


 用英语来写一篇欢迎词的演讲稿,为自己的演讲加分以下是合一范文分享的欢迎词范文英文版 ,希望能帮助到大家!


  Dear guest,

  It is with our pleasure we welcome you to XXX hotel, 襑ork hard and create new earnestly and enthusiastically try to be the best?are our objective.

  We would like to offer you the perfect hotel service with our all hearts, in order to make you feel warm and genie. We are expecting our service will leave you a very good impression.

  We wish you every success whether your visit is for business or pleasure.

  Welcome you back next time.

  Sincerely yours

  General manager


  Ladies and gentlemen,

  First of all , please allow me to express a warm welcome to you on behalf of our School of Civil Engineering & Architecture of hainan university. We have been looking forward to seeing you for a long time.It is a very nice day today.

  Located on the Island of Hainan, Hainan University is the only comprehensive university in this province. Located in the capital city of Haikou in Hainan Province, Hainan University is bounded by Qiongzhou Strait to the north and Nandu Jiang River to the south. The campus is characterized by its tropical marine shoreline with coconut-scented breeze and undulating expanse of sea and lake waters rippling in the sunshine. Hainan University covers 150 hectares of land, offering an ideal surrounding for learning and growing in a domain of wisdom. Our School is relatively small between all school of our university. But it is one of the most popular profession.

  Since we are already here, let's make ourselves at home. Thank you very much.

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  The time has come for BULANG professor to leave. It’s a pity that you can not stay in Hainan university any longer. Allow me, on behalf of our School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.

  First of all, I wish to thank you all for the speech you have given us in the past days. You have kept good time on all occasions, which made things a lot easier . Also, you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do better in the area of Academic research. I’d like to add that you are the best friends we’ve ever been with.

  Once again, thank you for your speech and guide.

  Enjoy your voyage!


  Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen !

  First let me introduce myself.My name is Mina ,a student from Nanjing Audit University .I'm honored to have this opportunity to welcome dear guests from Skema Business School .

  An old chinese saying may express our hospitality:“Here come friends afar, exceedingly how happy we are!” Your visit makes our campus full of fragrance and passion despite of the extremely cold weather. This also marks the friendship between Skema Business School and Nanjing Audit University is just like a ship which is advancing through the huge waves and winds. The communication will promote the Internationalization process between the two schools. Therefore, please allow me to express the sincere greetings and warm welcome to our honorable guests on behalf of all the teachers and students of our school. To all of you who just arrive at our school , I know there are a lot of things new to you. You may be excited, may be amazed by the differences and even a bit confused.It is totally understandable and expected. But there is one thing we want you to know that you are all welcomed here with warm arms and hearts! There is no doubt we are totally two different cultures and there are a lots of differences. However, the fact that you are sitting here today tells us that you are willing to take

  initiatives to learn more about our schools, our country and our culture. As we all know, culture is not what runs in your blood, but how you participate.

  Since you have lived in Suzhou for a long time ,I suppose that you are familiar with Nanjing to some degree.Located in the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Nowadays, Nanjing has developed into a multiple-producing industrial base in eastern China, an important hub of transportation and communication center.

  Nanjing is very rich in natural and artificial landscapes. It is one of the first 24 well-known historic and cultural cities announced by the state. Dr.Sun Yat-Sen's Mausoleum, the Ming Tomb, the ancient city wall of Nanjing, the stone carvings of Southern Tang Dynasty,the Rain Flower Terrace and other places are the main scenic spots and historic sites. The Eastern Suburbs Scenic Area, the Qixia Mountain, the Xuanwu Lake, the Mochou Lake, the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt and other scenic areas are well-known far and near. Among them, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Mausoleum and the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt are among 40 best tourist scenic spots in China.

  Today, we build a new cooperation platform, and we will make a new contribution to the friendship and communication between the two countries.

  May the friendship between Skema and NAU live forever. May the two schools make great progress together.

  We sincerely hope our noble French guests will have a good trip in Nanjing.Thank you very much!





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