




湄洲岛导游词英语作文 篇1

  Hello, everyone! Do you want to know who is a strange woman who helps thepoor and saves relatives at sea and is revered as "the Virgin Mary in the sky"for generations? Where is the ancestral temple dedicated to her gods? Then,please follow me, guide __X of __X travel agency, to Meizhou Island in Putian topay a visit to this goddess Mazu, whom the world worships.

  Meizhou Island, 42 kilometers from Putian City, is named "Meizhou" becauseit is shaped like human eyebrows and embedded in the blue waves. It is not onlythe place where Mazu lived since childhood, but also the place where Mazu templeis famous at home and abroad. My friends, Meizhou Island has arrived. Pleasetake your luggage and belongings with you and follow me to get off the ship.Please be careful at your feet and pay attention to safety.

  "Millennium goddess temple, long protect the Sea red." Please see, thismagnificent building complex in front of us was built on the basis of theoriginal ancestral temple in the 1970s and 1980s by Mazu believers from all overthe world. The whole temple is divided into five parts. It is built inaccordance with the trend of the mountain. The traces of the Northern SongDynasty can be seen in the architectural color. You see, its external image isnot like the Potala Palace in Tibet. It is simple and solemn, and it hasextraordinary momentum!

  Look at these groups of pilgrims. They include Chinese Taiwan compatriots andoverseas Chinese from abroad, as well as pilgrims from the mainland. Have younoticed that there is a statue of Mazu at the front of these teams. Which friendknows what this is doing? In fact, these statues used to go out from theancestral temple, and now the pilgrimage team brings her back, which is called"Mazu back to her mother's home". Friends, please follow me. Let's go to thestone statue of Mazu on the top of the mountain. From this skyscraper, you haveto climb 99 steps to reach it. And from the archway of Mazu temple at the footof the mountain to the statue of Mazu at the top of the mountain, the whole axisis 323 meters long. Guess what these 99 steps and 323 meters stand for? Yes, 99means Mazu rises to heaven on the ninth day of September, and 323 is tocommemorate the birthday of Mazu on March 23rd. Well, dear friends, this is thehighest point of Mazu mountain. This graceful and kind-hearted statue of Mazu is14.35 meters high and made of 365 pieces of granite. It symbolizes Mazu'sblessing on the residents of Meizhou, which is 14.35 square kilometers. It issafe and lucky 365 days a year. Look, Mazu is wearing a crown, xiapi, Ruyi andlooking at the sea. On the other side of the sea is Chinese Taiwan, the treasure islandof the motherland. A statue as like as two peas across the sea in the imperialcourt of Lukang, Chinese Taiwan, together, is a common safeguard for peace andtranquility in the Chinese Taiwan Straits. Yes, Mazu's folk belief has gone through morethan one thousand years since it came into being. It transcends time and space,regions and races, and has more than 100 million followers all over the world.Mazu has become a goddess worshipped by all over the world and a symbol of loveand peace. In mainland China, Chinese Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, even Paris, Hawaii andother Chinese communities around the world, Mazu is actually a strong sense ofnot forgetting her ancestors. Maybe this is the key to the long-lasting spreadof Mazu belief. Friends, if you have the chance, I hope you can visit Meizhouagain. Welcome to visit this strange woman. At that time, "please come toMeizhou with your friends."

湄洲岛导游词英语作文 篇2

  Hello everyone! Welcome to Meizhou Island National Tourism Resort, which isknown as "Mazu holy land, pearl of the sea". My name is __, and I'm the tourguide of this scenic spot. First of all, I'd like to introduce the basicsituation of Meizhou Island.

  Meizhou Island is located in the northern half of Meizhou Bay mouth, 42kilometers away from Putian City. It is called Meizhou because it is locatedbetween the sea and the land and is shaped like an eyebrow. It is 9.6 km longfrom north to South and 1.3 km wide from east to west, covering an area of about16 square kilometers, with a population of 38000. The island is denselyforested, with numerous harbors, winding coastlines, continuous beaches andbeautiful scenery. The high-quality beach around the island is more than 20kilometers long and can be built as a bathing beach. It is an ideal resort.

