




George E. Rodriquez

242 James Martin Circle

Columbus, OH 43212

Residence: 123.654.5555

Fax:(555) 555-7623

Email: jdoe@domain.com


An Automotive Sales Management position that will effectively utilize acquired expertise, creative talents and commitment to excellence. Desire a position with career growth potential.

Summary Of Qualifications:

Innovative professional with 16+ years of progressive experience within the automobile sales industry and the skills to drive business growth, capitalize on new revenue potential, and manage all aspects of daily business operations.

Expertise in new and used vehicle sales, pricing strategies, client relations and needs assessment, marketing, financial management, purchasing, administration, and staff training, supervision, motivation and mentoring.

Proactive leader with refined business acumen and exemplary people skills. Facilitate a team approach to achieve organizational objectives, increase productivity and enhance employee morale.

Quick study, with an ability to easily grasp and put into application new ideas, concepts, methods and technologies. Dedicated, innovative and self-motivated team player/builder.

Exceptional leadership, organizational, oral/written communication, interpersonal, analytical, and problem resolution skills. Thrive in both independent and collaborative work environments.

Proficient in the use of various computer programs and applications including Reynolds & Reynolds.

Professional Experience:

Used Car Manager / Sales Manager - Johnson Buick Pontiac GMC Argusville, Florida. 4/99-9/02

Purchased auto inventory from auctions and wholesalers, conducted appraisals, directed the reconditioning of trade-in vehicles for resale, and assisted with new car sales. Created innovative promotional marketing strategies, designed and placed advertising featuring $1.5M in used car inventory. Hired, trained, supervised and mentored 12 sales people; motivated staff to meet/exceed established sales goals and objectives by developing effective sales incentives. Gave final approval on all sales, trade-ins, financing and credit arrangements. Monitored and reported sales volume, financial and business transactions. [Generated sales of 70-90 vehicles per month.]

Sales Manager - Howard Buick Pontiac GMC Jacksonville, Florida. 4/99-9/02

Drove sales of new and used vehicles; reviewed and approved sales deals by all sales associates. Ordered new car inventory and negotiated with auto wholesalers to purchase used vehicles. Scheduled and managed three sales managers and 20 sales associates; taught employees successful sales and closing techniques. Designed and placed advertising featuring vehicle inventory; appeared in dealership television commercials, and created promotional marketing strategies to stimulate sales growth such as off-site tent sales events, special finance mailers and a first time buyer program. Developed strong customer relations, appraised trade-ins, orchestrated financing, and gave final approval of all sales. Ensured employees provided highest standards of customer satisfaction and quality service at all times.


Jacksonville Community College

Jacksonville, Forida.

B.A., Marketing - 1998.





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