




梵净山景区英语导游词 篇1

  Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X.

  Fanjing Mountain is located in the northwest of Tongren area, at theintersection of Yinjiang, Songtao and Jiangkou counties, belonging to the middleof Wuling mountains. It's completely dark at the foot of Fanjing Mountain andit's raining. It's very inconvenient.

  The weather was OK the next morning. After breakfast, we checked ourluggage, bought some mineral water and dry food and so on, and began to climbthe mountain. Just after 8 o'clock, at the gate of the mountain, we saw anotice. It turned out that since last year's national day, the ticket price hasincreased from 15 yuan to 50 yuan, more than three times.

  To get to the mountain gate, you have to take a ride from the travelcompany, 10 kilometers away, 10 yuan per person. There are two scenic spotsalong the way, one is waterfall, the other is overlooking the top of themountain and the clear stream water. Fanjing Mountain is a famous mountain inGuizhou Province. It is also a national nature reserve. It is also included inthe scope of man and biosphere of UNESCO. According to the introduction, thereare more than 700 species of trees in Fanjing Mountain, including Davidiainvolucrata, Abies, Tsuga longibracteata, and ilex. There are more than 800kinds of medicinal plants, nearly 250 kinds of bryophytes, and nearly 400 kindsof macrofungi

  Many of them are rare plants. Animals include Qiansi monkey, macaque,clouded leopard, long tailed pheasant, giant salamander, etc. After about halfan hour's journey, our car finally stopped on a small empty flat ground. Thedriver told us that here is the real time to start climbing.

  We began to climb the mountain. We rushed to the 7000 steps along the twometer wide stone steps. After walking for a while, I found that my feetgradually sank, and my whole body began to heat and sweat, and my backpack feltvery heavy. When I asked the sedan chair driver, I only climbed more than 500levels. The sky is gradually gloomy, and the water vapor is gradually diffused.The mountain top that was clear just now is now looming and becoming a hazypiece. We quickened our pace. When I vaguely heard the rain on the leaves, Iquickly stepped into the pavilion to take shelter from the rain. Some touristsremind that there are just 1000 steps here.

  The path is half narrower than that below 1000. At 2400 steps, there is asmall hotel with mineral water and dry food for sale. You can fry vegetables fordinner or stay overnight. When we passed by, we continued to climb up withoutstopping. As a result, when we mentioned it later, we were hardly impressed byour companions. After a period of climbing, we have gradually adapted to it. Wedon't feel as tired as the first 1000 steps. We take a break every 800-1000steps, eat some biscuits and drink some mineral water. It's not half the wayafter climbing for most of the day. I really don't know when I can get to thetop.

  With the belief that we are not heroes until we reach the top of themountain, we have crossed 3600 steps, nearly half the mileage. On the way, Iwent up and down several hills. At 4500 steps, there is a guest house calledhuixiangping, where the office of scenic spot management area is alsolocated.

  At 6000 steps, there is another guest house, which is a turning point ofrest. Standing on the hillside, a gust of wind blowing, feel a little cold, hita shiver, quickly put on the clothes. There are only more than 1000 steps leftat the top of the mountain. It seems that victory is in sight. But the real testis in the future.

  Continue to climb a few hundred steps, there is a guest house, on the rightthere is a temple, called Zhenguo temple, estimated history is not very long.Because there is a deserted temple on it. Originally, it was all made of stoneson the mountain. It is called Ci'en Temple. It is said that the monk was killedand robbed by bandits and then abandoned. Standing on the ruins, people feel asense of sadness.

  The water vapor and fog on the mountain are so thick that people can't beseen from 20 meters away. Let's go to the East, where there is therepresentative scenic spot of Fanjing Mountain - mushroom stone. Not far fromhere, I saw some big stones in the shape of mushrooms under the weathering ofthe years. Nature is really wonderful. The layers of rocks are also a bit likethe pages of a book, recording the vicissitudes of nature. I climbed up a stoneand looked down, which startled me. Below was the abyss. I was on the cliff.

  In the hazy enchanting fairyland, although I didn't see the magnificentlandscape of Fanjing Mountain, leaving much regret, I also felt that people wereelegant and refined in the mountain fog, which purified people's soul.