  Meizhou Bay is adjacent to the Chinese Taiwan Strait in the southeast, and is faraway from Chinese Taiwan. Mazu on the island is famous at home and abroad. Mazu'soriginal name was Lin Mo Niang (960-987 A.D.), because she was born to the fullmoon and never cried, her father named her "Mo". She was smart when she wasyoung. She could recite sutras at the age of 8, interpret texts at the age of10, learn Taoism at the age of 13, and cross the sea on waves at the age of 16.On the ninth day of September in the fourth year of Yongxi of Song Dynasty, whenLin Mo Niang was 28 years old, she bid farewell to her family and naturalizedand ascended to heaven on Meiyu peak of Meizhou Island. In memory of her, peopleset up a temple beside the "historical site of rising to heaven" on Meizhou peakand worshipped her as the goddess of the sea, goddess of the dragon, goddess ofthe sea, etc. In Song Huizong's time, Mazu was granted the title of "Shunjilady", which was the first time that the court praised Mazu. In the laterdynasties, the imperial court granted her such honorary titles as "Princess ofheaven", "Queen of heaven" and "virgin of heaven".

  Meizhou Island is the hometown of Mazu. The Mazu temple here is known as"Meizhou Temple of Tianhou Palace". The temple was founded in the fourth year ofYongxi of Song Dynasty (987 A.D.), that is, the same year when Lin Mo Niangdied. At the beginning, it was only a few rafters. Later, it was expanded insuccessive dynasties and became more and more magnificent. Zheng He, a famousnavigator of the Ming Dynasty, made seven voyages to the Western Ocean. He cameback and said, "God shows his holiness on the sea." before his seventh voyages,he was ordered to come to Meizhou Island to preside over special Royalceremonies and expand temples. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the QingDynasty, general Shi langzou said, "the sea was aided by God", and he wasordered to expand it. At present, Mazu temple has been renovated and carved withnew buildings. It has become a holy land for Chinese seafarers all over theworld to worship and for compatriots at home and abroad. Mazu temple, Tianfeipalace and Tianhou Palace are all over Chinese Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, as well asHaikou docks and inland ports in mainland China. They are also distributed inSoutheast Asia and 17 countries in the world, such as Japan, Korea, India, theUnited States, France, Denmark, Brazil and Argentina. It is necessary that Mazubelief exists where there are Chinese. In Chinese Taiwan, there are more than 5000 Mazutemples, large and small, and more than 14 million Mazu believers. On March 23of the lunar calendar, Mazu's birthday is full of people inside and outside thetemple.

  In the book of songs, a love song says, "the so-called Yi people are in thewater.". That is to say, the woman I miss lives on the Youzhu, which is full ofwater and grass. Strange to say, the girls on Meizhou Island are very smart,white and tender. They are not as "swarthy" as ordinary people on the beach. Theold saying "beauty comes from Meizhou" is still popular today. Whether it isworthy of the name or not will soon be seen.

  Meizhou Island is famous for its cultural landscape and beautiful mountainsand rivers. In the Ming Dynasty, Qin Bangqi wrote a poem when he was "watchingthe waves" on the island: "the scenery of Meizhou is better than Penglai in theQing Dynasty, looking around Cangjiang River and returning to the sky. The moonis full, the islands are still, the tide is coming, and the silver house is infull swing. The beautiful scenery of Lanhua peak, the exquisite rocks and thepiles in the clouds are all wonderful.

  Meizhou Island is only 72 nautical miles away from Chinese Taiwan. It traditionallylives by fishing. Nowadays, with the development of tourism industry, especiallyin 1992, the State Council approved the establishment of Meizhou Island NationalTourism Resort. The tourism economy of Meizhou Island has been injected with newvitality, which has greatly promoted the economic and social development of theresort.

  Mazu culture in Meizhou Island is unique. It is a part of Chinesetraditional culture and a wonderful flower in traditional culture. Mazu culturehas rich connotation and extensive extension, involving religious history, folkcustom history, navigation history, science and technology history, architecturehistory, literature history, art history, overseas Chinese history, Sino foreignrelations history and many other disciplines. It is a comprehensive subject withmulti-disciplinary significance. Specifically, it includes architecture,sculpture, painting, calligraphy, poetry, couplets, cultural relics, folkculture, fairy tales, folk traditions, religious beliefs and so on. Interestedfriends can conduct in-depth research.

