







  1. How perfect your personal technology, if you dont work , youll lose the match. (skills)

  2. , I will make the distance short between the rich and the poor in my hometown. (gap)

  3. Only one short sentence can encourage her/his child very much. (a few words)

  4. You will have a cheerful emotion (mood)

  5. Since, peoples life level is improving fast. (living standard)

  6. People chatting online are not telling each other the true word. (truth)

  7. If a person doesnt want to talk about or tell their heart-thing to his friends, (worries/concers/cares)

  8. he would have some spiritual barricade1. (mental breakdown2)

  9. In the rainy weather, the cases (road conditions) are especially terrible. (things)表示情况的词汇辨析:case, circumstance, situation,

  10. Just like playing games, one mark will let you lose. (point)比较score, result,mark,point.


  1. In my opinion, to be a good parent isfor her/his child. This thought is so easy. (simplistic)

  2. If you dont want to lead an easy life, work hard! (simple/ordinary)

  3. He told me he wanted to call me when I was convenient, but I was cheated. (available/free)

  4. The fire was coming to them, so all of them were very dangerous. (in danger)

  5. After this incident, I was very painful and did not want to go to school. (upset)

  6. Prices are much cheaper in street markets. (lower)

  7. If you are high level, you will be noticed by others quickly. (outstanding)

  8. they know they must learn about the past, they should be hard. (hard-working)

  9. As far as my English is concerned, my vocabulary is too little. (limited)

  10. Eating outside is not as economic as cooking and eating at home. (economical)

  11. Receiving the results, my mind was completely empty. (blank)

  12. Hearing his words, my heart became very comple. (heavy)


  1. They think: I must cant pass the eam whatever it is, so I give up. (delete)

  2. TV watchers, like me, dont like the programs to be broken by the ads. (interrputed)

  3. A man who is too proud must not take other peoples advice. (will definitely )

  4. Because, he must meet all sorts of difficulties and obstacles. (will surely/definitely)

  5. Only when you insist working hard, can you realize your ideal. (keep)

  6. I was very angry that she doubted that I cheated in her eam. (suspected)

  7. If thats the case, our hometown must become more beautiful in the future. (will definitely)


  1. Especially, science and technology are highly important and emphasized. (Particularly)

  2. Only this, they can make the distant with children short. (thus/in this way)



  1. Teamwork spirit is very important, especially when you attend the match such as football match. (participate in)

  2. Her father received the telephone and told me that sheand I felt very (answered)

  3. This certainly effects the peoples lives; they can choose any kind if they want. (affect)

  4. All these could effect the marks of the eam and might make them unable to study in a school a whole year. (affect)

  5. It seemed that no one who can cause my attention. (attract)

  6. It (maths problem) was that hard that (it) spent him a whole night. (took)

  7. It is students duty to study knowledge at university.(acquire)

  8. Love is not all about roses, every one has to work to maintain his/her life. (sustain3)

  9. All parents want their kids to accept good education. (receive)

  10. The old man appreciated him very much. (liked)

  11. Because it is still eist and effect you. (affect)

  12. Some freshmen4 are trying to suit the new school. (adapt to)

  13. Internet also effects ones health. (affects)

  14. When we touch the other people in the society, (are in contact with)

  15. At the same time you omit the friends around you. (ignore)

  16. , but we cant speak our unhappiness to other people (tell)

  17. I dream one day, the farmers go abroad to study new knowledge. (acquire)

  18. So it is important to raise the friendship between people. (promote)

  19. Now we are learning knowledge in the university, self-confidence can help us (acquiring)

  20. Why did he (Bill Gates) receive so great success (achieve)

  21. and you also must know how it (TV) effects our living. (affects)

  22. On my first day at college, I met many new faces. (saw)

  23. I think the educational department should light the students burden. (reduce/lighten)

  24. It not only epands our eyes, (widens)

  25. My mother is very patient and not afraid me add trouble. (make trouble)

  26. Young people worship stars blindly so they will miss themselves. (lose)

  27. If we dont delete the eaminations, quality education is an empty word. (abolish5)


  1. I pity very much when I heard that father divorced with her mother ... (divorced)

  2. Some students are very lazy and only prepare the eams ... (prepare for)

  3. I usually rela myself by listening to light music. (delete)

  4. In classroom, we often argue questions to enlarge our minds. (argue over)

  5. I disagree the opinion leaning about the past has no in the present. (disagree with)

  6. To me, I prefer to agree the latter one. (agree to)

  7. A good parent shouldnt interfere6 his childs life too much. (interfere in)

  8. If the consumers complain the quality of the products, (complain about)

  9. I dont believe fate because the road is under your foot. (believe in)

  10. I felt very angry that he said I did not care him. (care about)


  1. In modern society, peoples nervous work often makes them too tired. (intense)

  2. If you are not confident, youll never face the cruel competition in the society. (fierce)

  3. My hometown, a small village with hard-working and simple-minded people. (pure and honest)

  4. First, the advanced school and high level teachers are needed. (well-qualified)

  5. It is better not to be romantic in our realistic life. (real)

  6. We all epected him to be a black horse in the football match against class2. (dark)

  7. Now the summer holiday is over, and nervous study life has begun. (intense)

  8. In big cities, there is always crowded traffic, while in the countryside (heavy/congested)

  (四) 汉语成语的影响

  1. I am eighteen years old and I am the pearl7 on my parents palm. (apple of my parents eye)

  2. Plain face towards sky is my habit. (Wearing no make up/ Chinese phrase sumianchaotian)

  3. A parent mustnt pick shoots to help growth. (spoil children by ecessive enthusiasm)

  4. It is no better than fifty paces laughing at 100 paces. (the pot calls the kettle black)

  5. All parents look their sons to be dragons and (epect their sons to be talents)

  6. (All parents look) their daughters to be phoeni8. (epect their daughters to be talents)

  7. If you dont admit this point, you are stealing bell covering ears. (deceiving yourself)

  (五) 未归类错误

  1. and we are always having touch with each other. (keeping)

  2. I think it is very right to say pride leads to failure. (quite)

  3. If I can change, I will etend the small factories in my hometown and ... (epand)

  4. He committed suicide9 three times and at last he decided10 to live on to struggle. (attempted)


  1、平日记忆单词的习惯; 2、平日使用词典的习惯; 3、改进的方案;






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