  After appreciating the mushroom stone, we climb to the highest point in thewest end, where the vertical is nearly 90 degrees, protruding a mountain peaklike a huge stone. Among the mountains I have climbed, it may be second only toHuashan. There is also a Guanyin cave on the rock, in which a monk recitessutras over and over again. Many tourists enter the cave to burn incense andmake a wish, and smoke lingers around the cave.

  Out of the cave, continue to climb, at this time, the peak is divided intotwo, the crack is less than one meter, looking up like a line of sky. Climbingup through the crevice, I finally got close to Jinding step by step. There aretwo pavilions on it, and there is a bridge between them. It's called theoverpass, which is worthy of the name. This is the highest bridge I've seen, andI feel closer to the sky.

  It's nearly one o'clock in the afternoon. The whole process of climbingtook more than four hours. It was much smoother when we went down the mountain.It only took more than two hours

梵净山景区英语导游词 篇2

  Welcome to Fanjing Mountain in Fantian pure land. I'm your tour guide. Youcan call me _ _.

  Fanjing Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangkou, Yinjiang andSongtao counties in the east of Guizhou Province, China. The highest peak isFenghuang mountain, with an altitude of 2752 meters. Fanjing Mountain is notonly the first mountain in Guizhou, but also the main peak of Wuling mountainsin central and Western China. It is also one of the 26 members of the worldnature reserve network that have joined the United Nations "man and biospherereserve network". It is known as "ecological kingdom". This mysterious mountainhas unique mushroom stones and ten thousand volumes of books in the world, whichcan be called "one of the best in the world"; there are strange animals known as"the only child in the world - Guizhou Golden Monkey" and the nationalsecond-class protected animal giant salamander; there are also rare plants knownas "the king of Asia", such as Lagerstroemia indica, Taxus chinensis var.mairei, endangered plants - Davidia involucrata, Abies faxoniana and so on. Thewhole mountain area is large, east-west width is about 21 kilometers, the northand South are about 27 kilometers, and the total area is 567 square kilometers.The sub peak "Hongyun Jinding" is the essence part of the Fan Jing mountain. Itis also part of the middle part of the Fan Jing Mountain Scenic Area. Its totalarea is about 150 square kilometers. It travels on the East-West two line, andtoday we are on the east line. Songtao in the South has not been developed yet,and these three counties are under the jurisdiction of Tongren area.

  Fanjing Mountain has a long history of overlapping mountains, dense forestsand ancient trees. According to textual research in ancient books, FanjingMountain was called "three valleys", "Chenshan" and "siqiongshan" before TangDynasty, and "Fanjing Mountain" after Ming Dynasty. Fanjing Mountain, the nameof the mountain, has a strong Buddhist color. It comes from the "pure land ofBrahma". "Fanjing" is the "Buddhist pure world". The fame and development ofFanjing Mountain originated from Buddhism. The huge temples of the four greatHuang'an and 48jiao'an in Fanjing Mountain area have established the Buddhiststatus of Fanjing Mountain as a famous "ancient Buddha Taoist center". It is theonly Maitreya Bodhisattva Taoist center among the five famous Buddhist mountainsin China. Buddhist culture has put a solemn and magical color on the vastFanjing Mountain.

  The so-called stand high to see far, to witness the beauty of FanjingMountain, we also have to go up the mountain. Now, let's take this aerialropeway to the top of the mountain to explore the mystery of Fanjing Mountain!Friends, now we are in the slowly rising car, as if we are flying on the vastsky road, with a panoramic view of the mountains and forests. Holding ourbreath, it seems that we can hear the whispers of the birds in the streamlingering in our ears. This is about the feeling of flying in the clouds. Ofcourse, if you want to experience the fun of mountain climbing, you can come upfrom the trail next time. The trail is beautiful and the road is winding. Ibelieve those who like to challenge will like it very much.

