



雅思写作真题及范文答案 第一篇

小作文题目是:The chart below shows the average time 16-22-year olds spent on playing video games in four different countries between 1992 and .Summarize the details. Select and report the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

范文解析 该柱状图难度中等偏下,数字相对较少,共有8个数字。让我们先来看一下3w(when, where, what)。When是过去的两个年份1992和2023,切记用过去时态。Where为四个国家,what为16-22岁的年轻人花费在视频游戏上的时间。可以看出when和where两个变量,要求我们描述这十年间的变化趋势和国家之间的静态对比。所以考生可以按照时间为主线去分段,也可以按照国家去分段。


The bar chart compares the amount of time spent on video games on average by youngsters aged between 16-22 years old from four countries in two years 1992 and 2023.


It is evident that in 1992, the largest amount of time (85 hours) allocated to video games was from young people in country B. This was narrowly followed by country C and country A where respectively 78 hours and 76 hours were spent while it took the minimal hours for this age group to play video games in country D, standing at merely 50.


These youngsters increasingly relied on video games to relax themselves as there was an overall upward trend in total time ten years later. A two-hour rise could be noticed in both country A and country B, with the latter one still ranking the top. Despite of a considerable increase by 8 hours, video games still attracted the least attention of young people in country D and it is country C that was the only one which witnessed a slight drop by 1 hour.


In summary, in three of the four countries, teenagers and younger adults tended to devote more time playing video games over the decade.


雅思写作话题之团队精神 范文及思路解析

首先我们来看写作题目:Team or group activities can teach more important skills for life than those done alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?(2023年9月雅思写作真题)








In this highly competitive world, acquiring a variety of skills has become far more important than ever before.



It is argued that people gain more necessary abilities through participating in a variety of group work, compared with the individual one.


From my perspective, skills gained from both types of activities are equally essential.



what people are able to learn by teamwork is meaningful.

Firstly, by cooperating and working together with other participators, people are able to gain a better understanding of how to collaborate with others, an important quality that can facilitate to achieve career success. 分论点1:团队合作的意义:促进人与人之间的相互理解及沟通能力的培养,这是促进团队合作成功的重要品质。

Another essential ability people can develop from group activities is communication skill. Whatever the group work is, playing football, basketball or doing a scientific research, it requires participants to communicate and socialize with others from diverse backgrounds especially when they hold different perspectives. 举例子:踢足球、科研都需要相互配合,需要沟通,当然团队合作中会有不同的观点,如何取平衡吸收这些观点呢?

People with strong social skills can adapt to a new environment more quickly and are more likely to access good resources from their friends wherever they are.



Nevertheless, the importance of individual activities is not supposed to be neglected and performing a task separately contributes extraordinarily to cultivating people’s critical and independent thinking. :个人活动的重要性同样不能忽视。个人行动培养的是人的独立思考能力和批判精神。

Individuals, when completing a mission or project alone, have no one to turn to but are forced to work out the most appropriate method to address the difficulty they are faced with. A person who plays chess game on the computer, for example, needs to consider carefully the merits and demerits of each step so as to win finally even when being at a disadvantage. 在没有人从旁协助下,如何通过自己的努力解决困难,也是一种能力的培养。举例:下棋。

It can help people better deal with their adult life for the thinking ability is one of the most indispensible qualities to deal with various challenges encountered in both workplace and daily life.



In conclusion, both working as a number in a team and completing a task individually are advantageous since only in this way can they grow into well-rounded individuals who have a wide range of interests and skills.


原题是:Many employers think that social skills are as important as good qualifications for employing people. To what extent do you agree that social skills are as important as good qualifications for success in the job?


Regarding how social skills and qualifications contribute to a person's success in the career, I think both factors are equally important.


Academic qualifications cannot be acquired without many years of study and continued practice, so they reflect a person's academic background and mastery of specialized knowledge and skills. Many employers require job applicants to possess a certain level of qualification, which is an important criterion to evaluate whether the applicant is qualified for the position or not. Therefore, a high-level academic qualification obtained in a renowned university can bring a person more opportunities in the/job market and a good starting point in his or her path towards career success. In addition to this, people have also become increasingly aware of the importance of social skills in the workplace. Those with sophisticated social skills can develop and maintain good relationships with colleagues. With mutual support and active interaction, employees tend to have higher efficiency and enjoy their working lives. This is particularly important in today's society, where employees often face complicated tasks that require close cooperation among different departments. Also, good social skills enable/people to establish wide connections at work and in life, directly associated with their performance in some occupations. For example, a sociable salesman, even though he may not possess very high qualification, can sign more contracts than those who are not good at Socializing with others.


Overall, there is no doubt that good academic qualifications are important in job-hunting and personal development. However, since communicating and cooperating with others have become an essential part in the workplace, social skills should also be highly valued.



雅思大作文写作真题:Some employers are giving increased importance to employing people with good social skills in addition to good you agree or disagree social skills are as important as good qualifications for success in their jobs?


本题针对讨论在职场中,social skills和 academic qualifications的重要性。题目较为简单,但是注意,如果观点给出的是一个“比较”关系,文中要出现一个针对性质的反驳







equal importance 相等的重要性

main prerequisite 主要的先决条件

knowledge-intensive world.知识密集型社会

eligibility 合格

a normal college 师范类大学

interior designers 室内设计师

alma mater 母校

academic institutions. 学术机构


Some companies attach equal importance to both social skills and academic qualifications when hiring new employees. In my opinion, education is the main prerequisite for achieving a successful career in this knowledge-intensive world.


First, higher education provides the basis for accessing top companies. It is not difficult to understand that job seekers must spend considerable amounts of time, money and energy to obtain their professional qualifications. This is why most employers value academic qualifications, as such eligibility means applicants have mastered more precise and professional knowledge. Without this competence, no chance could be acquired to enter the interview level. Second, after they are employed, expertise obtained from alma mater can make them work more efficient. For example, once a candidate from a normal college becomes a teacher, solid foundations like teaching methods and educational psychology helps him easily adapt into the workplace.


Nonetheless, I also have to insist that social skills do play a very important role to support one’s career success. For example, some interior designers with great interpersonal skills can accurately figure out what their customers like in their future home, including stylistic preferences, color matching and decorations. Furthermore, such tendency can hardly be learned through attending academic institutions. In addition, team spirit is indispensable during one’s career. Due to globalization, many successful cases are achieved because of cooperation. Hence, better social skills add positive opportunities and great possibilities for most individuals’ success.


In conclusion, academic qualifications and social skills are essential for a bright career. However, in terms of importance, the former is more vital than the latter considering the competitiveness in the labor force.


雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二篇


in some countries, students pay their college or university fees,while in some others, government pays for them. Do you think the advantages that government pays the money outweigh thedisadvantages? Give reasons and examples.


Some people believe everyone has the right to get university education,to what extent do you agree government should make it free to all people no matter of their financial background? .

Higher education has several ways to be funded:

all costs paid by government

all costs paid by students

students could get government loan and after finishing the education students should repaid the cost to the government.

discuss the benefits of these three theories above and decide which is the best way ..







Education is universallydeemed as the dutyof the government, butwhen it comes to higher level,opinions diverge. Some taxpayers take for grantedthat governments should pay for tertiary , I doubt the feasibility of such practice inmany economies. (被动句,并列句,时间状语从句,宾语从句)

Of course calling for public funding foruniversity or college is reasonable from some first beneficiary should be those in poverty or indisadvantageous situation academically and hold the ambition to further theireducation to higher level. They are treated equallyto the access to higher education andit is thisequality that gives them an opportunity to break theirvicious cycle of poverty or crime and to make contribution tobetter life in their hometown when they graduate. In this scenario the nation is able to foster a larger numberof professionals and gain economic and social benefit frombetter human capital. (动名词,定语从句,被动句,并列句,强调句,状语从句)

However, such practice is rarely implemented in the worldincluding some wealthy countries and the direct reason liesin financial issue. Compulsory primary and secondaryeducation usually does not leave the government sufficientbudget for further support in many countries. In addition,going to university is personal choice, which means thatit would be unfair for those who chooseto work after secondary school. An obvious downside of freeuniversity would encourage every school leaver to attenduniversity, butit is also clear that not everyone isable to or is willing to do so. (并列句,动名词,定语从句,宾语从句,形式主语)

In my opinion, to harmonize the above conflictcaused by free higher education, a practical suggestion canbe that the government fund university education by offering interest-free loan or grantingscholarship tothose poor but outstanding students. (非谓语,宾语从句)


1. universally 普遍地

2. deem 认为

3. diverge 有分歧

4. take it for granted 认为理所当然

5. feasibility 可行性

6. practice 做法

7. tertiary / higher education 高等教育

8. call for 呼吁

9. fund 资助

10. perspective 角度

11. outstanding 优秀的

12. nonetheless 然而

13. perform well academically 学习好

14. ambition 抱负

15. treat 对待

16. empower/ enable 使有能力

17. break their vicious cycle of poverty 打破贫穷的.恶性循环

18. scenario 情形

19. foster / nurture 培养

20. professional 专业人士

21. human capital 人力资本

22. implement 执行

23. financial 财政的

24. Compulsory 强制的

25. budget 预算

26. sufficient 充足的

27. school leaver 高中毕业生

28. harmonize 协调

29. conflict 冲突

30. interest-free loan 无息贷款

31. grant 批准

32. scholarship 奖学金

33. beneficiary 受益人

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三篇

omnipresent 无处不在的

pose great threat to 给什么带来威胁,危害

magnitude 程度 (这个词我挂3个常用的意思,1,巨大 2,数量,程度 3, 地震震级)

put forth 提出

menace 让人烦的问题,这边可以写issue

culprit 肇事者,罪魁祸首,可以指引起某事的原因

ineffaceable 无法消除的

haunt 困扰, (鬼魂)出没, (不快的事情)萦绕于脑际,难以忘却

blare 尖锐的声音

bluster 咆哮

dominate 支配,控制,影响

hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘

harassment 骚扰,侵害

alleviate 减少,减轻(与下文mitigate 类似)

curb 遏制 (类似于contain)

detriment 伤害

implement 实施

enforce 执行



雅思写作真题及范文答案 第四篇

Modern buildings are appearing in large numbers but some people believe that we should build our buildings in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, an interesting trend has emerged. Countries with long histories and rich cultures have been modernizing the quickest, especially in terms of architecture. Many have criticized this as not respecting traditional culture. While traditional architecture should be protected, however, I feel it is not necessary to stop building modern structures as we move forward.