  Meizhou Island folk customs and Mazu are inextricably linked. Out ofworship for Mazu, the residents of the island hold grand temple fairs every yearon March 23 and September 9, the birthday and ascension day of Mazu, attractinga large number of believers at home and abroad, especially in Chinese Taiwan andSoutheast Asia. Temple fairs hold large-scale ceremonies. Mazu, like the YellowEmperor and Confucius, enjoyed the imperial edict of spring and autumn. Mazuworship has a long history. It is said that the court began to worship Mazu inthe 26th year of Shaoxing in Song Dynasty (1156 A.D.), which was revisedrepeatedly in the yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, forming the annual spring andAutumn Festival ritual and incorporated into the national ritual. After thereplacement of the Qing Empire by the Republic of China, official ceremonieswere suspended. In 1994, Mazu Cultural Tourism Festival repeated the ceremony.In recent years, through continuous modification and improvement, Mazu Festivalhas become one of the three major festivals in China, along with offeringsacrifices to the Yellow River and Confucius. "Meizhou women" and "Hui'an women"have their own merits. "Meizhou women" clothing is one of the most distinctivefolk customs in the resort.

  The coastal scenery of Meizhou Island is beautiful and interesting. Thecoastline of Meizhou Island is 30 kilometers long, and there are 13 bay beachesalong the coastline, among which jiubaolan beach at the southwest end is themost spectacular. Although the peaks on the island are not high, there are manystrange peaks and rocks everywhere. The stones are famous for their "strangenessand interest", mainly concentrated in the scenic area of ewei mountain andriwenkeng.

  Meizhou Island has a close relationship with Chinese Taiwan. Tourism to Chinese Taiwan isanother characteristic of Meizhou Island. There are more than 3000 Mazu Fen Lingtemples in Chinese Taiwan, with about 16 million believers, accounting for more than 70%of the total population of Chinese Taiwan. During the Mazu Millennium sacrifice in 1987,more than 50000 Chinese Taiwan compatriots gathered on Meizhou Island for a pilgrimage,which set off an upsurge of people to people exchanges between Meizhou andChinese Taiwan,

  Since 1995, about 100000 Chinese Taiwan compatriots have come to Meizhou Mazutemple every year to pay homage to their ancestors and offer incense. It is theplace where the mainland attracts the most Chinese Taiwan compatriots. On May 6, 1989,Mazu believers in the South Tiangong Temple of su'ao, Ilan County, Chinese Taiwanorganized 24 fishing boats and 224 people to make a direct voyage to MeizhouIsland for worship, which was the first direct voyage on both sides of theStrait after the founding of new China. Since then, dozens of Chinese Taiwan fishingboats have sailed directly to Meizhou Island every year, forming the reality of"no official access, no private access, no public access and no secret access"between the two sides of the Strait. On October 8, 1989, LAN palace, Dajia Town,Chinese Taiwan organized thousands of pilgrims to escort Chinese Taiwan Mazu to the ancestraltemple, setting a precedent for Chinese Taiwan Mazu to visit the mainland for the firsttime in 40 years; In January 1997, with the support of the central government,Mazu Jinshen of Meizhou successfully toured Chinese Taiwan for 102 days, touring thewhole island and paying homage to more than 10 million believers. It was calledby Chinese Taiwan media as "a journey back to the century" and became the top ten newsin Chinese Taiwan at that time, causing a huge sensation at home and abroad; In July20__, LAN palace of Dajia town organized a large-scale pilgrimage group,including more than 20__ believers and 19 Chinese Taiwan news units, to visit theisland, creating the largest number of cross-strait non-governmental exchanges;On May 8, 20__, at the invitation of Kinmen, Mazu Jinshen successfully touredKinmen, setting a precedent for Mazu Jinshen's direct sea cruise to Chinese Taiwan,opening direct routes from Meizhou Island to Kinmen and Wuqiu Island, settingfive "firsts" in the history of cross-strait non-governmental exchanges. As Mazuculture plays an irreplaceable special role in the work of Chinese Taiwan, it has beenattached great importance by the Central Committee and leaders at all levels.When inspecting Fujian, more than ten party members, including __, Li Peng, QianQichen, Li Tieying and Wu Xueqian, all stressed the need to do a good job inMazu's articles and develop cross-strait relations. Some even went to the islandto inspect and guide the work in person.