  Dear tourists, we are now in Chengen temple, the holy land of Buddhism.Chengen temple is commonly known as shangcha hall. On the left side of Jinding,there are three main halls, and the mountain gate is intact. The five characters"chici Chengsi Temple" are engraved on the forehead of the gate. There are eightauxiliary halls on both sides, and only part of the wall remains. Chengen templeis the main part of Fanjingshan temple. Deep in the forest, there are manyancient temple towers that have never been found. OK, after visiting Chengentemple, we will climb up to Hongyun Jinding. Jinding rises from the ground,straight into the void, like the fingers of mother earth, often surrounded byauspicious red clouds, so it's called Hongyun Jinding. Now we go up the steepstone ladder to pay homage to the Buddha of reality and future. The mountainroad is wet, please be careful of the slippery road. An overpass flies across aV-shaped cliff, with two halls on each side: Shijia, the present Buddha on theleft, Maitreya, the future Buddha on the right. It is said that the Buddha cameto the world through this top. So Hongyun Buddha top, if you worship the Buddha,you can share the peace of the world! Our friends who come to Fanjing Mountain,as long as you climb on the top of this mountain, you can see the prince'sstone, the Sutra collection stone, Fenghuang mountain, Xianguo mountain, and themushroom stone walking into the Great Hall of the people. Due to the humidclimate and rich vegetation, Fanjing Mountain is often drizzled and misty.Although there is no magnificent sunrise and sunset, nor the wonder of Buddhalight in the fog, Fanjing Mountain still has a subtle and graceful beauty.

  The beauty of Fanjing Mountain lies in its unique peaks, which are unique,distinctive and charming. The unique stone "mushroom stone" in the world lookslike a stack of scriptures. It is said that the craftsman of this day was madeby the great sage Sun Wukong himself, who made a havoc in heaven. No matter thewind, thunder, sun or rain, it still stands on the top of the mountain afterthousands of years unchanged.

  Now we see the "wanjuan book". It's said that when the Tang Monk and hisdisciples passed by, because of the height of the mountain, the horse's feetwere stirred, that is, several stacks of scriptures fell from the horse's back,forming the peak group on Fanjing Mountain, which is wanjuan book.

  After reading ten thousand volumes of books, let's go to Jiuhuang cave tosee the seal of heaven. Now we climb the stone wall along the Jiuhuang cave. Themountain road is wet. Please be careful of the slippery road. Now we can see thestone terrace on the top of the cliff, and the huge seal placed on it is calledFantian seal. Because the shape is similar to mushroom stone, it is also called"little mushroom". Under it, there are two natural round pits of differentsizes. The large one is called "golden basin" for perennial water and the smallone is called "jade furnace" for dust. It is said that when jiuhuangniangworships Buddha at dawn and dusk every day, she first cleans her hands with agold pot, and then goes to the jade stove to put incense. Nature has created awonderful scene, which is also a wonderful legend.

  Well, we need to explore the more mysterious Fanjing Mountain. The nexttime is for you. We'll gather here in half an hour. Please pay attention to yoursafety when visiting.

梵净山景区英语导游词 篇3

  Fanjing Mountain, as the name suggests, is pure, clean and pure. It is amountain full of vitality and aura. Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, oncesaid that "if the mountain is not high, there will be immortals; if the water isnot deep, there will be dragons." so what is the immortals that make FanjingMountain famous?

  As you may know, Fanjing Mountain is a famous Buddhist mountain with ahistory of thousands of years. Since the Song Dynasty, Fanjing Mountain has beengradually influenced by Buddhist fireworks. Perhaps you know better that FanjingMountain has hundreds of temples, large and small, with abundant incense and anendless stream of believers. But what I want to say is not its history, nor itsorigin with Buddhism, but the real "immortal" of Fanjing Mountain in my heart.It is the unique natural scenery of Fanjing Mountain and the charming charm ofFanjing Mountain itself!

  We may guess that when the first monk came to Fanjing Mountain in the SongDynasty, he was shocked by the natural scenery of Fanjing Mountain,unconsciously led by its magic, and suddenly realized the truth of Buddhism, hedecided to stay here, so that he had the now prosperous Fanjing Mountain. Whatkind of scenery has made generations of Buddhist heirs stay here? Let's approachFanjing Mountain with such awe!