One reason for this is that modern buildings are more practical and comfortable to live and work in. While traditional buildings might look nice from the outside, they are often not very user-friendly. Modern buildings usually have lots of windows and light and are clean and energy efficient. Surely this will make those inside them happier.

Another point to consider is that modern buildings will give a good impression to those visiting from abroad. Consider Beijing during the Olympics, for example. Many foreigners were surprised to see all of the stunning new building designs. In the long run, this will probably attract more business and tourists to the country.

Of course, traditional architecture still has its value. Everyone loves visiting famous historical places and admiring architectural styles from throughout history. We should protect and appreciate such places for future generations, but at the same time, we don’t have to live in the past.

Ultimately, each city needs to find its own balance between “old” and “new” when it comes to building styles, but modern buildings are for sure a positive thing. After all, if we don’t continue to explore new building styles we won’t be able to let future generations know what our period of history was like.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第五篇

Generally, it is thought that the government has the ability and obligation to tackle environmental problems, while individuals' contributions seem to be very small. However, I believe that if the general public could be mobilized to join the campaign of environmental protection, better results would be achieved.

There is no doubt that, to protect the environment, the government plays a leading role by making policies, allocating funds and enforcing laws. However, without the participation of the general public, these measures could be futile in some cases. For example, establishing a forest park or a nature reserve may conflict with the interests of local people and they may oppose such a policy. So the first step is perhaps for the government to raise people's awareness of protecting their own homeland and persuade them to stop cutting down trees or poaching wild animals.

It is also said that the power of a single person is minimal, which is true to some extent, but with millions of individuals involved to take action, the effect would be huge. For instance, if every person could save a glass of water, the total amount saved would be considerable in a middle-sized city. Another example is air pollution in the urban area, which can be effectively addressed by encouraging people to take public transport. If individuals could give up driving private cars, the air quality would be obviously improved.

In conclusion, the government should make people realize that, with the effort of every person combined, they can make a difference in creating a better environment. Only by doing this, can we tackle the existing environmental problems and achieve sustainable development.(273 words)


tackle 解决

obligation 义务

nature reserve 自然保护区

mobilize 动员

futile 徒劳的

allocating 分配

雅思a类图表小作文9分范文盛宴 柱状图题型:交通事故

The chart below shows numbers of incidents and injuries per 100 million passenger miles travelled (PMT) by transportation type in .



The bar chart compares the number of incidents and injuries for every 100 million passenger miles travelled on five different types of public transport in 2023.

It is clear that the most incidents and injuries took place on demand-response vehicles. By contrast, commuter rail services recorded by far the lowest figures.

A total of 225 incidents and 173 injuries, per 100 million passenger miles travelled, took place on demand-response transport services. These figures were nearly three times as high as those for the second highest category, bus services. There were 76 incidents and 66 people were injured on buses.

Rail services experienced fewer problems. The number of incidents on light rail trains equalled the figure recorded for buses, but there were significantly fewer injuries, at only 39. Heavy rail services saw lower numbers of such events than light rail services, but commuter rail passengers were even less likely to experience problems. In fact, only 20 incidents and 17 injuries occurred on commuter trains.(165 words, band 9)






雅思写作真题及范文答案 第六篇

One of the most significant advances in human civilization is the wide availability of the Internet where current affairs can be accessed instantly. However, it is asserted that newspaper remains the predominant source of information. I am of the opinion that digital news will gain more popularity or even become a kind of Internet age alternative to traditional press.

There is no denying that more detailed and in-depth reports can be gained from newspapers because a rigorous censorship system is applied to ensure accuracy of the news. In addition, some readers, especially elderly citizens, may get accustomed to reading newspapers mainly because they are not familiar with the functions of electronic gadgets or mobile devices. However, this traditional mode is being challenged by the emergence of new media or might even lose its dominance.


On the other hand, more benefits can be brought by the prevalence of the Internet. Firstly, global recipients can immediately get informed of what is happening worldwide for the recognition that online news can be transmitted without geographical boundaries, so to this date, people are able to browse the international news with the greatest of ease. Moreover, compared with newspapers inundated with printed articles, sounds and videos online can better convey information and facilitate perception of audience. Furthermore, online reading is not only time-efficient but more environment-friendly, which saves the time of printing and distribution. By contrast, the newspaper industry, being complicated for news to be edited, published and issued, is also a heavy polluter and large consumer of wood resources.

In summary, although newspapers will continue to serve as an important means to provide information, with the universal access to the Internet, a rising number of people have been turning to reading on the web.


Task 1


The map below shows the Road System as it is now and proposed changes in future to reduce the number of accident. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.



雅思写作真题及范文答案 第七篇

Media should report crimes in details.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?(2023年9月真题)

Nowadays the media often cover news of crimes such as murder, rape and armed robbery in great details. While such information may warn the public of the potential danger and help reduce crimes, providing too much information about crimes might lead to certain negative side effects. In my opinion, the information about crimes should be made accessible to the public but the media should refrain from reporting crimes in an irresponsible manner.

To begin with, there is no doubt that people should have the right to information about crimes committed in a community. If someone in the neighborhood were murdered, the chance of other people being killed would also increase. The people should be notified of the event as well as any actions the authorities had taken immediately. Any attempts to block the news about the crimes would violate people's right to know the truth. Yet, the necessity of informing the public does not mean full details have to be disclosed.

Admittedly, the best way to alert the public about a recent crime being committed is through the reporting by the media. Most of us read newspaper and watch TV news everyday. But there are a number of reasons why the media should only report the crimes briefly and let any interested parties follow up with the events by themselves. To begin with, the details of the crimes may cause discomfort and even panic among the members of the public. This is particularly true for the young children in the society. In addition, the time on TV and the space on the newspaper are scarce resources that can be utilized in many different ways. Therefore, the detailed reporting of the crimes would incur high opportunity costs as the public attention would have been directed to other important issues such as education and environment. Finally, the full information about crimes may be made available through the police or other government agencies so that anyone interested in the events may consult the records. Such arrangement would be less costly compared to reporting the details via the media.

In conclusion, since crimes are relevant to each and every member of the society, the media should report the events as soon as possible to alert the public and to help prevent more crimes. Nevertheless, the reports of crimes should be relatively brief in order to avoid public panic and to save the precious TV time and newspaper space. Furthermore, anyone who wants to know more about certain events should be allowed to consult the government agencies for such

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第八篇

The newspaper will remain to be an important source of people’s news consumption, even though other media may get the upper hand. Many predict that the print’s days are numbered due to strong competition from television, radio and the Internet. In terms of popularity, newspaper is statistically down but is not emotionally out.

Statistically, it can be said that the print news audiences are dwindling, which means newspaper readership is getting eclipsed by other ways of learning about news. It is a long, slow and painful downward spiral to the point that the newspaper, like vinyl records and film cameras, is a relic for collectors. According to research reports on the news industry, local television is the number one source of news for the majority of people, with digital news coming in second, followed by the radio, and then by the newspaper. One possible explanation why the newspaper is being left far behind is that many people do not see the point in buying a print newspaper if they believe they can get all the news they need elsewhere for free.


Nevertheless, for emotional reasons print newspapers will continue to exist for a good while. To begin with, the feeling of a warm newspaper right off the press is one of traditional readers’ favorite moments to begin a regular day. Unlike other ways of delivering news, a print newspaper can be physically held in a reader’s hands, and this is a huge pro for print editions. In addition, newspapers can provide opportunities for longer, more in-depth feature articles that tend to be read in full. Instead of becoming a thing of the past, print newspapers are still widely read and preferred by many audiences.


In conclusion, the golden days of print news are gone forever, but nothing is like the feeling of physically holding a newspaper in hands. After all, the different ways of learning about news are not mutually exclusive. Each news media outlet is effective in its own way. (338 words)



news media 新闻媒体

news consumption 新闻消费

to get the upper hand 占上风

to predict 预测

the days are numbered 日子不多了

the news industry 新闻业

to see the point 看出道理

for a good while 一段时间

not mutually exclusive 互不排斥


真题范文:There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys and other goods. Parents argue that children are under pressure. Advertisers claim that the advertisements provide useful information. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(有许多针对儿童的广告,如零食、玩具和其他商品。家长们认为孩子们处于压力之下。广告商声称广告提供有用的信息。讨论两种观点并给出你自己的观点。



雅思写作真题及范文答案 第九篇

Success, an expected good result that a person may reach, is dedicated by various qualities including personal characters, knowledge accumulation, and cooperative spirit. That universities or colleges could educate such qualities for a person to succeed is a too narrow belief.


To begin with, individual personalities and characters are the initial keys to potential achievements, as the road to success is full of thorns, requiring the person to be prepared for optimism, calmness, and perseverance to strike the hedge and step forward to the established goals. These characters, in fact, are formed based on the influences from families, schools, and wider societies during the self-development process, which cannot be learnt at once or in any single place.


The second key is knowledge base. Knowledge is widely regarded as one of the most powerful competences for a person to make a difference, but knowledge and information storage is built and developed in accumulation, starting from antenatal training, then to babbling, and moving on to receiving basic educations at primary and secondary schools. In other words, learning knowledge needs a solid foundation. Without the paved footstone, university and academic study would be as unrealistic as a castle in the air.


Further, the sense of being collaborative plays an indispensable role. Only when an individual learns and knows how to effectively interacts and coordinates with others at growth can he or she acquire parents’ support, teachers’ guidance, and friends’ coordination---the important sources to help the person to become successful. Thus, it would be too late if a person starts learning such quality at university.


University education is the final stage of formal learning after secondary schoolings. This means, university is the place where students could further enhance and strengthen the key qualities, regardless of personal characters, knowledge system, or cooperative consciousness via more professional and well-focused instructions and assignments; rather a kindergarten for nurturing baby learners.



年11月17日场的雅思写作考试已经结束,为大家带来本期雅思大作文话题之社交能力在职场中重要吗?原题是:The qualities a person needs to become truly successful cannot be learned at a university or similar academic what extent do you agree or disagree? ?请看本期范文


The purpose of higher education has been a topic of debate for some claim that there are many successful people without a college degree, I believe education can have an overall impact on one's life.


