





1. launch v. 发射;使(船)下水,发动,开展 n. 发射,下水

【例句】 The 100,000 tanner was recently launched.十万吨轮最近下水了。 【例句】 Taking up the pen as a weapon, he launched a relentless attack on the

capitalist system. 他以笔做武器,对资本主义制度进行了无情的抨击。

They launched a new attack at dawn. 黎明时他们发起了一次新的


【例句】China successfully launched its first man made earth satellite on 24th April 1970.

一九七○年四月二十四日,中国成功地发射了第一颗人造地球卫星。 【扩展】launch vehicle 运载火箭launch pad(火箭等的)发射台 2. Conquest n.攻取,征服;克服

词根: quest找,要求,需要to seek, ask, require

【例句】1) The French conquest was in 1066.法兰西征服(英格兰)发生在1066年。

2) One of the great achievements of the modern science and technology is the conquest of space.现代科学技术的一项伟大成就是对空间的征服。 【考点】a foreign conquest外国人的征服

physical (mental) conquest of disease 身体(精神)对疾病的征服 the conquest of difficulties (one"s passion) 战胜困难(感情)

the conquest of liberty争得自由 man"s conquests over nature 人类征服自然

3. bog n. (排水不良而使重物陷入的)泥塘,沼泽;(屋外) 厕所 v.陷入泥沼


动词进行时: bogging过去式: bogged过去分词: bogged【例句】 be [get] bogged down in detail 在细节上被缠得无法进展 【扩展】沼泽;泥沼 marshmorassswamp

4. engage vt. 1.使从事于,使忙于 2.占用 3.雇用 4.订婚 vi. 从事,参加 【例句】He is engaged in teaching. 他从事于教学工作。

He was busily engaged in painting the furniture.他忙于油漆家具。

【例句】I couldn"t telephone my uncle because his telephone line was engaged.我不能给叔叔打电话,因为他的电话占线了。

Housework engages much of her time. 家事占用她很多时间。

【例句】They engaged a cook for the summer.那个夏天他们雇了一个厨子。 【例句】David is engaged to Ann.戴维与安妮订了婚。

【考点】be engaged in(doing sth.)忙于,从事engage for sth./to do sth.保证,允诺

engage sb. as 聘请…作…


5. crucial词根: cruc十字交叉;难题cross

a.决定性的,紧要关头的;严酷的 极困难的; (极) 重要的

【例句】Salt is a crucial ingredient in cooking.盐是烹调的一种重要材料。The next step is crucial to [for] our success. 下一个步骤对我们的成功非常重要的。

【扩展】a crucial moment 关键时刻,重要关头a crucial experience 艰苦的经验

a crucial test (有关事情真伪、未来的) 决定性的考验【辨析】详见易混词辨析

6. occupation名词n. 工作;职业; 居住;占据 [C] 使你忙碌的事情;消遣 【例句】 "What"s your occupation?" "I am a policeman."


He has no fixed occupation.他没有固定的职业。

【例句】The new house is ready for occupation.新屋可以居住了。

【例句】Swimming and rowing are my favorite occupations. 游泳和划船是我所喜爱的活动。


7. exile n. 1.流放,放逐,充军 2.被流放者 vt. 流放,放逐[from],把?充军 【例句】go into exile被放逐,流亡 in exile 被放逐的,流亡的after an exile of ten years 十年的放逐 [流亡] 之后

【例句】He was exiled from his own country. 他被逐出自己的国家。 【考点】~ oneself 亡命,流亡,离乡背井

8. instructvt.指示;通知give orders or directions to sb. (used in the patterns:

instruct sb. to do sth.; instruct sb. that); 教teach sb. (used in the pattern: instruct sb. in / on sth.)

【例句】 My boss instructed me to type the letters quickly. 我的老板指示我赶快打好这些信件。

【例句】The professor instructed us that we had one month to conduct the project.教授通知我们用一个月时间来完成项目。

【例句】The teacher instructed us in geography. 这老师教我们的地理课。 9. render vt. 致使;使成;给予;报答;归还; 表演;扮演; 翻译

【例句】I was rendered unconscious by the blow. 猛烈一击使我失去了知觉。

An accident has rendered him helpless. 一件意外使他束手无策。

【例句】 I can render you any assistance in the matter.这件事情上我能给予你帮助。

【例句】 His part in the drama was admirably rendered.


