





fortune favors the prepared mind. challenging continuous improvement is support for my four years in college in the inexhaustible source of progress. alma mater solid rigorous style of study and i set the hard attitude to learning, agile thinking, effort, knowledge, solid expertise and proficiency in computer skills knowledge of structure, is a big advantage for me.

on a professional basis, i learned about electronic circuit design software, microcontroller, plc programmable controller, is good at the development and design of electronic circuits and application of single-chip microcomputer.

i am well aware that, as a student, master of computer applications need, learning a variety of computer programming language, assembly language, c, mastering and application of office, windows xp, successfully passed the computer grade examination, achieved good results. "10,000 years are too long, seize the day".

the clock is ticking, not beyond time will be discarded by history. napoleon once said: "want to be a marshal of soldiers is not a good soldier." i have to say "don't want to do something not good staff also" i want to race against the wind, i believe strength and charm to conquer all, but i hope to be in the youngest and most capable and most challenging time training, awareness of self-worth, grow up to be able to endure hardship, battle of excellence.

because she was young, so i have to have the motivation and confidence, because young, i also have shortcomings and deficiencies. but i would like in a new environment and other members of the team learning and progress and create wealth. thinking, innovation, and give, is my constant faith in life. i wanted to be in the days that followed, can do better.


mature, dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。





    大学生2022年实习总结(一) 回首那些与学生相处的日子真是令人难忘,我第一次站在讲台,成为一名老师。从实习的第一天到了xx四中,一直到现在实习即将结束。这宝贵的实习生活让我经历了作为一名教师的种种

    原创: 丑大鸭我的公众号好久没有更新了对不起支持我公众号的亲友们~今天,我想跟大家说说学习历史的一些心得体会。当然并不是分享学习经验教训,而是自己学习历史一年半以来的感受。我现在学习到的有关历史的知识

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