Completing increasingly advanced levels of education shows that a persor has a drive and commitment to learn and apply information, ideas and theo ries to achieve a variety of tasks and goals. Many employers require col ege-level education, even for roles which previously did not require it, such as administrative assistant positions. It is true that the fewer years of educa tion one has completed, the fewer doors are open to him. Educational re quirements are quick and easy way to narrow down the field of in situations where there are more applicants than jobs. Wher hiring from a field of candidates, employers prefer whose who have com pleted the higher level of education.


More importantly, universities focus on preparing individuals for productive contribution to mankind by the creation of prepared minds. Universities are earning communities where knowledge is not only disseminated but also advancedAs members of this community, students are not information re cipients who acquire the knowledge in a passive way; instead, they are challenged to achieve their potential and indeed to excel. Therefore, univer sities provide learning conditions that encourage students to remain curi ous, to value diversity in opinions and perspectives, and to think critically and communicate effectively. In this way, students can gain problem-solv ing experience and confidence, which contributes to the development of their abilities and personalities.


Being successful without the experience of going to a university is possible, out to most of us the pursuit of educatión is paramount to our future success in today's world.



2023年11月17日场的雅思写作话题为高频的社会生活类话题,题目是:The qualities a person needs to become truly successful cannot be learned at a university or similar academic what extent do you agree or disagree? 一个人想要真正成功所需要的品质是无法在大学或类似的学术机构学到的。对于这个观点,你同意多少?


需要先考虑此处“qualities” 具体涉及到哪些内容,然后结合大学教育的目的展开论述。


A successful person is equipped with diverse qualities such as friendly personality and problem-solving capacity. Some people contend that students fail to learn those qualities in a university or academic institutions. From my perspective, some of qualities can be acquired in higher education.


On one hand, two outstanding qualities could be learned in universities. The first one is to specialize in a certain field. One of aims of university education is to impart professional knowledge and principles to students. In other words, through learning systematic courses of their majors, students are expected to be proficient in understanding and applying theoretical knowledge, forming the basis of a promising career path in the future. Critical thinking ability is another significant quality. Universities are learning communities where knowledge is not disseminated but also advanced. As member of this community, college students are not information recipients; instead, they are encouraged to challenge and think critically to achieve their potential and skills. A case in the point is that, in a language teaching class, the professor may require those potential teachers to discuss the topic that whether situational teaching methodology (which is commonly deemed as a more effective method of language teaching) is better than rote memorization. It is the critical thinking that assists students in having comprehensive coverage of issues and overcoming obstacles efficiently.


On the flip side, other qualities successful persons have can not be gained in academic institutions, among which the essential one is the higher level of social skill. Generally, there is no relevant curricula set up by universities; in consequence, it is less likely for students to enhance such skill via knowledge learning. What’s more, self-study and independent learning, which serve as the backbone in university campus life, diminish the opportunities for learners to interact with peers and mentors. In addition, kindness, mercy, modesty, integrity and other noble characters are mostly formed by parents’ guidance and role models rather than university education.


In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, higher education cultivates students into specialized talents and develops their critical thinking, enabling them to obtain several but not all qualities that a person needs to become truly successful.


雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十篇

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.(2023年2月真题)

It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time.

The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or travailing to other places, have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with thechallenges of student life.

However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at the important age. Young adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment. They may think that it is better to continue in a particular job, or to do something completely different from a university course. But overall, I think this is less likely today, when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.

My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十一篇

Human’s enthusiasm to sports and races has never waned, which demonstrates people’s perseverance, struggle, unity and cooperation. However, opinions differ over whether physical strength or mental attitude is of more significance in sports accomplishment. In this essay, both factors will be analyzed and my personal perspective will be presented.


On the one hand, some people opine that success primarily hinges on powerful physical attribute. In fact, in many countries, professional athletes are selected by particular criteria in terms of power, flexibility, strength and so on. In addition to that, they need abundant and adequate power to finish the competition successfully. All champions win the golden medals through earnest and hard physical training, based on the fact that persistent training can promote athletes’ skills such as diving, resilience or else to achieve excellent performance.


On the other hand, others argue that it is easy and appropriate to attribute achievement to the talent factor and physical fitness, yet many of the sportsmen have these, so what really sets apart the top winners is their ability to manage their emotions. Emotional intelligence, which is generally known as the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. This can be exemplified by FIFA World Cup Russia which attracted the top tier teams with the best players from around the world. The champion France National Men's football team distinguished from the rest by mental status of its members who could motivate each other to unite and work towards a single objective.


I personally believe that physical strength is a premise to become successful sportsmen, which ensures a good performance but psychological quality, always plays a more determinant role especially in some international games like the Olympic Games where one represents a nation and shoulders tremendous pressure. Only through the intelligent use of balanced emotions combined with the physical talent, can success be attained.


1月5日雅思大作文写作7分范文 身体素质和心理素质,谁才是体育的关键

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十二篇

Task 2


Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.










performing law enforcement and defending the country 执法保卫国家

the recruitment of women 雇佣女性

are inferior to 不如…./ 弱于….

physical strength and endurance 体力与耐力

be flustered 慌乱

gender characteristics 性别特征

communication security 通讯安全

Air Force 空军

long-term scientific and systematical training 长期系统且科学的培训

fight on the battlefield 战场上肉搏厮杀


Although some people think…. 让步状语从句

If a women's army fought with…. 虚拟语气

When facing an emergency, 非谓语动词做状语位于句首

because of 原因状语

sth discussed above 非谓语动词做定语

to judge whether….. 动宾就够的宾语从句

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十三篇

The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.


The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2023 and 2023.

It is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts of waste produced by all three companies shown on the graph. While companies A and B saw waste output fall over the 15-year period, the amount of waste produced by company C increased considerably.

In 2023, company A produced 12 tonnes of waste, while companies B and C produced around 8 tonnes and 4 tonnes of waste material respectively. Over the following 5 years, the waste output of companies B and C rose by around 2 tonnes, but the figure for company A fell by approximately 1 tonne.

From 2023 to 2023, company A cut waste production by roughly 3 tonnes, and company B reduced its waste by around 7 tonnes. By contrast, company C saw an increase in waste production of approximately 4 tonnes over the same 10-year period. By 2023, company C’s waste output had risen to 10 tonnes, while the respective amounts of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8 tonnes and only 3 tonnes.(192 words, band 9)


The climograph below shows average monthly temperatures and rainfall in the city of Kolkata.


The chart compares average figures for temperature and precipitation over the course of a calendar year in Kolkata.

It is noticeable that monthly figures for precipitation in Kolkata vary considerably, whereas monthly temperatures remain relatively stable. Rainfall is highest from July to August, while temperatures are highest in April and May.

Between the months of January and May, average temperatures in Kolkata rise from their lowest point at around 20°C to a peak of just over 30°C. Average rainfall in the city also rises over the same period, from approximately 20mm of rain in January to 100mm in May.

While temperatures stay roughly the same for the next four months, the amount of rainfall more than doubles between May and June. Figures for precipitation remain above 250mm from June to September, peaking at around 330mm in July. The final three months of the year see a dramatic fall in precipitation, to a low of about 10mm in December, and a steady drop in temperatures back to the January average.(173 words, band 9)


The bar chart below shows the proportions of English men and women of different ages who were living alone in 2023. The pie chart compares the numbers of bedrooms in these one-person households.

Living alone in England by age and gender, of bedrooms in one-person households (England, 2023)


The two charts give information about single-occupant households in England in the year 2023. The bar chart compares figures for occupants' age and gender, and the pie chart shows data about the number of bedrooms in these homes.

Overall, females made up a higher proportion of people living alone than males, and this difference is particularly noticeable in the older age categories. We can also see that the most common number of bedrooms in a single-occupant home was two.

A significant majority of the people aged 65 or over who were living alone in England in 2023 were female. Women made up around 72% of single occupants aged 75 to 84, and 76% of those aged 85 or over. By contrast, among younger adults the figures for males were higher. For example, in the 35-49 age category, men accounted for nearly 65% of people living alone.

In the same year, of one-person households in England had two bedrooms, while one-bedroom and three-bedroom homes accounted for 28% and of the total. Under 7% of single-occupant homes had four or more bedrooms.

(189 words, band 9)


雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十四篇

Many aver giving detailed information about crimes committed via TV and printed media has an adverse impact on the public. Thus, this practice ought to be prohibited. I disagree with this prospect and below the reasons on which my stance is based will be discussed in details.

On the other hand, publishing detailed criminal description leads to some disadvantageous consequences. Firstly, people who routinely and regularly watch programs and read articles in magazines that are full of bloody details and horrible nuances of crimes have become accustomed to this after a while. So, violence in its many forms becomes a new norm of life. Secondly, those who were involved in the gory events such as victims, survivors and their relatives may be hurt by unwanted public attention drawn to them by the publications. For instance, TV reporters and writers often pursue those who somehow suffered from violence and illegal actions and a young victim of a rape or a father of a killed daughter will be repeatedly asked to give interviews on the painful topics. Those are main disadvantages of the discussed trend.

On the other hand, demonstration and description of crimes on the screen and paper have some positive effects. Primarily, rising people’s awareness about actions and circumstances that provoke violence may tremendously help people to avoid being involved in such horrible events. To exemplify, if people knew that robbers usually break into houses that do not have a dog in the backyard or inside the home, the informed public would likely buy a dog to deter criminals. Furthermore, the publishing detailed info about committed crimes will likely attract people’s attention to the problematic situation and this wave of discontent will probably force politicians, government officials and police officers to take some actions to tackle the problem. Thus, the number of violent crimes committed will decrease. In other words, the discussed trend has some advantageous aftermaths.

In conclusion, although a detailed description of law violations has some shortages, the merits of this practice definitely outweigh them.



Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to broadcast foreign films and TV shows. Others, however, think it is best to produce local films and shows. Discuss both views and give your own opinion


雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十五篇

While humans have made strides economically and technologically, the natural environment has become increasingly vulnerable as people cut down trees, pollute the air, water and soil. Therefore, encouraging them to assume the responsibility for protecting and preserving their own environment locally seems to be feasible but is unrealistic indeed.

