




  Ⅰ. The General Idea of This Period:

  This period is about the part—“Grammar Focus” of unit 5. It focuses on passive voice with relevant exercises designed to practice the language point. It is a linking part of the whole unit, and makes students realize the significance of passive voice.

  Ⅱ. Teaching Aims:

  1. To enable the students to analyze the structure of those passive sentences;

  2. To get to know how to change the voice of the sentences.

  Ⅲ. Important Teaching Points:

  1. To encourage students understand the passive voice in English.

  2. To help students apply the passive voice in sentences.

  3. To make the students realize difference between active voice and passive voice.Ⅳ. Difficult Teaching Points:

  1. How to change the sentence from active voice to passive voice.

  2. How to make students utilize the passive voice.

  Ⅴ. Teaching Methods:

  1. Talking to improve the students’ speaking ability;

  2. Situational dialogue to arouse the interest of students;

  3. Discussion to make every student work in class.

  Ⅵ. Teaching Aids:

  1. The multimedia

  2. The blackboard

  Ⅶ. Teaching Procedures:

  Step1 Lead-in

  1. Greet the whole class as usual.

  T: Class begins! Good morning everyone! Sit down, please! Today, we will come

  to learn Unit5, grammar focus, passive voice. Take it easy! Firstly, we will watch a short film from the “Freaky Friday”.

  2. Review a short video from the film (Freaky Friday) we have watched.

  (1) Ask Students to act the film.

  (2) The others talk about what they are doing.

  T: can you remember the last four sentences of the video? (Play the slides) And try to imitate these sentences with me, OK? (Practice for 3 times) Now, try to role play in pair. OK, go!

  3. Review the passive sentences we have learned in this unit.

  (1) Read the passive sentences on the screen.

  (2) Try to find out the model of the passive sentences.

  Step 2 Grammar learning

  1. Structure of passive sentences

  T: As we all know, sentences can be divided into passive voice sentences and active voice sentences. What is the similarity of these sentences?

  Active voice

  (On the blackboard) Voice

  Passive voice

  T: As we can see, the structure is like “be + v-pp” (write on the blackboard). T: We have just mentioned, “我乘坐机车是不被允许的” how to say?

  T: Then,”抽烟是不被允许的”how to say?(play the slide)

  T: Let’s see some past participant of some usual v

  erbs. There are three types changes of v-pp. (play the slides)

  T: The jacket _____ (make) wool. (Play the slides).

  A bank _____ (rob) yesterday. (Play the slides).

  The rice _____ (grow) in China. (Play the slides).

  T: OK, turn to page 36, group4 and group5 read the questions, and group 1/2/3

  read the answers. Clear? Are you…ready go!

  2. Voice exchange

  (1) Simple sentence “刘谦变魔术” how to say?(Play the slide) Then, how to

  change it into passive voice?

  (2) 4 steps of change the voice of a sentence. (Play the slides)

  (3) Many people speak English all over the world. (Demonstrate the 4 steps on

  the blackboard)

  Step 3 practice

  T: Until now, we have learned the way of change the voice of a sentence. Do you know how to do it?

  T: According to the four steps, we can rewrite following sentences. And try to finish 4b in groups, OK?

  T: OK, let’s check the answer.

  T: Let’s do some exercises to apply the passive voice in sentences. (Show them some photos of their everyday activities and give them some help in necessary.) Try to describe the picture by two voices; you can do it in pairs. OK, go!

  T: Who would like to share your answer with us? (Point 4-5 pairs)

  Step 4 Homework

  1. Finish the Section A of the Exercise book;

  2. Prepare for the dictation.





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    尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:  大家好  我是09级45班的付云升,首先要感谢老师给我这样的一个机会参加第四届学生分会的竞选,今天我要竞选的是主席一职。  两年的学生干部工作让我对学生会这个大家庭充满了演讲稿





