBDAC

  51. What is the popular assumption about international tourism?

  D) It contributes to the economy of destination countries and regions.

  52. What do we learn from some studies about uncontrolled tourism development?

  B) It incurs local residents" antagonism to tourists.

  53. Why does the author say local residents of popular destinations often feel frustrated?

  D)They do not think they benefit as much as they deserve.

  54. How does the author say local residents in destination communities respond to tourism activity?

  A)They endeavor to adapt to it.

  55. What can tourists do to exert more positive impacts on the tourist destinations?

  C)Use the services provided by local businesses.



  贴春联(Spring Festival couplets)是中国人欢度春节的一个重要习俗。春联由一对诗句和四字横批(horizontal scroll)组成,诗句和横批用金色或黑色写在红纸上,红色代表幸运,金色代表财富。春联贴在大门左右两侧和门框上方。春联的诗句体现中国传统诗词的特点,两句诗的字数相同、内容相关。横批凸显春联的主题,更是锦上添花。春联以简洁的文字描绘生动的形象,抒发美好的愿望,当家家户户贴春联时,人们就会意识到春节已经正式拉开序幕。


  Pasting Spring Festival couplets is an important custom for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival couplet is composed of two lines of poems and a horizontal scroll of four characters. With the color of gold or black, these lines are written in horizontal scrolls. Red symbolizes luck and gold represents wealth. Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the left and right sides of the gate and above the door frame.

  The verses of the Spring Festival couplets embody the characteristics of traditional Chinese poetry. The two lines have the same number of characters and are interrelated in content. The horizontal inscription highlighting the theme of the Spring Festival couplets is the icing on the cake. The Spring Festival couplets are described in simple words vividly and express a beautiful vision. When every family pastes the Spring Festival couplets, people will pay a visit and the Spring Festival officially starts.


  Pasting the Spring Festival couplets is an important custom for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival couplets consist of a pair of poems and four character horizontal scrolls. The verses are written in horizontal scrolls on red paper in gold or black. Red represents luck and gold represents wealth. The Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the left and right sides of the gate and above the door frame.

  The lines of the Spring Festival couplets embody the characteristics of traditional Chinese poetry. The two lines have the same number of characters and are related in content. The horizontal scroll highlighting the theme of the Spring Festival couplets is even the icing on the top. The Spring Festival couplets depict vivid images in simple words and express good wishes. When every household pastes the Spring Festival couplets, people will realize that the Spring Festival has officially kicked off.




  Since antiquity, the seal has been the symbol of status and power. Seal, which is an ancient art combining calligraphy and sculpture, is not only a practical article but also an art form. From the selection of materials, and the production procedures to the design of fonts, seals are rich in aesthetic expressions. Artists in other countries usually sign their paintings on site, but Chinese artists often prefer seals to signatures on their paintings and calligraphy. In this way, the seal also becomes an integral part of the work. This is a way to show the uniqueness of the work.





  With a total construction area of 550,000 square meters, The CCTV Headquarter Building is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing. The building is composed of two towers. Due to its unique shape, it has become a popular scenic spot in this city and it attracts many tourists every day. The new structure of the building is attributed to the long-term collaboration between Chinese and foreign architects, which not only reflects the sense of environmental protection, but also saves a lot of building materials. The CCTV headquarter Building has a special channel through the building to show the public the history of all kinds of studios and CCTV itself. Visitors can also enjoy the fantastic scenery of the Forbidden City and other places in Beijing there.


  The CCTV Headquarters Building is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, with a total construction area of 55,0000 square meters,which is composed of two towers. Because of its unique shape, it has become a popular scenic spot in this city, attracting many tourists every day.

  The new structure of the building is the result of long-term cooperation between Chinese and foreign architects, which not only reflects the awareness of environmental protection, but also greatly saves building materials. The CCTV headquarters has a dedicated channel through the building to show the public the history of various studios and CCTV. There, visitors can also see the spectacular scenery of the Forbidden City and other places in Beijing.