If the government persuades its citizens to take care of their environment at the local level, some environmental problems will then be solved. Only if every individual in different areas choose to lead a low carbon lifestyle , for example driving less but taking public transport more and using less disposable products but reusing and recycling more, the air will be cleaner and resources on which we thrive consumed if all individuals just continue to damage the environment and take no action to change, the environment in which they reside and live will become a uninhabitable place. Without cooperation with different groups at the local level, the environment will hardly be improved.

But only pushing people to conserve the environment locally cannot address all environmental problems fundamentally. For example, the energy crisis has recently been a tricky problem for most countries, a problem that is so complex that it is beyond an individual’s ability to deal with. This is mainly because developing clean and renewable energy costs money and resources and because a growing number of environmental problems are no longer confined to a certain region or country.

Even worse, a majority of people are reluctant to adopt the solutions the government has proposed. The major reason is that many people consider the environment problem as a future concern. Some environment problems, such as climate change,may need to be tackled even after a century. Time and money is better invested in coping with immediate problems such as house shortage and traffic jam than in preventing a disaster that is only expected to happen in the future.

In conclusion, workable as it seems , inducing people to defend their own local environment not only fails to be an effective solution but is difficult to make this goal a reality in real life and in addition to individual efforts, other measures are also necessary especially when the environment problems is caused by a combination of factors, many of which are too big for an individual to resolve.字数 336words





雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十六篇

As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live with huge houses and cars.

Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibilityof governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.

Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform. in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of thesefactors may justify the huge earnings.

Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicatesthat our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.






雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十七篇

The pursuit of happiness has long been the dream of generations of humanbeings. They have always been puzzled Get Word (xxxpuzzledxxx); by the essence ofhappiness. What is happiness? Is it closely related to one’s economic success? Will one’s financial success lead to happiness directly?

Personally, I don’t agree that one’s economic success is the only prerequisite of one’s happiness in life.

Happiness may fall into different categories Get Word (xxxcategoriesxxx);. An old saying goes like this: “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”. Happiness may mean being a successful and respected leader of a company, or a stable andcomfortable job in a large international company, or a big flat downtown, a fantastic set of furniture, etc. However, happiness can also be a harmonious and peaceful family, or a hospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint. In fact, happiness may be composed of anything you could ever think of. At least, we may have two types of happiness: [wv]spiritualGetWord(xxxhospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint. In fact, happiness may be composed of anything you could ever think of. At least, we may have two types of happiness: [wv]spiritualxxx); happiness and materialistic happiness.

One’s materialistic happiness is dependant on one’s economic success,though not completely. Without a strong and steady economic background, onecould never imagine an easy and simple life, let alone an affluent and luxurious one. If you aren’t able to afford a house, a car, or even a book, anybody would be horrified at the mere mention of this kind of life. Definitely, some people will feel happy right away if their basic demands for life are satisfied. However, we have to admit that these people still need to be successful materialisticallyGetWord(xxxmaterialisticallyxxx); to some degree.

On the other hand, one’s success in economy may not necessarily lead to one’s spiritual happiness. As we all know, money doesn’t get you everything and some even say that money is the root of all evilsGetWord(xxxevilsxxx);. One’s financial success may be built on the sacrifice of time, health and love, which are the three most essential elements of spiritual happiness. All of us are not new to this picture: a successful business man tasting loneliness alone with a broken heart.

In my point of view, one’s economic success is only one of the key factors of happiness, but never the only one. To be happy, one needs to be both spiritually and materially satisfied Get Word (xxxsatisfiedxxx); though each of us may have a totally different picture of happiness.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十八篇


As children grow to be the target group of advertisement industry, a range of advertisements aimed at them have been produced, which had caused some controversies in the society.

Those who advocate the spread of advertising targeted at children deem that these advertisements can provide potential customers with a comprehensive understanding of the products advertised, which can help consumers make well-informed buying decisions. Since television advertisements can present goods in a visual and audio way, this can definitely enhance people’s knowledge of the advertised goods, especially some electronic toys or newly-introduced food.

On the other hand, parents are concerned that children are easily attracted by the vivid advertisement from the Internet or television, and because of it, kids will pester their parents to buy the goods advertised. Obviously, children are a group of consumers without the ability to distinguish good from bad and right from wrong. If they are convinced of the benefits of the products from the advertisement, they will not consider the negative aspects or further explore the truth of the advertisement itself.

Besides, peer pressure is another point which needs to be mentioned here. The widespread advertising campaign will make the public overwhelmed by these advertisements, which means there will always be some parents and children purchasing the advertised goods, and therefore, some psychological factor of children may urge a part of them to obtain the products even though they may not need the goods.

Personally, advertisements themselves contain a lot of information which can be quite useful for consumers. If the advertising industry can be well regulated and children being supervised when they are watching the advertisements, there is no need for parents to worry about the side effects by the widespread advertisements.



1. Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much as they wish. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


2. Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?


3. Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


4. Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why is this the case and what can be done to attract local people.


5. Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


6. The use of mobile phone in certain places is just as antisocial as smoking. do you think mobile should be banned like smoking?


7. Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?


8. Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extend do agree or disagree?


9. Some working parents believe childcare centers can provide best care for their children, while others think of other family members like grandparents can do this job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


10. Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


11. Some people believe that the increasing use of the computers and the mobile phones has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skill,do you agree or disagree?有些人认为越来越多的使用电脑和手机对年轻人的负面影响阅读和写作技巧,你同意或不同意吗?

12. Nowadays, older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What problems do this cause? And what are the solutions?


13. Some people think only best students should be rewarded, others think we should reward students who make progress.


14. Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same way as adults by authorities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


15. In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with their parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


16. Developments of technology are causing environmental problems. Some people think the solution is that everyone accepts a simpler life, while others believe that technology can solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


17. To improve the quality of education, people think that we should encourage our students to evaluate and criticise their teachers. Others believe that it will result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


18. In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?


19. In some countries, people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons for this? How to change their views?


20. Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in their local community who need it. Others, however prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


21. As the transportation and accommodation problem increases in big cities, some governments are encouraging business move from the city to the rural area, do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


22. In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?


23. Many people do not feel safe either at home or they are out. What are the causes, and what can be done to make people feel safer?


24. It is suggested that all the young adults should undertake a period of unpaid work helping people in the community. Does it bring more benefits or drawbacks to the community and the young people?


25. Advertising discourages us from being different individuals by making them want to be or to look the same. Do you agree or disagree?


26. Some people say government should give the health care the first priorities, some others believe there are more important priorities to spend the tax payers' money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


27. As well as making money, businesses should also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?


28. The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?


29. Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


30. International travel sometimes lead people have some prejudices rather than broad minds,why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit?


31. Some people regard the increasing business and cultural contact between countries as a positive development. Others, however, feel these leading to loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


32. Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crimes. Some people believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


33. Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources (eg Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第十九篇

Most senior citizens retire or no longer work full-time. They usually live in their own houses not far from their children's, while the children of a few senior citizens have gone abroad and work or study far beyond the oceans. For certain senior citizens, tile years after retirement are not very enjoyable. First, they feel that their lives lose meaning for being at home all day. In addition, they may feel lonely, especially those without children around. Moreover, they become more concerned with their health, as they grow older, and worry a lot about their safety. At the same time, many senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising their families. They spend their time travelling, doing exercises or watching TV. They get together with their fellow members who have the common interests and equal free time.


In fact, there are some still continuing their work, not just for money, but to show their value. However, no one really wants to be old, and perhaps all like to be young forever.


雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十篇

The charts compare the sources of electricity in Australia and France in the years 1980 and 2023. During these years electricity production almost doubled, rising from 100 units to 170 in Australia, and from 90 to 180 units in France.

In 1980 Australia used coal as the main electricity source (50 units) and the remainder was produced from natural gas, hydro power (each producing 20 units) and oil (which produced only 10 units). By 2023, coal had become the fuel for more than 75% of electricity produced and only hydro power continued to be another significant source supplying approximately 20%.

In contrast, France used coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980, which was matched by natural gas. The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oil and nuclear power, with hydro power contributing only 5 units. But by 2023 nuclear power, which was not used at all in Australia, had developed into the main source, producing almost 75% of electricity, at 126 units, while coal and oil together produced only 50 units. Other sources were no longer significant.

Overall, it is clear that by 2023 these two countries relied on different principal fuel sources: Australia relied on coal and France on nuclear power.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十一篇

7月28日雅思写作真题:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?改过自新重回社会的犯人是教育青少年关于犯罪的危害性的最佳人员。你同意与否?

今天的考题是8月8日的原题重现。看下当时的题目:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?可见几乎一样。顺便提醒,雅思使用旧题,不管哪一科,一般是使用5-2年前的旧题,对于现在来说,就是使用到的题目。


One important part of teenagers’ education is turning them into law-abiding citizens by making them realise the dangers of committing crimes. The best way to do this, as many people would argue, is to have ex-prisoners, who have now become good citizens, talking to teenagers about their personal stories. While I think it may indeed be effective, it may also fail sometimes.

Obviously, ex-prisoners are in a better position than anybody else to let teenagers understand the consequences of violating the law. They were personally involved in crimes and know very well how much pain their behavior has inflicted upon the victims and their families. They also know very well how hard their life in prison was and what freedom really means. Compared with the lectures given by the law teachers, the personal stories shared by ex-prisoners are more direct, more powerful emotionally, and thus more effective as an educational tool.

Nevertheless, having a former prisoner standing face to face with a group of teenagers may be an awkward scenario in some cases. It is common for people, especially youngsters, to have a fear towards criminals, particularly those who have committed violent crimes. Very naturally, teenagers may develop a strong distrust of the former criminals and so they will not listen to their stories, however interesting these stories might be. That is why many schools would have policemen, instead of former prisoners, giving law lessons to their students, because to teenagers, policemen are much more trustworthy.

In conclusion, teenagers’ ability to tell right from wrong is important to themselves as well as the entire society. By listening to the personal stories of former prisoners, youngsters may be touched and become more conscious of the consequences of committing crimes, yet alternative measures should be found when this does not work out.

(302 words)







1. One important part of teenagers’ education is turning them into law-abiding citizens by making them realise the dangers of committing crimes.