  As soon as I arrived at the foot of Fanjing Mountain, I saw a picture ofthe grass growing and the trees flourishing. It was as if I was in an ancientand beautiful landscape painting. There are 42000 hectares of virgin forest inFanjing Mountain. It is a collection place of many floristic elements. Its greenand torrential flow is endless. But in the continuous green, there are extremelyrich plant species. It is a typical native vegetation preservation place in themid subtropical mountains of Western China. Du Mu once described the Afangpalace as "five steps on the first floor, ten steps on the first Pavilion".Here, you can see a tree step by step, a forest step by step! This is the "AfangPalace" built by the uncanny nature! When you walk among the mountains, you willfeel the peace of mind, like a gentle wind like a mother's hand caressing yourheart. If you are lucky enough, maybe you can have a beautiful encounter with 10million years ago. On a sunny day, in the right season, I meet the white flowersthat flutter to fly, like a white dove that is about to fly to the sky. This isthe precious national key protected plant Davidia involucrata, also known as"pigeon tree" in Fanjing Mountain. Or you will meet a tree, a tree of pink crapemyrtle, like a dream tree dream. If you meet it, please don't leave in a hurry.Listen to it under the tree. This gentle flower wants to sing a song to you. Inaddition to Davidia involucrata and Lagerstroemia indica, there are more than20__ kinds of plants in Fanjing Mountain. In the process of climbing up thestairs, you can also encounter different forest styles and enjoy different typesof forests. Many areas of Fanjing Mountain are still in the state of virginforest. The lush trees and various rare creatures living in the forest can bringunexpected surprises to your journey!

  After talking about the forest of Fanjing Mountain, we have to mention therare animals and birds of Fanjing Mountain. The reason why Fanjing Mountain wasaccepted as a member of the global "man and biosphere" protection network byUNESCO in 1986 is not only because of its extremely rich plant resources, butalso because it also inhabits many rare animals, among which the most famous isGuizhou Golden Monkey. Fanjing Mountain is the only distribution area of Guizhousnub nosed monkey, that is to say, you can't see these elves in other places. Ifyou walk among the mountains and suddenly appear such an elf, don't panic, anddon't be too excited to scare it away. Maybe you can pretend to shout "oh ho" toit, but basically, what you need to do is to live with it peacefully and feelthe magic of the creator. There are 382 species of vertebrates in FanjingMountain and Fanjing Mountain, among which 14 species are protected by thestate, including Guizhou Golden Monkey, bear monkey, macaque, clouded leopard,forest musk deer, maoguan deer, Sumen antelope, pangolin, mandarin duck, redbellied pyramid, red bellied pheasant, white crowned pheasant and giantsalamander. It is said that it is not unusual for you to see 10 kinds of birdsin Fanjing Mountain in a day, because others can see 20 kinds. Just imagine,when you walk in the jungle, there will be these "special commissioners" ofnature to accompany you from time to time. Will you forget all the unhappinessin the world, and only be full of thanks for the gift of nature! It's not hardto understand why so many Buddhists choose Fanjing Mountain, and so many templesfall on it, because Fanjing Mountain has its own characteristics A purificationability that keeps you away from the noise of the world.

  Maybe Fanjing Mountain is not the most beautiful mountain in the world,maybe it is not the highest mountain in the world, but in my heart, the beautyof Fanjing Mountain lies in its simple scenery, in its magical and rich naturalresources, and in fact, the "immortal" that makes its name spread to the worldis the ability that it has to calm people's mind and heal three thousandtroubles power.

  Fanjing Mountain, with your Fanfan, clean my heart!

梵净山景区英语导游词 篇4

  Dear friends, the destination of our journey today is Buddhist culturegarden. Xiao x will first introduce the basic situation of the Buddhist culturegarden to you.

  Guizhou Fanjing Mountain Buddhist Culture Park is located at the foot ofFanjing Mountain in the "Wuling peak" ecological Kingdom, just like the TaipingRiver in a fairyland. The whole scenic spot is located in zhaisha village groupof Fanjing Mountain Village, 4 km away from the gate of Fanjing Mountain. Thetotal planning area of the whole project is 1064 mu, with a total investment of460 million yuan. The main construction contents include temple area, monkhermit residential area, commercial service area, parking lot, Lotus Square,Taiping River wind and rain bridge, pedestrian trail, etc. it is a Buddhistcultural activity center integrating Buddhism worship, business entertainment,leisure, food and housing.

