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英语作文写作能力的重要性the importance of writing ability and三篇


  英语作文写作能力的重要性the importance of writing ability and1






  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of writing ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  The importance of writing ability and how to develop it

  As the most productive and communicative way to express ourselves, writing is attached great importance in all ages. Whether we want to improve our writing skills as a creative writer or simply perfect our skills for schoolwork, we can take some steps to learn how to be a better writer.

  Firstly, in order to make our writing creative and imaginative, brainstorming is one of the key elements to build up a unique topic. Don't hesitate to take down all the ideas that come into our mind. Secondly, a good development of our writing is based on a clear structure or paragraph organization. Even a simple outline will help us see the big picture and save us hours of rewriting. Finally, diversity of vocabulary and grammar used in writing is highly recommended for the reason that one of the most common manifestations of bad writing is overuse or reuse of simple language.

  To sum up, we should take practice and expand our knowledge to become a great writer. With enough hard work and scientific techniques, we will amaze not only ourselves but also anybody else.

  英语作文写作能力的重要性the importance of writing ability and2


  For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write an essay on “The Importance of Writing Ability and How to Develop It “You should write at least 120 words but no more than

  180 words.Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.


  No body could deny that writing is one of the basic abilities for men. Put it another way, it is unlikely to imagine human civilization without writing ability.

  At the top of the list, if we overlook the significance of writing ability, we will suffer a great difficulty in our daily written communication. In addition to what has been mentioned above, it is advisable for us to attach importance to this ability because writing plays a key in our academic performance. To summarize,writing does carry a positive implication for our life and study.

  In view of the great value of writing ability, we should take actions to develop this capability. For my part, initially, we are supposed to keep in mind that reading is the first step of writing, so we should read great books as many as possible, learning from the great works how to write concisely and effectively. Moreover, owing to the fact that practice makes perfect, we should frequently practice writing; for example, we may develop the habit of keeping a diary.







  英语作文写作能力的重要性the importance of writing ability and3

  As is known to all, writing is an important and necessary skill for all students. However, many students don’t really understand the true importance of writing, as they just consider writing as a task of exam. As far as I am concerned, writing has deeper importance in many ways.


  Firstly, improving our ability of using words is a basic function of writing. For example, in order to write a good English composition, we must use every word carefully as much as possible to ensure its correctness. In the process, we have improved our ability of using words and writing skills imperceptibly. In this aspect, writing is a good way to strengthen our ability.


  Moreover, writing is an effective way to enlarge our vocabulary. Different compositions we write need different vocabularies. Therefore, the more compositions we write, the more vocabularies we get. At the same time, it is helpful to enlarge our reading.


  And last but not the least, writing makes great contribution to our logical thinking and analysis ability. For one thing, to write a good composition, we must collect and arrange writing materials systematically so that we can show off what is essential and what is not so important. In the process of dealing with materials, we are also learning to analyze and deal with the different problems. For another, it is also a process to practice our own thinking ability and form different thoughts. By dealing with all kinds of compositions, we can get in touch with more thoughts and become wiser.


  In a word, writing is an important skill, especially for language learners. Thus, we should improve our writing ability as much as possible to improve our overall levels.




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