2. Compared with the lectures given by the law teachers, the personal stories shared by ex-prisoners are more direct, more powerful emotionally, and thus more effective as an educational tool.


3. Very naturally, teenagers may develop a strong distrust of the former criminals and so they will not listen to their stories, however interesting these stories might be.


4. By listening to the personal stories of former prisoners, youngsters may be touched and become more conscious of the consequences of committing crimes, yet alternative measures should be found when this does not work out.



7月28号雅思写作真题话题:Some people who have been in prison become citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?已经成为良好市民的ex-prisioner,是最合适的人选,来教育学生关于犯罪的危害么?


看到题目中说the best,作为一个极限词,当然会本能的反对。这个词也算是该话题的题眼。

承认former prisoner的优势:


不觉得former prisoner好:





Some people believe that people who used to be prisoners are the best people who can persuade students to comply with laws. However, I cannot agree with this opinion.

Admittedly, rehabilitated offenders can share their experience in prison with students. For people who committed crimes impulsively, most of them feel regretful for their behavior, and from their stories, students can learn the consequences of committing crimes. For example, criminal records will make it difficult for people to reintegrate into the society. Nevertheless, there are better roles who can educate students on the topic of crime more effectively.

To begin with, parents may have a deeper impact on students. After all, not all people have a positive image of ex-prisoners, and some students are even afraid of them. However, parents have a more intimate relationship with their children, and most children will listen to what their parents say. Therefore, letting rehabilitated prisoners give speeches may make students frightened, while parents can educate their children in a more acceptable way.

In addition, inviting policemen is also an optimal choice. Compared to former prisoners, policemen are more familiar with laws, and they can tell students some details about laws. For example, students can realize that friendship is no more important than laws, and helping friends sell drugs also violates the law. Then, students can have a better understanding for obeying laws, including what they can do and what they should not do.

To sum up, parents and the police are better choices for educating students about the consequences of committing crimes, considering that parents are close to their children, and the police know details of laws.



Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

属于犯罪类话题;具体涉及到预防青少年犯罪的层面。考生在答题时需要注意题干中限定词 “the best”。若采取不同意的态度,则可以先承认其合理之处,但是有其他合适的人选。在写作过程中,犯罪类词汇表达也可能是考生存在的一个难点,因此平时务必注重该类话题词汇的积累。






Those rehabilitated ex-convicts are the best persons who could educate students on the severe consequence of perpetrating a crime, as some people argue. As far as I am concerned, I disagree with this viewpoint.

Admittedly, the former prisoners’ painful experience does serve the purpose well. The depression of being sentenced and punished as well as the torment of being isolated from society act as a deterrent to prevent teenagers from engaging in criminal wrongdoing, whereas those people are not the most suitable ones considering the fact that their stories are merely relevant to their personal sufferings rather than a comprehensive law education.

In this scenario, officials of law enforcement department and judge of the court are supposed to assist students in building up the awareness of abiding by the laws. Lawyers, for instance, are far more knowledgeable about the line between legal and illegal, imparting the common law concept to juveniles so as to stop them breaking laws due to ignorance. As for the judges, who are equipped with expertise in trial and arbitration, can emphasize the coercive power of law and the principle of equality under the law in order to eliminate adolescents’ idea of getting off. Therefore, it is indispensable to have both of them for school legal education.

In conclusion, even if the stories told by ex-prisoners have a deterrent impact on children who are curious about committing offences, I object to inviting them to educate students in school. From my perspective, experts dealing with law cases and sentences play a more significant role in helping children realize the danger of crimes.


rehabilitated恢复的;复原的 convict 囚犯 perpetrate a crime犯罪 be sentenced 被判决

torment折磨(精神) act as a deterrent 作为一个威慑物 criminal wrongdoing犯罪行为

in this scenario 在这种情况下 law enforcement department执法部门 abide by遵守

the line between legal and illegal合法与非法的界限 ignorance无知 expertise in专长于

trial审判 arbitration仲裁 the coercive power of law法律的强制性

the principle of equality under the law法律的公平性 get off逃脱(刑罚)

have a deterrent impact on对。。。有威慑作用 …, as some people argue 非限定定语从句

..., imparting …现在分词作结果状语 considering the fact that,…原因状语从句引导词

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十二篇

part i questions:

are saturdays and sundays important to you?

which do you prefer, saturday or sunday?

should people be working or resting on saturdays and sundays?

should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend?

do you know anyone who works at the weekend?

do you collect anything?

why do you collect …?

i s collecting a popular pastime in china?

what items are considered collectibles in your country?

does anyone in your home collect anything?

do a lot of people in china and what do they collect?

what are the benefits of collecting?

where are you from?

are you from a city or village (countryside)?

is your hometown a good place for young people to live?

would you retire there when you are old?

do you still visit your hometown?

how do you visit your hometown?

who do you visit in your hometown?

which place do you prefer, your hometown or the city you are studying or working?

do you like flowers?

what is your favorite flower?

what are the occasions when people send or receive flowers?

what flowers have special meanings in china?

do you live in the city or the countryside?

is it good for young people to grow up in the city?

have you ever been to the seaside?

do you often eat out (go to restaurants)?

what food do you like?

do you mind noises?

what type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

are there any sounds that you like?

are cities becoming noisier?

part ii&iii questions

1. part ii topic

if you received a lot of money

-who would you share with?

-what would you buy?

-what else would you do?

-your feelings about get so much money?

part iii questions

is money important to you?

is pay the most important factor in a job?

do you think children are given too much pocket money in china?

2. part ii topic

describe a positive change in your life.

-what is it?



part iii questions

do you think china has gone through a lot of changes in recent years?

what are the most positive changes?

do you think there will be more changes in the future?

3. part ii topic

describe a job you would like to have in the future

-what does this job involve

-what does this job require from you

-why you would like to have this job

-if this job pays you well

part iii questions

which is more important, family or work?

do you think it is good to change your job all the time?

what people are looking at when they judge a person in terms of work?

what do people consider when they decide the age of retirement?

in light of social and environmental change, do you think people’s will change, such as attitude towards work?

4. part ii topic

describe something which you do that makes you busy

-what makes you busy

-when are you busy

-how do you do it

-how do you feel when you don’t have to do this something

part iii questions

if you had a timetable, what would it be like?

what are the benefits of keeping a timetable?

do you think it is important to make plans?

5. part ii topic

describe a person who helped you

-who this person was

-what he did to help you

-how important was the help to you

-why do you think this person helped you

part iii questions

what kind of people needs help in your country?

are there any non-government organizations which help people in your country?

where does the funding for these organizations come from?

do you think it is important to help people in need?

is it important for visitors to your country to get help?

6. part ii topic

describe and old place in china.

-where it is

-how old it is

-if it is important

-if it is popular as a place of interest

part iii questions

how important is history to a nation?

in what ways can we learn history?

do people in china visit history museums?

do you think museums should be free?

7. part ii topic

describe a piece of clothing or jewelry that is special to you

-what it looks like

-on what occasions do you wear it

-explain why it is important to you

part iii questions

what kinds of clothes are traditional in china?

what kinds of clothes do young people like?

do old people like fashion?

why do the young people like fashion?

what brands are popular in china?

do people wear different kinds of clothes on different occasions?

8. part ii topic

describe your childhood room

-what it is like

-what was in it

-what did you do in it

part iii questions

do you think children should have their own rooms?

do children benefit from sharing a room with others?

what do you think of people who decorate their houses in a very flamboyant manner?

9. part ii topic

describe a product that you have regretted purchasing

or describe an unhappy shopping experience

part iii questions

are the services in big stores and small ones the same?

what services should shop have?

what are the differences between machine-made and hand-made goods?

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十三篇


雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十四篇

We live in an age of electronic communication, and the Internet does help us in a lot of ways. Yet the fact that we have computers and smartphones readily available does not mean that we do not need face-to-face communication any more.

Electronic technology has dramatically changed the ways we shop, work and communicate and has brought about a myriad of benefits. From emails to instant messaging to Skype to social media, the Internet has made our communication faster and easier than ever before. Besides, the cost of the Internet communication is significantly lower than the traditional means of communication like face-to-face meetings. The technology connects us to our online suppliers, colleagues in the workplace, families and friends from all over the globe for just a small fraction of the cost required of an offline meeting.

That being said, scientific evidence is mounting that the advent of digital technology is having a detrimental effect on interpersonal relationships. Everything from body language and facial expressions to attentiveness and engagement can indicate different thoughts and feelings—each of which can only be truly observed through face-to-face communication. So, despite the clear upsides of digital communication, there are circumstances under which there is no substitute for face-to-face communication. Meanwhile, the complete dependence on the Internet for communication may result in the sense of alienation and depression which will keep us apart from the rest of the real world.

In conclusion, it is necessary to balance those Internet interactions with face-to-face communication. It is hard to say how far the Internet would go, but face-to-face communication has not yet been and never will be replaced by technology.(274 words)

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十五篇

Those two maps compare the present layout of a road system and the future planning for it in the future.


There are four spots that experienced frequent accidents at present. The first place happens on the intersection between the City Road on the west and the Low Lane which leads to the school, surrounding by three rows of houses. To its south lies the second crossing which gives way to the Forest Road. While travelling to the north towards the eastern side of the City Road, we can see the third intersection. On its left, it is clear that the fourth frequent accident occurs on the entrance of City Road where supermarket attracts a large number of travellers.


However, in the future, it is noticeable that a roundabout will be built in the centre of the Forrest Road, which might reduce the speed of the vehicles to avoid the last two frequent traffic collisions. Another noticeable change is that there are four traffic lights that are installed on the crossings between the city road and school. The original low lane on the south in conjunction with both the City Road and the Forrest road will be demolished.


Overall, this proposed road system is likely to be more fully developed in order to avoid traffic accidents.



题目:The maps show the proposed change of a particular fields in order to reduce the traffic accidents in the UK.



1. 时态:描述图一使用一般现在时,描述图二选择将来时(future plan);

2. 注意分段:introduction, (frequent accidents), 描述图一,描述图二,

3. 在描述图一时要注意方位词的使用,以及方位顺序,可以按照由北到南,由东到西的顺序;

4. 对于每一个细节都要照顾到,不能忽略几条道路的描述,residence以及常发生意外的地点;

5. 描述图二时,要注意Low Lane不再和Forrest Road相交;

6. 描述两条道路相交可以使用的词为intersect / conjunct with.

