



高一英语通知范文 第1篇


意识,你校将要举办一场主题为“Green campus, low-carbon life”的英语演讲比赛,


比赛时间:7月12日下午2:30 比赛地点:学校大礼堂

演讲内容:陈述低碳生活的重要性;列举校园浪费现象;提出践行节约的建议。 要求:1. 每班派一名选手参加比赛; 2. 全体老师和同学按时参加;

3. 结束后,写一篇英语日记,谈谈参加这项活动的感受。

注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯。


In order to improve our English and raise our awareness of environmental protection, an English speech contest will be held in the school hall at 2:30 on the afternoon of July 12, whose theme is “Green campus, low-carbon life”.

The speaker is supposed to make a speech on the importance of living a low-carbon life, list the phenomena of wasting on campus and make suggestions about how to reduce wasting and save energy in our daily life.

Our speaker will be chosen from each class to take part in the contest. All the teachers and students are required to be present on time. Students are to write a diary about this activity. I believe you will benefit from this fascinating event. Please be on time. Thanks.

The Students’ Union

高一英语通知信范文 第2篇


We are sorry that the meeting be put off till Thursday 9AM (April 20th), because Professor Wang contract a disease and can^v^t arrive school. The doctor said she will recover within a couple of days.

Place: Hall of New Teaching Building

Attendant: Teachers and students of Information Department. Other Departments are also welcome.

高一英语通知信范文 第3篇

请以宿舍管理委员会的名义写一份通知,2023年4月2日发出。内容如下: ① 时间:4月5日晚上7点。 ②地点:3号楼103房间。

③ 内容:学生宿舍安全问题:安全用电、火灾应变、防止失窃等。 ④ 参加人员:每间寝室一名同学。

⑤ 要求:带笔记本,按时到场,做好记录,并传达给室友。

注意:1)通知的格式已经为你写好,不计入总词数;2)词数:100左右。 参考词汇:学生宿舍 dormitory,盗窃theft(n.)


A meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 5. Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use of electricity, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on. A member of each dormitory is required to be present. They should take notebooks with them and arrive on time. They should take notes carefully and after the meeting they are to inform their roommates of what is discussed and what measures will be taken.

The Dormitory Committee

April 2nd, 2023

高一英语通知信范文 第4篇

Dear Li Lei,

I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations on your graduation from senior school and enrollment by the Peking University. I know you worked very hard on the past years, so that I am truly happy to see all your efforts get rewards. I am sure your parents are greatly proud of you. I just want you to know how pleased I am to witness your success. Admitted by Peking University is a new start for you, which bring you a good chance to learn from topping professors. Besides, it’s good for you to study with so many excellent students who of course will give you motivations to study hard. I wish you greater success in university and live a happy and fruitful life in the next four years.

Sincerely yours,

Han Meimei

高一英语通知信范文 第5篇

1、三者内容范围不同通知的内容范围是批转转发公文,传达需要办理和周知的事项;通报的内容范围是表扬先进,批评错误,传达交流重要情况信息; 通告的内容范围是在一定范围内公布应当遵守或周知的事项。




高一英语通知信范文 第6篇

英文通知的格式一般是将发通知的日期一般写在通知正文的左下角。 通知一般由标题、正文和结尾三部分组成。标题部分包括常用标题语和发出通知的单位名称;正文包括事情、通知对象、要求、时间(有时还包括地点)等;结尾部分主要包括发通知的具体日期。 英文通知NOTICE(每个字母都大写)写在通知正文上面一行的正中间。发出通知的单位名称可以写在NOTICE上面,也可以写在通知正文的右下角;发通知的日期一般写在通知正文的左下角。 一份好的英文书面通知应具备以下三点:




高一英语通知信范文 第7篇

July 9

Dear Mr Smith,

I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school. You are right. Quite a few changes have taken place. On one side of the road there is a new classroom building.

On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building-our library. In it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. The playground is now in front of the school.

We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school. I hope you come and see for yourself.

Best wishes.

高一英语通知信范文 第8篇

Greetings from China!

I'm Li Hua ,a student in 've been a panda lover since I was a three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I've been watching her grow on your she's going to be 'd like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work ,because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US.