  On March 4, 20__, Meizhou Island was rated as a national AAAA tourist area.In addition, Meizhou Island is also one of the top 100 counties (districts) forgreening in China, one of the advanced counties (districts) for afforestation inChina, one of the demonstration sites of civilized scenic spots in FujianProvince, and one of the top 10 counties (districts) for beautiful environmentin Fujian Province. Greening has become another beautiful scenery of MeizhouIsland.

  Meizhou Island is a beautiful island with boundless scenery. When you climbMeifeng, you can see mountains in the sea and the sea outside. The mountains andthe sea are linked together. The sea and the sky are the same color. It's afairyland on earth. There are more than ten scenic spots on the island, mainlyconcentrated in three large areas, namely "one center, two basic points". "Onecenter" is Mazu Worship Center Meizhou Mazu temple. The "two basic points" aree-Wei mountain scenic spot and jiubaolan golden beach. Next, let's visit Mazutemple in Meizhou. Mazu temple is planned to be divided into three axes of"East, West and South". At present, it has invested more than 100 million yuanto build two axes of West and south. The West axis is 500 meters long and 100meters wide, with a total investment of more than 50 million yuan. The buildingsinclude memorial archway, Mountain Gate, imperial edict gate, bell and DrumTower, Prince's hall, dressing house, Tianhou palace, Shengtian tower, etc. Theyenter the Mazu Cultural Park. There are two girls standing at the entrance ofthe park, namely "Meizhou women". They warmly welcome you to visit Mazu CulturalPark. "Meizhou woman" is wearing a sail style bun, sky blue clothes on her upperbody and red and black pants. This is the unique dress of "Meizhou women" in thepast, with profound implication. Along the steps, looking up, standing on thetop of the peak is the landmark building of Meizhou Island - Mazu stone statue.The base of the statue is 14.35 meters high, and the whole statue is carved with365 pieces of granite. It means that Mazu protects Meizhou (14.35 squarekilometers) 365 days a year with smooth weather, peace and happiness, and thewhole family of Mazu believers. There are 30 groups of Mazu story groupsculpture garden behind the stone statue. Each group of group sculpture tells abeautiful and moving legend. After visiting the group sculptures, we can seethat a beautiful building built on the seashore is Mazu stele forest, which iscomposed of a main stele and 99 auxiliary steles. It is divided into threecategories: natural, antique and artistic creativity. It gathers theinscriptions of feudal emperors and the recitation of Mazu by literati. It alsogathers the efforts of 100 famous calligraphers and celebrities at home andabroad. With novel conception and unique style, the forest of Steles has aunique cultural taste and artistic attainments. After seeing the forest ofSteles, you come to the south axis. This is the new hall of ancestral temple,which was newly planned and constructed in 1998. It is a five entrance Templestyle imitation Song Dynasty complex, 323 meters long and 99 meters wide. Itmeans to commemorate the birthday of Mazu, March 23 of the lunar calendar, andthe ninth day of September of the lunar calendar. The whole project, with aninvestment of more than 80 million yuan and a total construction area of 14268square meters, has 12 projects, which were completed and opened to the outsideworld in October 20__. The new hall is built close to the mountain and ismagnificent, known as "Potala Palace on the sea". On the left side of Mazu newhall is Mazu culture exhibition hall, which is divided into two parts: "FujianChinese Taiwan exchange" and "folk customs Exhibition". It uses more than 400 photos andmore than 300 objects to vividly show the situation of cross-strait exchangesand folk customs with local characteristics. Tin Hau square is also a landmarkbuilding on Meizhou Island.

  "Two basic points" is one of the key contents of today's tour. Take a busfrom zumiao along Meizhou avenue for about 20 minutes to jiubaolan golden beach.The beach is about 3 kilometers long and 200 meters wide. The beach is flat,fine, soft and clean. It can be called "the first in the world". Yongchuangtourism and holiday center has been built here, which can provide you withrecreational activities such as motorboat, beach volleyball, horse racing, etc.it is an ideal place for summer tourists.