There are many English idioms that can not be rendered into other languages.

有很多英语习语很难译为别种语言。 10. casualty[pl. casualties]

n. [C]伤亡人员, (意外事故造成的) 死伤 (者),受害人,损失的东西;意外的灾难; 横祸; 意外的伤害

The enemy suffered heavy casualties. 敌人伤亡惨重。


Casualty lists were published the day after the train accident. 伤亡名单在火车意外事件发生后的第二天就公布了。 【考点】casualty insurance 意外保险heavy [slight] casualties 惨重 [轻微] 的伤亡

11. siege n. (城堡、都市等的) 围攻; 围城 [围困] 期间;(疾病、不幸等的) 长期


【例句】siege warfare 围攻战stand a long siege 抵住长期的围困

Troy was under siege for ten years. 特洛伊城被围困了十年。

【例句】 have a siege of flu 受流行性感冒的长期折磨 【考点】lay siege to... 围攻?

12. reckon(词根: reck算帐;计算account )

v. 认为,估计; 指望,想要; 测算vi. 依赖,仗恃,指望,寄望[on]

【例句】1) I reckon him the best swimmer in my class. 我认为他是我班上最善于游泳的人。

Most of the population there are reckoned as [reckoned to be] uneducated.那里的大多数居民被认为是没有受教育的

【例句】1) I am not reckoning on her help.我并不指望她的帮助。

We did not reckon on finding you here. 我们没想到会在这里看到你。 【扩展】vt. [I ~ 与主要从句并列,或作插句使用] 以为…

She will come soon, I reckon. 我想她马上就来。


13. toll vt. 缓慢而有规律地敲响,鸣; .征收 n.钟声 ;费用(尤

指道路、桥梁之通行费); 伤亡人数

【例句】toll a bell at a person"s death 为某人之死而鸣钟 【例句】The toll of road deaths and injuries is on the rise.


The local government was allowed to charge tolls for the use of the roads.当地政府同意征收过路费。

【考点】the toll of the roads交通事故的伤亡人数toll call 长途电话

toll-bar/-gate (征收过路费的)关卡


1. in the case of: as far as … is concerned 至于,就……来说

【例句】In the case of a highly intelligent animal, elementary training is easy. 就高度灵敏的动物而言,初级训练并不难。

【辨析】In case of fire, open this safety door.一旦发生火灾时,打开这扇安全门。 【考点】in case (of )如果发生,万一;in any case 无论如何 in no case决不in this/that case 若是这样(那样)的话a case in point一个恰当的例子 2. stand / get / be in the way: prevent from doing sth. 挡道;妨碍

【例句】He is bad-tempered and won"t listen to anybody, so you"d better not stand in his way.


【例句】I don‘t think kids have as much fun as we used to. Fierce competition


keeps getting in the way of their development. 我认为孩子们没有我们过去那么多的乐趣。激烈的竞争妨碍了他们的发展。 【考点】pave the way for 为…做准备工作,使…准备接受(改革)等;go one‘s way 动身;出发go out of one‘s way( to do sth.) 特意(花心血,时间等)做某事;故意做某事 make one‘s way in life发迹,成功 make one‘s way(to/towards) (向…)走去 lead the way 带路,带头,示范by way of 由,经过;作为,当作,代替 by the way 顺路,顺便说 on the/one‘s way 在路上,在途中 out of the way 奇特的,不同寻常的 out- of –the- way遥远的,荒僻的in the family way (俗)怀孕in a big/small way 在(小)规模地 to my way of thinking我认为

3. be / get bogged down: be unable to make progress (使)陷入泥潭;不能前进 【例句】 The truck got bogged down in the mud.卡车陷进泥浆中。

【例句】The talks with the union leaders bogged(vi.) down on the questions of wages.