注意使用there be句型。


The two maps illustrate what construction will be carried out in an England residential area for the purpose of reducing possibility of traffic accidents.


As shown in the first map, the frequent accidents usually take place in three spots: the first one is on the west of the City Road, just in front of the school. The second one is at the spot where Forrest Road intersects with the City Road. And the third one is at a small pathway, in conjunction with the east side of City Road.


At present, from the north to the south is the main road Forrest Road, it is in conjunction with the City Road which extends from the west to the east. The west side of the City Road leads to the school, and it is located in the north-west of the residential area. The Low Lane directs to the living district, which sits in the west to the Forrest Road. The lane is in conjunction with both the City Road and the Forrest road. The supermarket is situated to the east of the Forrest Road, residents can get groceries there by driving along the City Road.


In the future, it is noticeable that a roundabout will be built in the centre of the Forrest Road, which might reduce the speed of the vehicles. Another noticeable change is that the south side of the Low Lane will no longer be connected to the Forrest Road. For those residents living in this district wishing to go to the main road, the only way will be driving back to the City Road and passing the roundabout.


雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十六篇

题目:When designing a building, the most important factor is inside use of the building rather than its outside appearance. Do you agree or disagree?

Which is more important, function or appearance? This has always been a hot topic for so many years.

As people are becoming more and more practical, they pay great emphasis on functions of things. But when people are satisfied with material life, they have spiritual requirement. And aesthetics is one of their pursuits.

The basic requirement of a building is its inside use. No one buys a house that he cannot live in only to appreciate its appearance.

As I have said, modern people are practical, so we never do things that cannot benefit us. But with the new techniques and advanced tools, up until now, human beings have no problem to construct a building to satisfy our practical use, thus in this sense, on the basis of usefulness, we have a higher requirement of beautifulness.

That’s why our world has become more and more beautiful.

But it also depends on different cases. Buildings used for exhibition should not be the same with those used for residence. Great buildings for exhibitions or used as museums are art works themselves and worthy of our appreciating.

The most famous is Sydney Theatre. Many people visit it for its great beauty rather than enjoying concerts.

If the building is only for us to live in, then there is no necessity to invite a famous architect do design such an elegant house. Such buildings are also out of our purchasing power.

To sum up, the inside use and the appearance are both very important. But it doesn’t mean that we should always give the same weight to the two. It should depend on concrete occasions.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十七篇

From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965. My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government. My mother is a house wife good at cooking. Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one. On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. I study hard at school. Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.

“Being good is must; successful, however, is plus.” Father adopts the idea of his father. Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely. People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that.

I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen. I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficiency Test. And this is my best wish at the moment.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十八篇

In this highly competitive world, acquiring a variety of skills has become far more important than ever before. It is argued that people gain more necessary abilities through participating in a variety of group work, compared with the individual one. From my perspective, skills gained from both types of activities are equally essential.


On the one hand, what people are able to learn by teamwork is meaningful. Firstly, by cooperating and working together with other participators, people are able to gain a better understanding of how to collaborate with others, an important quality that can facilitate to achieve career success. Another essential ability people can develop from group activities is communication skill. Whatever the group work is, playing football, basketball or doing a scientific research, it requires participants to communicate and socialize with others from diverse backgrounds especially when they hold different perspectives. People with strong social skills can adapt to a new environment more quickly and are more likely to access good resources from their friends wherever they are.


Nevertheless, the importance of individual activities is not supposed to be neglected and performing a task separately contributes extraordinarily to cultivating people’s critical and independent thinking. Individuals, when completing a mission or project alone, have no one to turn to but are forced to work out the most appropriate method to address the difficulty they are faced with. A person who plays chess game on the computer, for example, needs to consider carefully the merits and demerits of each step so as to win finally even when being at a disadvantage. It can help people better deal with their adult life for the thinking ability is one of the most indispensible qualities to deal with various challenges encountered in both workplace and daily life.


In conclusion, both working as a number in a team and completing a task individually are advantageous since only in this way can they grow into well-rounded individuals who have a wide range of interests and skills.








Gain a better understanding of… 更好的理解…

Communicate and socialize with others from diverse backgrounds 与来自不同背景的人沟通和交流

Critical and independent thinking 批判性和独立思考

Merits and demerits of… …的优缺点

Be at a disadvantage 处于劣势

Grow into well-rounded individuals 成长为全面发展的人

A wide range of interests and skills 广泛的兴趣和技能

高分结构(范文中蓝色字体) An important quality that… 同位语

Whatever the group work is 表语从句

Individuals, when completing a mission or project alone… 状语从句省略

Only in this way can… 倒装



该柱状图难度中等,包含项目较多,既有动态趋势变化又有静态对比。不管题目多么复杂,先抓重点3W(when, where, what)。该图包含有三个过去的年份1992, , (when) 和4种家庭垃圾(what)的对比, 地点为某特定城市。时态为一般过去时或者过去完成时。考生可以以年份为主线分段也可以按照项目分段描述。

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第二十九篇

To achieve the greatest success in sports, first it requires physical ability. However, strength and fitness being equal, it is ultimately the right mental attitude that makes a big difference. Speaking of individual or team competition in sports, stories about champions are invariably related to an extraordinary interplay of the physical strength and the mental attitude.


(1) 开头段直接提出自己的观点:体育比赛中,身体和态度都很重要。

(2) to achieve success 取得成功

(3) ultimately 最终地

(4) make a big (huge) difference 决定胜负;决定成败;制造一个巨大的差异

(5) invariably 总是

(6) interplay 相互作用

The fittest and strongest individuals and teams have the most competitive edge to win. Certainly, the physical factors are key to victory in any sport event. For example, in the sports that demand extreme physical ability, such as weight-lifting and marathon, usually the fittest and strongest individuals are most likely to triumph. The same is also true to team sports like football and basketball. The winning team is always made up of players who have better physical conditions. So improving physical strength is undoubtedly the first thing that individuals and teams must do if they want to succeed in sports.



(2)competitive edge 竞争优势

(3)triumph 获胜

(4)to be made up of 由......组成

That said, the other half of the success story in sports is closely associated with the right mental attitude. Most successful athletes feel that their greatest asset is their mental ability along with their physical ability, rather than their physical ability alone. People with the right mental attitude understand that they will never give up even when they have lost a game, and that they will make a comeback as long as they do not quit. So If individuals and teams believe in the right mental attitude, then nothing can stop them from achieving the success.



(2)that said 话虽如此;尽管如此

(3)asset 财富

(4)alone 仅仅

(5)make a comeback 东山再起

To sum up, in individual or team competitions, the body achieves what the mind believes. The two things are not mutually exclusive as both are needed to make the greatest success happen.



(2)mutually exclusive 相互排斥

(3)make...happen 使......发生;实现


1. However, strength and fitness being equal, it is ultimately the right mental attitude that makes a big difference.


2. For example, in the sports that demand extreme physical ability, such as weight-lifting and marathon, usually the fittest and strongest individuals are most likely to triumph.


3. People with the right mental attitude understand that they will never give up even when they have lost a game, and that they will make a comeback as long as they do not quit.


4. Physical strength and mental attitude are not mutually exclusive as both are needed to make the greatest success happen.



2023年1月5日场的雅思写作考试已经结束,本期的雅思大作文话题是体育更需要体魄还是心理素质?原题是:Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


There is a common belief that players who achieve a perfect physique level would have better performance in sports competition, while others believe that strong-minded perseverance is the determinate factor. In my opinion, though fitness level is important, the most essential element should be mental attitude.


Being physically strong is crucial for a sport player. Many studies have shown that having a perfect physique level means that one can exert better power of explosive strength and endurance, and these attributes are required by many sports activities such as basketball and rugby. In addition, showing a quicker judgement is another ability exerted by those players, and this means that they may come up with efficient strategies and are capable of finding holes in the opposing defense.


There is no denying a fact that being mentally strong is also important in competitions. The most inspiring fact about the Paralympics is to convey to people that those who are physically disabled can also achieve greater success with the help of specialized trainings. In addition, perseverance means that a player is willing to contribute and control their emotions regardless of the pressure imposed by their opponents. These abilities ensure that a player is clear-minded and can make the right judgement, while refrain from irrational behavior towards opponent and referee. Also, being a clear-minded player ensures the flow of cooperation in team work, to some extent reducing mental pressure of the teammates while providing better strategies.


In conclusion, a person with a superior fitness level may achieve a greater success in competitions, but one cannot make an achievement without the ability to endure mental stress and the willingness to make an effort in teams.


2023年1月5曰雅思A类大作文高分范文 心理因素和身体因素哪一个对于体育的成功更重要

2023年1月5日的雅思大作文话题有关社会文化,题目是心理因素和身体因素,哪一个对于体育的成功更重要?In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh its disadvantages?本期范文来自雅思哥。


The relative importance of physique level and mental status is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to determine the possibility of achieving success in sports. personally, I that believe both of these two factors are of great importance for any athletes.


Obviously, modern sports system is based on the foundation that all the participants should have basic capability, that people without related skills can never face the challenges. So from our own sports experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a good physical condition is necessary for succeeding in sports. After all, no one would expect an overweighed individual to win a Marathon, unless he or she is against his fallows.


However, to admit the importance of having a good body does not naturally mean a good mental status is not as important. Actually, we can see many not-so-successful athletes are with impeccable fitness and strength—it is the ability of communication, cooperation, and facing difficulties that separates those extraordinaries from the public. In other words, the greatest athletes are supported by the entire team, which never only comes from a perfect body.


I personally think that physical conditions do value considerably in pursuing success in the sport fields. Such factors can give people advantages in play: to run faster, to jump higher, sometimes even to go against physical laws. But, as many other things, physical conditions and mental status are not mutually exclusive. The value of the greatest athletes who can bring victory in critical situations shines when he or she is able to inspire, to stimulate, and to encourage the whole team, as history has shown repetitively.


In conclusion, I agree that good shape of body is the foundation of succeeding in sports, but to secure that victory, mental strength is required.


雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十篇

It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the development of medicines.