  Take a bus from golden beach along the South Ring Road for about 10 minutesto the scenic spot of e'wei mountain. The scenic spot is located in thesouthernmost tip of Meizhou Island, facing the sea three times, with an altitudeof 65 meters. Its central park, e-Wei God Stone Park, covers an area of 32hectares. The park is like a large-scale natural stone landscape, with "strangerocks, rocks, cliffs, faults, caves and canyons". The whole park consists offive parts, namely "jinshan'ao", "Dongli Dongwai", "Haimen", "Shizishan" and"shenshigang", including dozens of scenic spots, such as "turtle pilgrimage","double toad tryst", "Mazu library" and "Dragon Cave listening to tide". As longas you are interested and good at fantasy, you can see what looks like and whatyou want. Here you can enjoy the fantastic peaks and rocks, which are lifelikeand vivid. You can enjoy the beauty of the sea and the sky, the Lusha and thefish sails. You can enjoy the thrilling waves, the flying flowers and the jadesplashing. You can also listen to the fishing boat singing at night, which islike a poem and a song. Adjacent to the bathing beach, music leisure square andchildren's paradise, visitors can enjoy playing and leisure. It is an idealparadise for tourism and popular science exploration.

  Meizhou Island is also a good place for seafood. It is rich in grouper,shrimp, snails, oysters, crabs and other seafood. It is delicious, fresh,delicate and delicious.

  Ladies and gentlemen, we are here today. You are welcome to leave me yourvaluable opinions. May the charming scenery of Meizhou Island leave a deepimpression on you. If you have the opportunity, you are welcome to come hereoften!

湄洲岛导游词英语作文 篇3

  Welcome to Meizhou Island, known as "Mecca in the East, Potala Palace onthe sea". I'm Xiao Li, the tour guide. Now, please follow me to pay a visit tothe goddess Mazu and the ancestral temple.

  In order to let you know more about Meizhou Island during your tour, I'dlike to introduce the general situation of Meizhou Island by boat: it covers anarea of 14.3 square kilometers. Because it's shaped like a human eyebrow andembedded in thousands of blue waves, it's named "Meizhou". It's not only theplace where Mazu lived since childhood, but also the place where Mazu templesare famous at home and abroad. My friends, Meizhou Island has arrived. Pleasetake your luggage and belongings with you and follow me to get off the ship.Please be careful at your feet and pay attention to safety!

  Looking ahead, there are groups of pilgrims. They include Chinese Taiwancompatriots and overseas Chinese from across the sea, as well as pilgrims fromthe mainland. Have you noticed that there is a statue of Mazu in front of theseteams? Are your friends very curious? In fact, these statues were sent out fromthe ancestral temple before. Now they send her back, also called "Mazu back toher mother's home". This phenomenon is often seen here, which proves that thefragrance of Meizhou Island is very strong.

  Please look at this magnificent building in front of us. Does it look likethe Potala Palace in Tibet? This is Mazu temple. Now we are at the first gate ofthe ancestral temple, the mountain gate. Because Mazu is the "goddess in thesky" and the supreme goddess, its specifications are built according to theroyal palace. In the mountain gate, there are two gods, Qianliyan andshunfenger. It is said that Qianliyan and shunfenger were sea monsters recoveredby Mazu.

  We walked up the stone steps and saw the second gate of the ancestraltemple, Yimen. You see, there is a plaque on the top of this instrument door,which says "imperial edict", so it is also called "imperial edict door". Thesquare we see now is the place where large-scale music and dance performancesare performed at every memorial ceremony. On my left and right are the belltower and the drum tower. Friends, let's keep going. Now we come to the "Princehall", which was built by Yao Qisheng, governor of Fujian Province. You maywonder why there is a prince hall in Mazu temple. It is said that Yao Qishengwas sheltered by Mazu and successfully completed the task assigned to him by theemperor. Yao Qisheng was named "Prince Shaobao" by the emperor. In order tothank Mazu, The "Prince hall" was built here. At the beginning of theconstruction of this hall, it was intended to become the main hall, but the folkcustom is still willing to follow the ancient system. I only think that thebuilding next to me is the most primitive main hall. Now let's visit the mainhall with me.

湄洲岛导游词英语作文 篇4

  Hello, everyone. Welcome to Putian for sightseeing. You've worked hard allthe way. I'm the tour guide this time. My name is Zhang. You can call me XiaoZhang.