By the way ,could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

高一英语通知信范文 第9篇

你校学生会举办义卖活动以资助贫困地区儿童上学。请你写一份通知: ●介绍活动的目的

●号召大家踊跃捐献不用物品,并参加义卖活动 ●义卖时间、地点:周六上午9点,校阶梯教室 注意: 1.词数100左右;


参考词汇:义卖:Charity Sale; 阶梯教室:lecture hall


There will be a charity sale in the school lecture hall a 9 o'clock on Saturday morning, I hope everyone can lend a hand to those children who are eager to get knowledge. There are many items that you can donate, such as some old books that you have already

Please come and join us on time. Thank you.


In order to raise money for the kids in poor areas to go to school, the Students' Union will hold a charity sale.

There are many kids from poor areas who can't afford the fee of school , but they have the same dream with us --- getting knowledge. Now if you take part in the activity, their dream will come true. We expect that everyone can donate something that you don't use and take part in the charity sale.

The charity sale will be held in the school lecture hall a 9 o'clock on Saturday morning. Please join in it on time. Thanks.


2. In order to help the children living in poor areas receive education, ...

3. Although the things you donate may be small, they will those children.

4. Kindness definitely pays off.

高一英语通知信范文 第10篇

Dear parents

You recently had good?I miss you,leaving you already have more than two months,I am in the school all teachers and classmates are very friendly to often help me with my I am learning grades have improved a lot,I have made a great I'm much more outgoing than before,during the school day let me feel the life is becoming more and more interested school life now become very also actively participate in school club activities.

I made many friends,learn a lot and Dad,I live well now,don't read,you should also pay attention to your body,take good care of yourself,now the cold weather,pay attention to keep warm,wear more clothes,hope you everything goes well.

Best wishes to you.

Love you.

高一英语通知信范文 第11篇






















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letter of instruction_一封通知信英语作文120字






高一英语通知信范文 第12篇

Dear editor,

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.

With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Because of population expansion and overdevelopment, resources has become less and less. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.

The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.

Yours truly

Li Hua

高一英语通知信范文 第13篇

通 知各部(室)各分公司: 为更好的展示公司整体形象,增强员工团队意识,集团公司决定统一着装,现将有关具体要求事项通知如下:公司总部全体员工在下列情况下统一穿着工作服:

1 、着装要求统一工作时间所有员工统一穿着工作服上班。

2 、重要的会议(如在公司召开的会议、公司办公例会等)、上级领导来公司检查指导工作、团体参观等特定时间和场合必须穿着工作服;


4、因接待、出差不便穿着工作服时,可以临时着便装5、暂时没有工装的员工要求穿白色短袖正装衬衫、黑色裤子上班。此通知从六月一日起执行。 集团公司二〇一一年五月二十七日

高一英语通知信范文 第14篇










In order to solve students’ mental problems, we will hold a lecture delivered by a professor from the UK, whose theme is about psychological problems among middle school students.

Each student is required to attend the lecture in the school auditorium on the afternoon of May 15th at 2:00, which will last three hours. Besides, please sort out your problems in life or study in advance. In the end, twenty minutes will be left for you to talk about your problems with the psychologist. Thus you can deal with the problems easily.

I believe you will benefit from the event. Please be on time. Thanks.

The Students’ Union

高一英语通知信范文 第15篇

I like traveling on foot With my brother in holidays.

At the very beginning, I felt very tired. I got out of breath so my brother started to tell me some interesting walked and walked while he didnt stop telling stories. We walked a long way without knowing.

Then my brother asked me, ^v^Are you still feeling tired?^v^ The feelings of tiredness were already out of my mind.









河南暴雨受灾情况报告 河南暴雨受灾情况最新通知三篇,7月22日,记者从河南省应急管理厅获悉,此轮强降雨造成全省103个县(市、区)877个乡镇300.4万人受灾,因灾死亡33人,失踪8人。全省已紧急避

高中主任工作总结篇1  在校长室的正确领导下,在教务处全体同仁共同努力下,在学校各部门的通力配合下,教务处圆满完成了本学期的教学工作任务,取得了一定的工作成绩。现总结如下:  【第一学期工作总的回顾】

【#教案# 导语】《送东阳马生序》是宋濂写于晚年的一篇劝学之作。作者现身说法,以自己青少年时求学的艰辛来告诫年轻人要认真刻苦地学习,文中的谆谆教诲至今有很强的教育意义。©爱学范文网准备了以下教案,希望


《济南的冬天》是现代著名作家、剧作家、小说家老舍创作的一篇散文,最初发表于1931年4月,此后长期被中国中学语文教材选用。本站今天为大家精心准备了《济南的冬天》试讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助!  《济南的