  The construction of Fanjingshan Buddhist culture garden aims at "seekingfrom the works, seeing from the micro", aiming at the grand Buddhist temple,grand Buddhism and grand landscape.

  Along the direction of little x-finger, you can see that the grand buildingcomplex standing on the horizon is Maitreya main road field in Fanjing Mountain,the only grand golden Buddhist temple in the world.

  The Buddhist culture garden has completed the construction of Fengyubridge, Lotus Square, Buddha steps and the main body, Dajin Buddhist temple, andhas been officially opened to the public on August 28, 20__. The Golden Hall ofDajin Buddhist temple is located at the highest point of the whole garden area.We now cross the Fengyu bridge across the Taiping River and enter the LotusSquare. Please see, the building standing in the center of the square is thelotus fountain pool. Every time there is a grand meeting, holidays, large-scaleactivities, etc., the fountain will be accompanied by the Buddha music towelcome the distinguished guests.

  Now please follow Xiao X through the first mountain gate. On both sides ofthe mountain gate are the bell tower and the drum tower. After passing themountain gate, we can see the heavenly king hall, in which the four heavenlykings and Bodhisattva Weituo are worshipped; In front of the Tianwang hall isthe Mahatma hall, where the Buddha Sakyamuni is worshipped. In the square infront of the hall, four temples are built, which respectively honor the imagesof Bodhisattvas in the four famous Buddhist mountains of China: ManjusriBodhisattva of Wutai Mountain, Guanyin Bodhisattva of Putuo Mountain, PuxianBodhisattva of Emei mountain, and dizang Bodhisattva of Jiuhua Mountain, whichrepresent the four Bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism They represent wisdom,compassion, practice and willpower.

  On the square in front of Da Xiong Bao hall, the seven treasures lotusflower pool is built with eight merits water and seven treasures glaze, whichsymbolizes the seven steps of Buddha Sakyamuni's birth. After crossing the mainhall, the mountain rises abruptly. We need to climb 168 stone steps on foot,cross three stone archways (meaning the gate of the past, the present and thefuture), and finally reach the Golden Hall (Maitreya pure land, the world ofMaitreya Buddha). Symbolizing Buddhist practice requires a long and arduousjourney to achieve positive results. The golden hall, located in the lotusPavilion on the mountain, is unique in the world. The most famous statue ofMaitreya in the world is dedicated here.

  Jindian, Jinwa and Jinzhu are surrounded by water, backed by mountains andfacing the Taiping River. They are located on the three-story white jade carvedxumizuo, surrounded by water lotus pool. It is the only water Jindian in theworld. It is magnificent and sacred. Jinyu Maitreya, the most famous in theworld, is dedicated here.

  Jinyu Maitreya is a statue of Tianguan Maitreya, with a height of 5 meters.It consumes more than 200 kilograms of gold and countless precious jewels,diamonds and emeralds. It is the world's largest Maitreya Golden Buddha made bya group of Chinese arts and crafts masters from the capital using Chinese courtcraftsmanship. The statue is composed of four parts: Buddha light, gold body,wood Xumi base and white jade lotus stand. The golden body and jade seat are inline with the rituals of "Jin Tai He man" and "Xian Mi Yuan Rong". On August 28,20__, the Buddhist culture garden held a large-scale Kaiguang Dharma meeting athome and abroad. The statue of Jinyu Maitreya has been consecrated in the GoldenHall of the great golden Buddha Temple in Fanjing Mountain. Since then, themagnificent landscape of "Jinding, Jindian, Jinfo" has been formed in FanjingMountain.

  The golden and jade Maitreya statues provide a wide range of blessings forall living beings, revitalize the ancient Buddhist temple of Fanjing Mountain,and make Fanjing Mountain, the "No.1 mountain in Guizhou", shine again.






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