  Putian is located in the middle of Fujian coast, so it is called the middleof Fujian. In 1983, it became a prefecture level city with the approval of theState Council. The total area is more than 4200 square kilometers and the totalpopulation is about 2.85 million. In 980 ad, the Xinghua army was set up togovern Xianyou County, Putian County and Xinghua County, hence the name ofXinghua. In 1277 ad, the Xinghua army recovered from the loss, and duanzongordered the Xinghua army to be named Xingan island. Because the north of Putianis the mountain, and Xinghua plain is in the south of the mountain, where thesun is direct, so it is called Puyang. Because it is rich in litchi, it is alsocalled Licheng. Guo Moruo once came here to play, leaving behind the poem"Licheng is full of lychees everywhere". From this we can see that there aremany lychees here. Litchi is rich in summer. Do you know what kind of litchi isdelicious? Yes, thick, juicy and small core litchi is delicious. In Putian,there are four famous fruits, which are distributed in four different seasons.Therefore, Putian people can eat their own unique fresh fruits throughout theyear. In spring, loquat is abundant here. It has thin skin and thick meat. Ittastes very good. In autumn, it's the season of longan. Longan here has a verygood taste. Its meat is very thick, thin skinned and small core. The localXinghua dried longan is also very famous. In winter, you can eat Wendan pomelohere. It's small, so you will think it's very sour. In fact, it's not. Althoughit's small, its taste is sour and sweet No more sweet, no more sour.

  Putian now governs four districts and one county, which are the NewDistrict of Putian City and Licheng District with industry as the center;Chengxiang District, the political, cultural and economic center; HanjiangDistrict, known as the hometown of overseas Chinese businessmen; Xianyou County,which is mainly agricultural; Xiuyu District, the richest district. Why is Xiuyuthe richest. That's because, ah, Xiuyu district is close to the seaside, sothere is less land to grow. So in order to make a living, everyone went out towork. Later, when they learned, they began to do business in other places. Thepeople who do business outside are all over the country.

  Now we are passing through Huangshi Town, where there is a favoriteconcubine of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, Mei Fei, whose original name isJiang Caiping, who was selected by the envoys and sent to the palace. Becauseshe likes plum blossoms, she was named Mei Fei. Have you ever seen the legend ofZhen Huan? Zhen Huan once danced a Jinghong dance, which made everyone hereobsessed and praised. So do you know who created this Jinghong dance? That's ourprincess Mei. At that time, when she danced out of the Jinghong dance, she wasgorgeous. Like all men, Tang Xuanzong was very proud and happy to have such atalented concubine, so he gave a Liyuan troupe to Putian. After laterimprovement, it became the present Puxian opera.

  Mei Fei is as elegant as a plum blossom, but the king is bored after seeingher for a long time, so when he sees Yang Yuhuan, he tries his best to get herinto the palace. Tang Xuanzong hoped that Mei Fei and Yang Guifei could servehim just like e Huang and nu Ying, but his ideal was full, but his reality washard. When Yang Guifei just entered the palace, Mei Fei was depressed. TangXuanzong enlightened Mei Fei, hoping that Mei Fei could accept Yang Guifei.However, Mei Fei always felt that it was against ethics and advised the emperorto put the country first. Tang Xuanzong felt very guilty, so he wanted to give ahigh official to Mei Fei's father, but Mei Fei refused. So the emperor sentsomeone to Mei Fei's hometown to build a palace similar to the imperial palacefor Mei Fei's family, but it was demoted and built, and the eaves were raised atboth ends, which was called feiziji. The common people thought that the housewas very beautiful, so they all followed suit. Later, when Emperor Xuanzong ofTang Dynasty knew about it, he ordered that it should not be built again. If itwas built, it would be OK. So at that time, six ridges were built for thewell-off family, and two for the ordinary family.

  Because Yang Guifei was jealous, she often targeted Mei Fei. Later, Mei Feiwas framed and moved to Lenggong. In the an Shi rebellion, Tang Xuanzong tookYang Guifei and fled, leaving Mei Fei. In order not to be insulted by therebels, Mei Fei wrapped herself up with white cloth. After Tang Xuanzongreturned to Beijing, he wanted to find Mei Fei because Yang Guifei was gone. Sohe sent someone to Shangyang palace to find Mei Fei, but finally found Mei Fei'sbody in the well. Later, Mei Fei's family took her body back to her hometown andburied it in her ancestral grave.