【例句】The local government got bogged down in problems of how to handle the air pollution.地方政府在如何处理空气污染的问题上陷入了僵局。 4. take a gamble: take a risk 冒险 【例句】 I think she‘s taking a gamble investing all her money in stocks. 我认为她把钱都买了股票,是在冒险。

【例句】The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products, and it paid off. 公司降低产品价格,冒了很大的风险,但取得了成功。

5. press on / ahead: continue doing sth. in a determined way (used in the pattern:

press on / ahead with sth.) (不顾困难)继续前进

【例句】 Despite fierce opposition, the government is pressing on with its campaign to eliminate corruption. 尽管遇到激烈的反对,政府继续开展清除腐败的活动。

6. bide one’s time: wait patiently for a chance 等待时机

【例句】Jack was hurt deeply, and he bided his time for revenge.杰克受了很深的伤害,他等待着报仇的时机。

7. drag on: move slowly and with effort; continue endlessly and tediously 缓慢费


【例句】How much longer is the meeting going to drag on? 会议还要拖多久呢?

8. at the cost of: with the loss of 以……为代价

【例句】 He saved the girl from drowning at the cost of his own life.他舍身把溺水的姑娘救出来。

The local government developed its economy but at the cost of environment. 地方政府以破坏环境为代价来发展地方经济。 【考点】at all costs /at any cost 不惜任何代价;无论如何 count the cost事前详细盘算得失等 to one‘scost 使某人遭受损失或不便 9. catch sb. off guard: take sb. by surprise 趁某人不备 【例句】 The reporter‘s question caught the foreign minister off guard. The invitation to his wedding caught me off guard.


【考点】catch at 抓住;伸手拿 catch sb. at it /catch sb. In the act (of doing sth.)当场抓住,撞见某人做某事catch hold of 抓住;握住;捉住 catch on (1) 了解 (2) 风行;流行 catch sight of 突然看到;发现catch sb. out 撞破;识破 catch up(with sb.) 赶上,追 catch one’s breath(因吃惊等)屏息 10.bring to a halt: stop completely 使停止

【例句】Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials. 许多工厂的生产都因原材料迟迟未到而停止。

11. turn the tide (against): change what looks like defeat into victory 彻底改变形

势 (造成对……不得),扭转潮流 【例句】 Soviet victory in Stalingrad turned the tide of the war in Europe.斯大林格勒的(苏维埃革命)胜利扭转了欧洲的革命局势。

【扩展】Time and tide wait for no man. (prov.) Tide passes quickly, so do not delay taking action.(谚)岁月不饶人

Christmas tide 圣诞季 high tide 高潮 the high tide of fortune 福星高照 low tide 低潮

【考点】flow like the tide 人如潮涌 go/carry with the tide 随波逐流 12. thanks to: because of 由于,因为

【例句】Thanks to her financial support, the two children in the remote village could go to school.由于她的经济援助,边远乡村的两个小孩能够上学了。 Thanks to your help we were successful. 由于你的帮助我们成功了。 【考点】thanks to my foresight 幸亏我有先见之明


1. ground, earth, soil和land用法辨析: (1) ground主要指大地表面。如:

They are all lying on the ground. 他们都躺在地上。

(2) earth着重指与天空相对的大地,也指区别于岩石的泥土。如: The plane fell to the earth.飞机降落在地面上。 This worm eats earth. 这类虫子吃泥土。

(3) soil主要指富有有机物,宜于耕种的土壤。如:

This soil is good for growing rice. 这种土壤宜于种水稻。 (4) land 还可作“陆地”解 (相对于大海sea 而言)。如: The balloon burst and fell to land. 气球爆了,落在地上。

A strong wind is blowing from the sea toward the land. 一阵大风从海上吹到陆地。

Air pollution alone causes almost three million deaths. 单单大气污染就几乎造成三百万人死亡。

2. war, campaign, battle, fight, struggle

war 解作―战争状态‖或―战争‖,前者用作不可数名词,后者用作可数名词,往往指的是包括一系列战役的整个战争。campaign 意为―战役‖,指在某一地区进行的一连串有固定目的的军事行动。battle 也作―战役‖解,其规模比 campaign 小,还可作―战斗‖解,指的是一场战争或一次战役中的具体






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