On the one hand, there are clear ethical arguments against animal experimentation. To use a common example of this practice, laboratory mice may be given an illness so that the effectiveness of a new drug can be measured. Opponents of such research argue that humans have no right to subject animals to this kind of trauma, and that the lives of all creatures should be respected. They believe that the benefits to humans do not justify the suffering caused, and that scientists should use alternative methods of research.

On the other hand, reliable alternatives to animal experimentation may not always be available. Supporters of the use of animals in medical research believe that a certain amount of suffering on the part of mice or rats can be justified if human lives are saved. They argue that opponents of such research might feel differently if a member of their own families needed a medical treatment that had been developed through the use of animal experimentation. Personally, I agree with the banning of animal testing for non-medical products, but I feel that it may be a necessary evil where new drugs and medical procedures are concerned.

In conclusion, it seems to me that it would be wrong to ban testing on animals for vital medical research until equally effective alternatives have been developed.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十一篇


Talc Powder

A Peter Brigg discovers how talc from Luzenac's Trimouns in France find its  way into food and agricultural products - from chewing gum to olive oil. High in  the French Pyrenees, some 1,700m above sea level, lies Trimouns, a huge deposit  of hydrated magnesium silicate - talc to you and me. Talc from Trimouns, and  from ten other Luzenac mines across the globe, is used in the manufacture of a  vast array of everyday products extending from paper, paint and plaster to  cosmetics, plastics and car tyres. And of course there is always talc's best  known end use: talcum powder for babies1 bottoms. But the true versatility of  this remarkable mineral is nowhere better displayed than in its sometimes  surprising use in certain niche markets in the food and agriculture  industries.

B Take, for example, the chewing gum business. Every year, Talc de Luzenac  France - which owns and operates the Trimouns mine and is a member of the  international Luzenac Group (art of Rio Tinto minerals) supplies about 6,000  tones of talc to chewing gum manufacturers in Europe. “We've been selling to  this sector of the market since the 1960s,” says Laurent Fournier, sales manager  in Luzenac's Specialties business unit in Toulouse. “Admittedly, in terms of our  total annual sales of talc, the amount we supply to chewing gum manufacturers is  relatively small, but we see it as a valuable niche market: one where customers  place a premium on securing supplies from a reliable, high quality source.  Because of this, long term allegiance to a proven suppler is very much a feature  of this sector of die talc market.” Switching sources - in the way that you  might choose to buy, say, paperclips from Supplier A rather than from Supplier B  - is not an easy option for chewing gum manufacturers.“ Fournier says. ”The cost  of reformulating is high, so when customers are using a talc grade that works,  even if it's expensive, they are understandably reluctant to switch.“

C But how is talc actually used in the manufacture of chewing gum? Patrick  Delord, an engineer with a degree in agronomics, who has been with Luzenac for  22 years and is now senior market development manager, Agriculture and Food, in  Europe, explains that chewing gums has four main components. ”The most important  of them is the gum base,“ he says. ”It's the gum base that puts the chew into  chewing gum. It binds all the ingredients together, creating a soft, smooth  texture. To this the manufacturer then adds sweeteners, softeners and  flavourings. Our talc is used as a filler in the gum base. The amount vanes  between, say, ten and 35 per cent, depending on the type of gum. Fruit flavoured  chewing gum, for example, is slightly acidic and would react with the calcium  carbonate that the manufacturer might otherwise use as a filler. Talc, on the  other hand, makes an ideal filler because it's non-reactive chemically. In the  factory, talc is also used to dust the gum base pellets and to stop the chewing  gum sticking during the lamination and packing process,“ Delord adds.

D The chewing gum business is, however, just one example of talc's use in  the food sector. For the past 20 years or so, olive oil processors in Spain have  been taking advantage of talc's unique characteristics to help them boost the  amount of oil they extract from crushed olives According to Patrick Delord, talc  is especially useful for treating what he calls ”difficult“ olives. After the  olives are harvested - preferably early in the morning because their taste is  better if they are gathered in the cool of the day they are taken to the  processing plant. There they arc crushed and then stirred for 30-45 minutes. In  the old days, the resulting paste was passed through an olive press but nowadays  it's more common to add water and (K-6IH) the mixture to separate the water and  oil from the solid matter The oil and water are then allowed to settle so that  the olive oil layer can be )and bottled. “Difficult” olives are those that are  more reluctant than the norm to yield up their full oil content. This may be  attributable to the particular species of olive, or to its water content and the  time of year the olives arc collected - at the beginning and the end of the  season their water content is often either too high or too low. These olives are  easy to recognize because they produce a lot of extra foam during the stirring  process, a consequence of an excess of a fine solid that acts as a natural  emulsifier. The oil in this emulsion is lost when the water is disposed of. Not  only that, if the waste water is disposed of directly into local fields - often  the case in many smaller processing operations - the emulsified oil may take  some time to biodegrade and so be harmful to the environment.

E ”If you add between a half and two percent of talc by weight during the  stirring process, it absorbs the natural emulsifier in the olives and so boosts  the amount of oil you can extract,“ says Delord. ”In addition, talc's flat,  'platey' structure helps increase the size of the oil droplets liberated during  stirring, which again improves the yield. However, because talc is chemically  inert, it doesn't affect the color, taste, appearance or composition of the  resulting olive oil.“

F If the use of talc in olive oil processing and in chewing gum is long  established, new applications in the food and agriculture industries arc also  constantly being sought by Luzenac. One such promising new market is fruit crop  protection, being pioneered in the US. Just like people, fruit can get  sunburned. In fact, in very sunny regions up to 45 per cent of a typical crop  can be affected by heat stress and sunburn However, in the case of fruit, it's  not so much the ultra violet rays which harm the crop as the high surface  temperature that the sun's rays create.

G To combat this, farmers normally use either chemicals or spray a  continuous fine canopy of mist above the fruit frees or bushes. The trouble is,  this uses a lot of water - normally a precious commodity in hot, sunny areas -  and it is therefore expensive. What's more, the ground can quickly become  waterlogged. ”So our idea was to coat the fruit with talc to protect it from the  sun,“ says Greg Hunter, a marketing specialist who has been with Luzenac for ten  years. ”But to do this, several technical challenges had first to be overcome.  Talc is very hydrophobic: it doesn't like water. So in order to have a viable  product we needed a wettable powder - something that would go readily into  suspension so that it could be sprayed onto the fruit. It also had to break the  surface tension of the cutin (the natural waxy, waterproof layer on the fruit)  and of course it had to wash off easily when the fruit was harvested. No-one's  going to want an apple that's covered in talc.xxx

H Initial trials in the state of Washington in 2023 showed that when the  product was sprayed onto Granny Smith apples, it reduced their surface  temperature and lowered the incidence of sunburn by up to 60 per cent. Today the  new product, known as Invelop Maximum SPF, is in its second commercial year on  the US market. Apple growers are the primary target although Hunter believes  grape growers represent another sector with long term potential. He is also  hopeful of extending sales to overseas markets such as Australia, South America  and southern Europe.

Question 27-32

Use the information in the passage to match each use of tale power with  correct application from A. B or C. Write the appropriate letters A-C in boxes  27-32 on your answer sheet.

NB you may use any letter more than once.

A. Fruit protection

B. Chewing gum business

C. Olive oil extraction

27 Talc is used to increase the size of drops.

28 Talc is applied to reduce foaming.

29 Talc is employed as a filler of base.

30 Talc is modified and prevented sunburn.

31 Talc is added to stop stickiness.

32 Talc is used to increase production.

Questions 33-38

Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using  no more than two words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your  answers in boxes 33-38 on your answer sheet.

Spanish olive oil industry has been using talc in oil extraction process  for about____33____years. It is useful in dealing with difficult olives which  often produce high amount of____34____because of the high content of solid  materials. When smaller factories release____35____, it could be____36____to the  environment because it is hard to____37____and usually lakes lime as it contains  emulsified oil. However, talc power added in the process is able to absorb the  emulsifier oil. It improves the oil extraction production, because with aid of  talc powder, size of oil____38____increased.

Question 39-40

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 39-40 on your answer sheet.

39 In which process is talc used to dear the stickiness of chewing gum?

40 Which group of farmers does Invelop intend to target in a long view?








C段: 滑石粉在口香糖制作中的原理

D段: 滑石粉在其他食品中的应用




H段: 水果保护作用的市场拓展


Question 27-32














根据关键词定位到C段原文“our  talc is used as a filler in the gum base”。故是关于口香糖行业的内容,选B









文章中提到可以”boosts  the amount of oil you can extract”跟题干上表述一直

Question 33-38





spanish  olive oil


根据spanish  olive oil定位到D段,文章提到橄榄油制造利用滑石粉已经二十年。

High  amount of





根据关键词定位到D段结尾,原文提到“waste  water”





问harmful的原因。原文有明确提出,是由于“hard  to biodegrade”,难以生物降解



文章说到在橄榄油提取过程中,挥发的油滴体积会增加,“increase  the size of the oil droplets”

Question 39-40


Stickiness,chewing  gun


题目中问到在哪一个过程中滑石粉是用于来减少口香糖粘度的,这个跟上面第31题比较近似,可以先定位到C段结尾,可看到文章中明确给出是“during  the lamination and packing process”

Invelop,long-term  potential


S首先根据“invelop”定位到H段,题目问哪个组织的种植者是invelop打算长期去关注投资的,倒数第二句给出答案是“grape  grower”


Version 24109 主题 滑石粉


waste water




Lamination and packing

Grape growers

雅思阅读的list of heading技巧全解

01 首先在list of headings中划去做为例子的heading 或headings,以免在根据段落内容在list of  headings中找出与其相匹配的段落标题时,它(它们)会干扰考试者对其他headings的选择。

02 在文章中把做为例子的段落划掉,以免对例子段落进行不必要的精读。

03对题目中给出的段落,按照首句(第一、二句)、末句和中间句寻找主题句的方法,在list of headings中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。





找出其中心意思后,再在list of headings中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。




雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十二篇

After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve. And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly.

I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College, majored in business

administration. Instead of spending much time in playing, I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life. By the way, I learned a lot from Mr. Wang, the professor of my business class. He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.

My father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me. As he said: I am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, I do think so. I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country, farming is our career of

generations. There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture College.

