




xx民x风情导游词 篇1



  民国以来,xx男女一年四季都戴头巾,男人以青、蓝、白或条纹布为主,长二三米,一圈圈地缠绕在头上,包成人字路;女人则多为青丝帕或白印花头巾,丝帕薄如蝉翼,最长达七、八米,是妇女终生陪伴之物,死后必以帕缠头入葬。衣服以青、蓝、白、印花布为主,男穿对胸衣,双排七至十一扣,俗称蜈蚣扣,袖口、领口及裤管末端加花边;女人则右开襟,袖大而短,饰花边,拄银铜佩饰,俗称“满襟”,有满清遗风;未出阁少女着花衣,讲究大红大绿;小孩喜戴菩萨帽,虎头帽;男鞋多为青蓝布,女人穿绣鞋;姑娘出嫁时必穿“露水衣”,上着鲜 艳挑花绣衣,下着八幅罗裙,与x老司八幅罗裙有异曲同工之妙。

  吊脚楼为xx各x人民一种传统建筑形成,又称"吊楼子"。吊脚楼为山野式"楼阳台",单檐悬挑,屋面反翘,名"飞檐",通风向阳,干爽清新。有与正屋成一字形,也有成90℃直角形。吊脚楼外设走廊,二面称"转角楼",三面称"走马楼"。栏杆多花格, 县柱称"吊瓜"'或为六陵、八棱,或雕成球形、金瓜形。柱、防还雕有龙风、喜鹊、花卉等。民间吊脚楼上多为闺房,卧室或织锦、打花之处,底层为谷仓、柴房,也有底层下临溪流,泉水叮咚,别有情趣。山寨吊脚楼掩映在绿树翠竹中,富有大x然风光美。xxx部分镇临河民居也建有吊脚楼,如xx峒河街,凤凰沱江沿岸、王村古镇、茶洞边城及龙山洗车河等,历来都引起中外旅游者极大兴趣。

xx民x风情导游词 篇2









xx民x风情导游词 篇3

  你知道xxxx的风俗习惯吗? 你知道什么叫赶年场吗? 那你知道什么是看龙场吗?开篇连问,引起读者的阅读兴趣。 如果你不知道,那就翻开我收集资料写成的作文欣赏一下吧!也许,它们能让你开阔视野,增长一些知识呢!表明写作目的。 每到农历正月呀,xxxx人民最热心的便是赶年场,其日期是由各地x行约定。赶年场那天,男男女女,老老少少,身着节日盛装,互相邀约,成群结队去赶场。年场上,人流如潮,熙熙攘攘,那是分外热闹。人们不但可以进行物资交流,还可以参加或观看秋千、舞狮子、玩龙灯、上刀梯等活动。青年男女也多利用这种机会,谈情说爱。俊俏的歌郎歌娘更是大显身手,三五结伴,说古道今,引吭高歌,互相唱和,或盘根,或祝贺,或叙述传统故事,或即兴演唱新词。

  唱的人愈唱兴致愈高,听的人愈听精神愈振,就算是大雪纷飞,天寒地冻,年场也要如期举行。 描写“赶年场”的场面,运用了排比、比喻的手法。看到这儿,你肯定觉得xxxx人民很有趣、很爱热闹吧!还有呢,逢辰便是看龙场日,习惯称作看龙头后十二天又轮转辰日,再逢看龙之日,不管是什么样的人,必须休息一天,若这天干 了农活,就是犯忌了。因此,xx人民在看龙场那天会踊跃参加,他们对“看龙”的事,十分重视。“看龙”的习俗 三月三是xxxx人民的一个节日,这时,你有些迫不及待了吧,是什么节日呢?别急,我来告诉你,这一天,是xxxx的一个传统歌舞节日。这一天,xx人民会x动集中在约定的歌舞场上,参加对歌、听歌、跳舞、观舞等,尽情欢乐,一片喜气洋洋、欢声笑语的气象。歌舞日 好了,关于xxxx人民的风俗习惯就介绍到这里了,如果你有兴趣的话,不妨可以亲x到xx体验一下xx人民的风俗习惯,你一定会大张见识,很开心的!

xx民x风情导游词 篇4

  Xiangxi tujia and miao autonomous prefecture is located in the northwest of hunan province, bordering, guizhou, chongqing, hubei province, covers an area of 15486 square kilometers, the territory inhabited by tujia, miao, hui, yao, dong, bai minority, population 2.6458 million people, including 1.05 million tujia, miao, 860000 people, accounting for 72.9% of the total population of ethnic minorities. Jishou longshan and yongshun, baojing, flower walls, the zhangs, phoenix, LuXi seven counties.

