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最新出国留学英文自荐信 出国留学英文自我介绍优秀



出国留学英文自荐信 出国留学英文自我介绍篇一

hello! my name is jane. i’m a student in hit, majoring in automation. here, i’d like to take this opportunity to recommend myself to be transferred to your school.

i think i’m competent to be chosen as a member of yours. i love my major and i have been working hard since i entered the university. and in every semester, i got my grades over 85 percent. i think that it’s a recognition and encouragement to me. in the meantime, i spent a lot of time studying english after class. the work i did in my leisure time really enhanced my listening and speaking skills. also, it builds up my confidence to quickly get accustomed to the life abroad.

besides, these are not what i did best in my college. people say that i’m a energetic girl. except of the study part, i also participate in many student clubs. for instance, last year i joined in a dance club and won a prize in a cheer squad competition. then, there came the school’s new year performance. so my friends and i directed the whole class doing a dance show. it was very successful. and this year, i tried something new--i acted in a modern stage play. i like new things, and always be energetic and creative. this is my style. in my point of view, activities like these can make my college life more colorful. i really get fun, make a lot of friends, and learn how to cooperate with others. what’s important, i gradually knew how to keep balance with life and work.

i always having a dream to become an engineer. in order to realize my dream, i will spare no effort to improve myself. and now, i think going further study abroad is the best choice for me. my family is also in favor of my studying abroad. they want me to gain access to the culture in other country. so i believed my plan to study abroad will be a success. if i’m very lucky to be accepted, i’ll work even harder and be strict with myself.


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