  Putian is known as "Zou Lu on the seashore, the land of literature". Thereare many famous scholars here, such as Cai Jing, Cai Bian and Cai Xiang. Theformer two are both prime ministers, while Cai Xiang is a famous calligrapher.If we really want to talk about the famous deeds of Putian, I'm afraid we can'tfinish it in two or three days. Now let me briefly introduce a talented personin Putian. His name is Dai Dabin. He was born in Tangdong village, Xindu town,Putian County. Since childhood, he has been brilliant, especially good atfighting against others. It is said that his grandfather had a good friend namedWang Dabin. He was knowledgeable, but because of bad luck, he didn't have a highschool. He was a teacher at home. Because he didn't get married, he raised acat. After the cat died, he became ill. Before he died, Dai Dabin's grandfathercame to take care of him, but he left without swallowing the rice noodles in hismouth. When Dai Gong buried him at home, his daughter-in-law had already givenbirth to a boy, but the child was crying all the time, and he had a mouthful ofrice noodles in his mouth. When Dai Gong saw this, he thought about it and saidto the little boy, if you are the reincarnation of Wang Dabin of the thirdsociety Then don't cry right away. I'll just change your surname instead of yourname. Your name is Dai Dabin. It's strange to say that the child won't cryimmediately. Because he had rice noodles in his mouth, he didn't eat Wenyangwater, so he kept the memory of his previous life. He is a good friend at theage of three and a flower at the age of 13. In the year when he was in Tanhua,one of the three pairs of shoes embroidered by the queen was a child. Theemperor felt very strange, so he asked the queen. The queen said that shedreamed that one of the three people in high school this year was a child atnight, so she embroidered a pair of children's shoes. It can be seen from thisthat exploring flowers in Dai Dabin's works is the will of heaven. But becauseof offending Liu Jin later, Liu Jin killed her on the way back to talk aboutvisiting her mother.

  Let me tell you another story. This is about another famous person inPutian. His name is xiaowuge. Little brother five is very smart. He is as goodat making pairs as Dai Dabin. Now, I'll tell you the story that it's difficultfor the fifth brother to get the examiner. It is said that one year in Qiuwei,the examiners at that time were ignorant and sold officials. Five elder brotherhears this examiners come down, think to tease him. When the examiner arrived atthe three pavilions, he took a bench and untied his clothes to expose his bellyfor the sun. When the examiner's carriage arrived at this place, he saw a manlying in the middle of the official road. He sent someone to ask why, but theman said, "I'm full of scriptures. I can't reveal them. I'm going to get moldy,so I want to dry here." When the examiner heard this, he felt very strange, sohe said, let him have a look. The man said: "the article is in the abdomen. Howcan I show it to you? I wrote it on the stone road. Please get off the sedanchair and have a look." So the examiner went to see, brother five, and wrote asentence to go one step. The examiner followed him all the way to the gate ofthe city. He saw that the beans planted by the farmers on the land at the rootof the city wall had begun to grow two leaves. Inspired by this, he said to theexaminer, "students saw the scene in front of them, thought of a couplet, andasked adults to write the next couplet. "The examiner said," but it doesn't hurtto say so. " Five brothers said: "white beans unearthed, hand worship days, rainand dew." The examiner said, "it's the right thing to do. What's thedifficulty?" So he wandered in the field, trying to find out the second couplet,but he was embarrassed to say that it was not right, but said that there was noabsolute second couplet. Brother five said, "no, if there is a first couplet,there must be a second couplet." The examiner said, "well, you should listen tome." Five brothers said, let's make a bet. If I lose, I will be disqualifiedfrom this examination. The examiner said, if you can tell me, I will not be thechief examiner and go back immediately. Five brothers said it's a deal. Listen,red mushroom Dai Li, standing on one foot in the wind and frost. So the examinerfelt ashamed and went back.

  The folk custom in Putian is also very interesting. In addition to marriageand marriage, there is another form for people to get married. That is Lianggu.That is to say, both sides take into account the fact that neither side isallowed to suffer losses. Why does this happen? That's because the woman is theonly one in the family, and the family's conditions are also rich. At this time,the family wants to say that they want to join the family. However, the girls inthe family already have the object of their heart, and they are not willing tobreak up. So the two sides negotiate to have two children, One of them has thesame family name as her. Therefore, the two goos were formed.

