





  Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is theminiature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


  Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibeiprovince. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qingemperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summerpalace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

  _Knowledge about the layout:

  There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

  The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in.The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificiallakes. Emperor kangXi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the boneand water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named asmountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort.Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times andappreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved bythe emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in abody.

  _Answer of the question:

  The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape fromsouthern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grasslandand mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

  Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surroundingthe palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national variousnationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

  Part two: Great values of the resort.

  In our country history:

  The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidationand development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a nationaland religious history museum.

  _Question: Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible GreatWall”?

  When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to therelationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and , and keep amarriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the temples aroundthe Mountain Summer Resort were the outcome of the policy of national solidarityand consolidation of the multi-national country.

  We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of buildingthe Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

  From the cultural value:

  In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures,both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengdealready towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also theuniverse.


  Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is theminiature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


  Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibeiprovince. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qingemperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summerpalace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

  _Knowledge about the layout:

  There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

  The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in.The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificiallakes. Emperor kangXi cnmented the resort as “having the mountains as the boneand water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named asmountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort.Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times andappreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved bythe emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in abody.

  _Answer of the question:

  The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape fromsouthern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grasslandand mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

  Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surroundingthe palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national variousnationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

  Part two: Great values of the resort.

  In our country history:

  The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidationand development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a nationaland religious history museum.

  _Question: Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible GreatWall”?

  When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to therelationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and , and keep amarriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the temples aroundthe Mountain Summer Resort were the outcne of the policy of national solidarityand consolidation of the multi-national country.

  We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of buildingthe Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

  From the cultural value:

  In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures,both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengdealready towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also theuniverse.


  The Mountain Summer Resort

  Topic: define the Mountain Summer Resort as “garden bright pearl, scienceopen-air museum”.

  Part one: how this garden is special.

  _Question:(Outside the resort, to sitimulate the tourist’s interests)

  Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is theminiature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


  Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibeiprovince. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qingemperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summerpalace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

  _Knowledge about the layout:

  There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

  The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in.The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificiallakes. Emperor kangXi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the boneand water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named asmountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort.Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times andappreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved bythe emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in abody.

  _Answer of the question:

  The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape fromsouthern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grasslandand mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

  Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surroundingthe palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national variousnationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

  Part two: Great values of the resort.

  In our country history:

  The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidationand development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a nationaland religious history museum.

  _Question:Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible GreatWall”?

  When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to therelationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet, andkeep a marriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the templesaround the Mountain Summer Resort were the outcome of the policy of nationalsolidarity and consolidation of the multi-national country.

  We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of buildingthe Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

  From the cultural value:

  In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures,both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengdealready towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also theuniverse.






    【第1篇】  花和尚嫉恶无人敌,及时雨忠义得人心  ——《水浒传》读后感  《水浒传》乃是古典四大名著之一,脍炙人口。令方读毕,意犹未尽:豪迈而不失悲壮,众人物鲜活,或英勇或怕事,或忠义或贪财,独


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