  Miao is a very hospitable people. Have a sight for sore eyes, guests came to the miao, is often treat family drink after dinner, his brother, family, friends, and even people QuanZhai will then please, is "a guest QuanZhai kiss". Merchant treat mostly have chickens, ducks, fish, meat and edible fungus, mushrooms, tofu, bean sprouts, as well as the rich national characteristic kipper, hydrochloric acid, sausage, such as blood tofu dishes. Should not only toast vomiting-inducing toasts but also sing the ancient songs and miao mountain.

  Housing mostly wooden structure, there are two bungalow and building, also has a rectangular thatched houses. How to rice is the staple food, corn, wheat, sweet potato is complementary; In some places, buckwheat and potatoes is the staple food with corn. Drinking alcohol hobby is widespread. Women everywhere clothing differences, most women wear large led double-breasted jacket and different length of pleated skirts, some and feet long, some short to the knee. Parts of women's wear cloth YouRen blouse, under the wide leg pants. Some jacket without collar, sleeves and hems have wide lace, head wrap cloth headdress, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and other accessories. The headdress of the miao women's style is various, wan bun on the top of the head, with various styles of packet headscarf, some package into spires and domes, some hair around the stents, high vertical on the head. Their unique costumes to province, silver nail on clothes into "silver", the head wears like horn silver headdress, up to more than feet. Men's clothing, the cloth or more mandarin jacket, wearing pants. In parts of the man wearing a linen jacket or gown, made up of geometry shawls or wool felt.

  Marriage customs: young men and women free love before marriage, most of which I will combined with solicit opinions from the parents.

  Funeral: line burial and funeral is relatively simple, but with many sorrows. Main festivals are miao, the Spring Festival, seiqnyied bat, new festival, Dragon Boat Festival, ching Ming festival to eat.

  Etiquette, banquet, zito must respect the elders for the guests, the chicken leg to give though age is not big but not used to people. When eating fish, the host often will the fish toast to guests. Some places also worship the "ox horn" and "comb" meat ", as a guest to accept, master the most happy. If someone drink little, don't like fat, can explain, owners do not reluctantly, but don't eat and drink, are seen as look down upon his master.

  Taboo: "seiqnyied bat" this day, the cow not service; To seeing the bridegroom off people to be careful to walk all the way, don't put the legs and feet sprains, otherwise would be considered unlucky; Buried within one month after death, the family can't marriage, also can't sing or ethnic group; In some places GuoNianJie forbid to kill dogs, more is not allowed to eat dog meat; Ban digging around in the stockade, logging stockaded village nearby trees; Peers both men and women with brothers and sisters, most avoid is "brother", "brother-in-law".

xx民x风情导游词 篇5

  Do you know the xiangxi miao customs? Do you know what call out in field? Do you know what is the dragon game? Opening even ask, cause the reader's reading interest. If you don't know, open I collect data written composition appreciate once! Maybe they can allow you to widen the vision, some knowledge growth! Show that purpose. Every day of the first lunar month, xiangxi miao people's most enthusiastic is driven in field, the date is agreed by around themselves. Cast in that day, men and women, young and old, in ceremonial dress, invited each other, flocking to the rounds. In the court, stream of people like tide, bustling, it is particularly lively. People can not only supplies communication, can also take part in or watch a swing on the play, the lion dancing, dragon lantern, behold! High knife ladder and other activities. Young men and women also take advantage of this opportunity, more love. Pretty song lang niang is lead, 35 companion, ShuiGuDaoJin, will sing, sing to each other, or packing, or congratulations, or traditional story narration, or impromptu singing new words.

  The more people sing sing the higher the interest, the more people listen to listen to the spirit of the vibration, even heavy snow, cold, in field should also be held. Describe the "out years of field" scene, using the technique of parallelism, metaphor. See here, you must think of xiangxi miao people's very interesting, very noisy! What's more, every is to watch the dragon day, habit as the bibcock and rotary day, 12 days after meet again the day of dragon whether what kind of person, must take a day off, if it did farm work, and is the taboo. Therefore, the miao people watching the dragon field will welcome that day, they "dragon", seriously. The custom of "dragon" Festival is a festival in western hunan miao people, at this moment, you have some can't wait, what holiday is it? Don't worry, I'll tell you, this day, is a traditional dance of xiangxi miao festival. This day, the miao people automatically focus on singing and dancing on the field of the agreement, to participate in song, listening to music, dancing, GuanWu etc., make merry, a beaming, laughter of meteorology. Singing and dancing, well, about the xiangxi miao people's customs is introduced here, if you are interested, might as well can personally to experience the xiangxi miao people's customs, you will be to big knowledge, very happy!





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