  Girls in Putian are very expensive. Taking wathi town in Xiuyu district asthe middle line, the price of bride price is slightly lower in the area to thenorth and west of Putian. It's about tens of thousands, and the most expensiveone is hundreds of thousands. But in the area to the South and east of Putian,the bride price is basically hundreds of thousands, or even millions. So it'sdifficult to marry a wife here, for example If the family is not very rich, theymay have to borrow money to get a daughter-in-law. When a bride gets married,she has to wear gold ornaments. Her hands are covered with gold bracelets. Someeven wear gold ornaments around her neck and 10 fingers on her hands are coveredwith gold rings. Don't think it's tacky. It represents the importance the familyattaches to the daughter. At the same time, it's also a deterrent to the groom.I hope my daughter married in the past and could be valued by her family.

  When you come to Putian, you are not only for sightseeing, but also forspecial snacks. Because this is a coastal city, the special snacks here arerelated to seafood. If you have a chance, you can try some local snacks, such asstewed noodles, Xinghua fried rice noodles, fried eggs with oysters, stewedtofu, etc. of course, Putian is not only about seafood. If there are people whoare allergic to seafood like Xiao Zhang, you can try some local lychee meat,fried meat, white cut mutton, Xitianwei flat food, etc.

  Well, we have a general understanding of Putian food. Do you know where weare going today? Yes, the place we are going to visit today is Meizhou Island inXiuyu district. Meizhou Island is called Meizhou because it is on the seashoreand its shape is like eyebrows. Meizhou Island, with an area of 14.35 squarekilometers, is the second largest island in Putian City. Nanri Island, thelargest island in Putian City, is a sister island. Nanri island is famous forabalone, while Meizhou Island is famous for Mazu culture. Meizhou Island wasrated as a national scenic spot in 1992, a national 4A scenic spot in 20__, andMazu belief and custom was rated as intangible cultural heritage in 20__. Thisis the ancestral hall of all Mazu temples in the world. Chaotian Palace inBEIXIANG of Chinese Taiwan and Tianhou palace in Tianjin are the three largest Mazutemples in the world. Therefore, every year, the birthday of Mazu on March 23and the ascension day of Mazu on the ninth day of September attract a largenumber of believers to come to worship, so here is called "Oriental Mecca".

  The folk customs on the island are also very interesting. Every Mazu'sbirthday and ascension day, a large number of believers come here to visit, anda parade ceremony will be held on the island. Every year, the Lantern Festivalis also very lively here, where large temple fairs are held, men and womendressed in costumes, and every household is decorated with lights.

  Every year, the Spring Festival in China is the most lively, even the legalholidays will be several days more than usual. It can be seen that Chinaattaches great importance to the Spring Festival, but it is different in Putian.Here, we attach great importance to the Lantern Festival. The Lantern Festivalstarts on the sixth day of the first month, and ends on the 29th day of thefirst month. And the Spring Festival is relatively not so lively. It is saidthat during the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates invaded this area. It was notrecovered until the lunar new year was over. On the second day of the firstlunar month, the people who went out to flee came back and saw the bodies allover the ground. They could not help but feel sad and sad. So later, people setthis day as the detective day. Therefore, they were not allowed to go out on thesecond day of the first lunar month because they felt unlucky. Later peoplethink it's inconvenient not to visit relatives and friends during the new year,so they say that if you go out on the first day of junior high school, then youdon't have to taboo this on the second day of junior high school.

  Have you ever seen the TV play "Mazu" performed by Liu Tao? This TV play isadapted from Mazu's deeds. It is said that when she was not born, there were oneboy and five girls in her family. We all know that in feudal society, at thattime, the family generally relied on men to go out to earn money to support thefamily, while women were not allowed to appear in public. Therefore, at thattime, the family wanted to have another one, hoping to expand the familybusiness. So, just like Avalokitesvara prayed, prayed that the Bodhisattva wouldgive them another child. In the evening of March 23, 960, the villagers saw abeam of red light shining directly at the Lin family. At this time, the Linfamily gave birth to a baby girl. Because she didn't cry or make noise frombirth to the full moon, her father named him Mo, which means silence.

  Lin Mo has been very intelligent since childhood, and she never forgetsreading. Because her father was the marine inspection department at that time,Lin Mo has been exposed to the knowledge of Marine Meteorology since childhood.Because she often went out to sea with her father, she gradually became familiarwith the water quality and mastered how to predict the marine climate. Whenevershe predicts what's wrong with the weather at sea, she will remind everyone toavoid bad luck. And she would often help the people and fishing boats who werekilled. So people at that time added a word "Niang" after her name and calledher "Lin Mo Niang".





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