



1.Take a proactive role in waste reduction campaign, do a good job in the implementation of waste management;

2.Building green enterprises, green adhere to the operation;

3.Simple to obtain resources, utilization of resources into full;

4.Improve the system of environmental protection, responsibility for the implementation of environmental protection;

5.Cherish the sustainable use of resources, green environment purification of the mind

6.We love the earth bit by bit from the start;

7.We only have one Earth

8.Love our environment means loving ourselves

9.Clear sky for a clean mind

10.To protect the environment, starts from me

11.Promote green consumption and green voters

12.Pursuit vogue, hug green green life

13.The earth had no health without human health

14.I am a member environmental

http://www.oh100.comstroy the environment, nor harmful reactive cover to protect the environment and fellowship

16.Plant trees and grass, environmentally-friendly

17.Plant trees and grass, environmentally-friendly

18.Take a proactive role in waste reduction campaign, do a good job in the implementation of waste management;

20.Building green enterprises, green adhere to the operation;

21.Simple to obtain resources, utilization of resources into full;

22.Improve the system of environmental protection, responsibility for the implementation of environmental protection;

23.Cherish the sustainable use of resources, green environment purification of the mind

24.We love the earth bit by bit from the start;

25.Do not watch, to join the ranks of actors in environmental protection;

26.Economic development can not be at the expense of the environment;

27.Environmental and human co-existence, development and protection of synchronization;

28.Garbage is mixed own garbage, garbage classification of resources;

29.The production of green products to promote green living

30.Water - the source of human life

31.Do not watch, to join the ranks of actors in environmental protection;

32.Economic development can not be at the expense of the environment;

33.Environmental and human co-existence, development and protection of synchronization;

34.Garbage is mixed own garbage, garbage classification of resources;

35.The production of green products to promote green living







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    作为一名保安员,我的工作正是我立足于这个社会的本职,这份工作也是我个人社会价值的主要体现。下面是本站小编给大家整理的“保安旷工检讨书范文”,欢迎阅读,仅供参考。  保安旷工检讨书范文(一)尊敬的单位领


    大家都知道,水是我们生活中不可缺少的一样东西,水是无比的珍贵,无比的“善良”。但是,现在人们已经开始污染环境和水了,很快人们将被缺水而困扰,让我们一起来拯救珍贵的水吧!  《水滴旅行记》里面的主角读后感