  Today more and more people begin to realize the pleasures and joys of real-world social interaction. In the information era, it goes without saying that the Internet plays a key role in our daily lives. The Internet and mobile phones enabled us to contact others, search for information and provide us with online services. However, opinions vary when it comes to whether they brought us more advantages than drawbacks.

  First and foremost, it is natural for students to be fond of mobile phones because of the convenience they bring. However, in my opinion, real-world social interaction is incomparable to online platforms. We can’t communicate directly and expressively if we abandon the way of real-world social interaction. Without the care of friends and family, people get easily downhearted and demoralized. It is time for us to draw attention to the problem and put down our mobile phones, go home every night to have dinner with our family, and sit in front of the TV to chat.

  In the final analysis, the Internet would amount to a double-edged sword. Compared with the previous virtual social interaction, I found how happy the real-world social interaction in the real world is!


  Improve Digital Capability

  Nowadays, students are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of developing digital skills. With the popularity of the Internet, digital capability has gradually emerged into our vision. There is a going recognition that students in mounting numbers realize the necessity of developing digital skills.

  In a digital era, it is of great importance for students to use the internet for their daily uses. The Internet tends to play an increasingly important role in our life. Therefore, many college students have the foresight to improve their digital ability. Technological advances can lead to more efficient uses of natural resources and sustain economic growth. With digital capability, not only can we follow the latest news, but also we can improve our working efficiency. It is an integral part of everyone’s life.

  In the final analysis, we can have more convenience and enjoy more online services with improved digital capability. Nowadays, the world is developing rapidly and changing rapidly. Obviously, improving digital capability better and more efficient is a very helpful means.


  Nowadays,students are becoming increasinhly aware of the importance of developing digital skills. In today"s digital era, a better grasp of the use of big data is of great importance both for analysis and for specific operations.

  Therefore, many forward-looking college students pay attention to the improvement of digital ability, because the management guidance it can bring is incomparable to common knowledge analysis. Its advantage is that it helps to improve the acuity in the daily work process, and is an important basis for decision management.

  Nowadays, the comprehensive market is developing rapidly and changing rapidly, and the accuracy and sensitivity of decision-making and management need to be considered comprehensively. Obviously, improving digital capability through better and more efficient is a very helpful means.


  How to develop our digital skills

  Living in the digital age, we are unavoidably exposed to all kinds of digital products, such as digital cameras, digital computers, digital televisions, and so on, which grow in an increasing categories and quantities. Believe it or not, digitally talented people are already so highly in demand that there is an urgent need to improve our digital capabilities.

  To begin with, as the digital revolution overturns the workplace, college students, the new force in the future workplace, should first pay attention to the cultivation of digital ability. Secondly, we college students need to understand what digital talents are in demand in the future job market and identify trends in new digital jobs so that we can apply what we have learned and keep up with the trend of digital transformation. Last but not least, in order to cultivate and develop our digital skills, we should learn as much as possible about the various digital analysis tools and keep pace with the times.

  In conclusion, in today"s digital age, it is very important to develop our digital skills. We should do our best to improve our digital abilit.





    《母亲》读后感        《母亲》这本书写了,一位母亲在丈夫还在时,丈夫经常打她。丈夫死后,母亲从儿子等人身上学会了自己如何拯救自己的国


    高中学校工作总结篇1  根据县局20xx(46)号文件精神,我校今年高中招生工作坚持从学校可持续发展的战略高度出发,力求认识到位,组织到位,措施到位,落实到位,高标准严要求地完成了此项工作,现简要总结

    优秀设计师工作总结篇1  在成熟和迷惘的交织中,x悄然流逝了。在我眼里,设计室也是一个没有硝烟的战场,它能磨炼人的'意志,淡泊人的心灵,业务素质能得到快速提高,人的心理也能快速成熟起来,这无不凝结着每

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    尊敬的xx领导、工商界的各位前辈、朋友:  新年好!!  律回春晖渐,万象始更新。在今天这个特别的日子,特殊的场合里,我们相聚在一起,共叙园区工商界所取得的喜人的成绩,为我们的传统佳节增添了浓厚的喜庆发言稿

