


Long history in China in 5000,western social process of world 56 a hundred years.China is brilliant abundant,great and deep food culture.本站今天为大家精心准备了中国饮食文化英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助!


  Long history in China in 5000,western social process of world 56 a hundred years.China is brilliant abundant,great and deep food culture;The western nation then has delicately and particularly ,from become the food civilization of system.Medium the west food cultural collision,exchanges and melted into whole mankind's civilization to fill up with wear colourful function.Medium the Spanish turn of the difference of educated medium west food culture of difference,but this kind of difference come from medium the west different mode of thinking with conducting philosophy.

  This text introduced a medium Spanish to turn in the difference of food.West food from the food idea,food object,food method,food ownership and property etc.carry on the comparison of the culture.


  Before a foreigner comes to China, there are three things make up his first impression of China. They are Kongfu, Panda and Chinese food. Chinese cuisine is famous all around the world. When the foreigners have tasted it, they will speak highly of it. Compared to the American food, which is mainly the fast food, Chinese eating styles are different in zones and people can cook the food in various ways. Every style of cuisine surprises the western people. We pay special attention to the healthy diet. We are so proud of the history of more than 5000 years. It enriches our knowledge and makes this old country stronger.



  "food is the heaven to the human". Since human beings appeared on the earth millions years ago, we have had food everyday to satisfy the need of energy. Because of the influence of religion, climate, and region, different countries have different dietary cultures.

  China, which has a history longer than five thousand years, is one of the biggest countries in the world, and the United States is the super country that has a great influence to the whole world. We study these differences and then find out the points that can be digested, in order to facilitate the communication about cultures between China and the United States. By the analysis of the differences between Chinese and American dietary cultures, we can comprehend the respective cultural traditions of China and the west and we can also improve and create the new culture of China. In my paper, I would like to discuss the difference of food between the two countries.






    qq生日红包吉利祝福语1 1、你同意或者不同意,我都会等待;你想或者不想,我对你的情不会变;你爱或者不爱,我的心里都是爱;今生今世不离不弃;祝生日快乐!2、我用牛奶把幸福搅拌,我用巧克力把快乐调甜,我


    答辩人(被告):XXX,女,,汉族,籍贯XXX,现户口为XX市,在XX市实业开发公司工作,住××市XX路××公寓。   被答辩人:(原告):XXX,男,32岁,汉族,籍贯XXX,原户口为XX市,

    写在前面的话——   彩虹那边的梦   因为青春年少,所以激情在人生的夏季燃烧。   因为喜欢雨后的彩虹,所以又安静地做这一个彩虹那边的梦。   仙林天空下几阵雨过,便期待后山上挂起美丽的彩虹,


    银行个人工作总结篇1  时光飞逝,进入农行工作已经一个年头了,在这短短的一年中,我的人生经历了巨大的变化,无论是工作上,学习上,还是思想上都逐渐成熟起来。在城北支行,我从事着一份最平凡的工作——柜员。

    伴随着21世纪的脚步,我即将走完多彩的高中三年。在这三年中,我在各方面都取得了长足的提高和可喜的成绩。爱学范文为大家整理的相关的2023高三学生自我陈述报告范文吗供大家参考选择。  2023高三学生

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