I am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pass the test. Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十三篇

In many national right departments like police and army, both contemporary and ancient, the number of males clearly exceeds that of females. Although some people think that women are not suitable for such kind of work physically and psychologically, I believe that women are equally capable of performing law enforcement and defending the country.


Some people against the recruitment of women to the military mainly consider the following factors. First, women are generally inferior to men in physical characteristics such as physical strength and endurance. Some famous wars, such as the Pacific War and the battle of Stalingrad, are seen that men were fighting in the frontier of the war. If a women's army fought with a men's army, then the latter would gain much probability to win the former. Second, women may also be weaker than men in terms of psychological endurance. When facing an emergency, women may be flustered rather than calm, missing out the first chance to think quickly about a rescue plan.


However, women should have the same rights as men to serve in the military. To begin with, the roles in the army are not just the soldiers with strong muscles and strength. In reality, because of their careful and patient gender characteristics, women have advantages over male soldiers in areas such as command and control, communication security, medical and health care. Furthermore, the number of female pilots in the Air Force is gradually increasing, and their higher army rank also reaches the Senior Colonel. It clearly shows that psychological and endurance weaknesses discussed above can be successfully overcome through long-term scientific and systematical training.


In conclusion, female soldiers are not as proficient as male soldiers in physical fitness, so it is not suitable for them to directly fight on the battlefield. Nevertheless, other roles also belong to the defense army. Therefore, it is incorrect and unfair to judge whether a person is suitable for the military only by gender. Women should have the equal right as men to enter the military but serve different sectors.


1月26日雅思写作大作文社会类 女性就职军队的权利


Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.











Gender inequality is still a defining aspect of law enforcement, even in today’s world of slowly increasing employment fairness. Women comprise only a small percentage of the local law enforcement in agencies across the all nations, and most of them hold clerical positions.


In fact, women play an important role in the national force. For starter, the society requires female army to demonstrate its equality in gender issue, providing citizens with all prospective opportunities in personal choice of career. This given law also improves the social balance in relationship between male and female employees and sets a role model for other jobs as well. Secondly, modern warfare has now filled with advanced devices so that we are no longer worrying about the physical incapability of women in comparison to men. Thus, higher education and training allow them to master theses skills as well as men. In addition, some particular jobs are better done by women, including nurses and doctors in the battle field. They are proved better in caring injuries and treating the wounded.


However, we have to admit that there is a gender difference between male and female soldiers in the actual warfare, where males perform more active and efficient in combat with enemies. The rule that women are not allowed in the frontline is never a discrimination or gender inequality but is a protection to women. Similar conditions apply when we consider men with different levels of combat abilities, because we always choose the strongest for the battle field and the notion of gender is never an issue.


In conclusion, I believe that it is surely reasonable for females to play a role in modern army but in actual combat, we use the best without gender consideration.



原题是:The table below shows the medical care in three European countries in the year between 1980 to . Summarize the infomation by selecting and raporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.


The table presents changes in situations of medical care in Austria, France and Sweden from 1980 to 2023. Three areas are investigated, including the number of physicians, hospital beds and days people stay in hospital


For the number ofphysicians per 1000 people could turn to, figures in the three nations all kept rising. The number of physicians in Austria experienced a steady increase of per from to . Changes in France and Sweden were quite similar, with figuras of physicians increasing from in 1990 to in 2023 and from in 1990 to in 2023 respectively


As for the number of hospital beds per 1000 people could use, the figure in Austria still underwent an augmenting tendency, ranging from 19 to 23. Figures in France and , went through varied trends. In 1980, per 1000 patients could share 18 beds in France 4 beds less than that in Sweden. In 1990, the figure in France was 20 beds, 4 beds more than that in Sweden. In 2023, the number ofbeds in France dropped to 16, still 4 beds more than that in Sweden.



In terms of time people stay in hospital, data in Austria and France maintained a decrease of nearly 4 days per decade, hitting 14 and 9 in 2023. The length of days shrank sharply in Sweden in the first decade, balving to 12 in 1990. Finally, the figure dropped to S in 2023

年1月26日雅思小作文写作真题范文 表格类的医疗状况对比图

原题为:The table below shows the medical care in 3 European countries in the year between 1982 to Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.

题目:The table below shows the improvements in medical care in three different European countries between 1980 to 2023.



1. 时态:过去时;

2. 该题数据很多,可以先看总体趋势,基本上病人的数量和医院床位都呈上升趋势,住院时间呈下降趋势;

3. 其次可以进行各项之间数据的趋势比较(max/min/倍数/分数),英国的病人数量是三个国家中最多的,在2023年刚好是奥地利的三倍;

4. 三个国家住院时间下降的趋势相似,值得注意的是在1990-2023年期间,美国的医院病床数量增加的趋势最快,其次是奥地利。


The table provides information about changes in the number of patients, average stays and beds in England, the US and Australia, as a result of improvements in medical system over two decades (1980-2023),


It is noticeable that because of the improvements in medical care, all three countries had shown a decrease in the number of patients over the 20 years. The same trend could be found in the days of staying in hospitals. Meanwhile, there was an increase in the number of hospitals beds in the three countries mentioned above.


When comparing the number of patients, it is clear that the UK held the highest figure, while the number was the lowest in Australia. By the end of 2023, there were around 260,000 of patients staying in the hospitals in England. However, in Australia, the figure was just one third that of England in the same year. Though the number of patients in the US was smaller than that of UK, the two figures both showed an upward trend from 1980 to 2023.


Another noticeable change is that in both the US and Australia, the number of beds increased dramatically by 5000 and 3000 respectively from 1990 to 2023, comparing to the change in England, with only a growth of 1000 in the same decade.


雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十四篇


In some countries, people waste a lot of food which is bought in shops and restaurants. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to solve this problem?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.










In the current society, with the improving life standard, diet has become a hot topic discussed among citizens who attach importance to what they are going to eat. As a byproduct of this circumstance, the great amount of wasted food has been an top concern around the world.


No one can deny why the waste of food is enormous is because people having more money than before are prone to buy more food based on their preference instead of their real needs; as a result, lots of food cannot be consumed, and the exceeded expense would be one of the main reasons. meanwhile, taking the globalization into consideration, the whole world is merging, which means that various products from different areas can be brought to everyone's life by using online shopping, and the sale promotion and advertisements used by the manufacturers are crammed into our daily life; therefore, the increasing temptations and convenience motivate individuals' curiosity to place order repetitively even they do not need, which gradually forms a habit of wasting.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十五篇

A successful person is equipped with diverse qualities such as friendly personality and problem-solving capacity. Some people contend that students fail to learn those qualities in a university or academic institutions. From my perspective, some of qualities can be acquired in higher education.


On one hand, two outstanding qualities could be learned in universities. The first one is to specialize in a certain field. One of aims of university education is to impart professional knowledge and principles to students. In other words, through learning systematic courses of their majors, students are expected to be proficient in understanding and applying theoretical knowledge, forming the basis of a promising career path in the future. Critical thinking ability is another significant quality. Universities are learning communities where knowledge is not disseminated but also advanced. As member of this community, college students are not information recipients; instead, they are encouraged to challenge and think critically to achieve their potential and skills. A case in the point is that, in a language teaching class, the professor may require those potential teachers to discuss the topic that whether situational teaching methodology (which is commonly deemed as a more effective method of language teaching) is better than rote memorization. It is the critical thinking that assists students in having comprehensive coverage of issues and overcoming obstacles efficiently.


On the flip side, other qualities successful persons have can not be gained in academic institutions, among which the essential one is the higher level of social skill. Generally, there is no relevant curricula set up by universities; in consequence, it is less likely for students to enhance such skill via knowledge learning. What’s more, self-study and independent learning, which serve as the backbone in university campus life, diminish the opportunities for learners to interact with peers and mentors. In addition, kindness, mercy, modesty, integrity and other noble characters are mostly formed by parents’ guidance and role models rather than university education.


In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, higher education cultivates students into specialized talents and develops their critical thinking, enabling them to obtain several but not all qualities that a person needs to become truly successful.



2023年11月17日的雅思写作考试已经结束,为大家带来本场雅思大作文写作真题:Some people think the qualities a person needs to become successful in today’s world cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institutions. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十六篇

As a matter of fact, such practice can bring more benefits in various aspects, especially in economic growth. For one thing, as the newly-tapped energy can directly alleviate the energy shortage, which will to some extent guarantee a country’s industrialisation a promising prospect, both economic and technology development will be spurred, offering better prerequisites to resolving environment crisis by exploring new alternatives. In contrast, the lack of feasible approaches to energy scarcity will undoubtedly bring both economic growth and technology advancement to a standstill.// For another, the locals in remote areas can also be benefitted, as such a policy must provide them with more job opportunities, by which their life quality will be bettered.

反驳:(1)开发能源 → 满足能有需求 → 保证经济发展 → 有资金探索新能源替换,长远看,某种程度上弥补之前可能带来的环境破破坏;(2)偏远地区更多工作机会

alleviate vt. 缓解

spur vt. 刺激;促进

prerequisite n. 先决条件

bring sth. to a standstill静止(状态); 停顿,停滞


In the light of the above, the final verdict is quite crystal-clear. Environment problems as such a trend may cause, the disadvantages of tapping untouched regions for energy pale into insignificance when set against the advantages.


verdict n. 意见;结论

pale into insignificance 使显得不那么重要;使相形见绌

以上就是6月25日雅思大作文考了什么 6月25日雅思大作文之偏远地区开发能源的利弊的雅思大作文真题范文解析,希望对您雅思大作文写作有帮助!若您还想了解更多有关雅思作文模板及雅思作文真题范文解析,欢迎关注我们!

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十七篇

This table gives detailed information about the conditions of health care in three nations in terms of three aspects from 1982 to .


In terms of the number of doctors per thousand, figure for Sweden was slightly higher, 2 and 1 more than that of Austria and France, at 20 in 1982. In the next 18 years, the amount of surgeons increased more significantly in Austria, reaching 32 per thousand while rises could also be seen in other two nations with 31 and 30 respectively.


As for average beds in each hospital, the numbers in Austria experienced a moderate decline, from 20 to 16 per thousand, while the figure for Sweden almost halved to 12. In contrast, hospital beds climbed marginally in France by 4 per 1000 in given period.


Turning to length of stay (LOS) in hospital per person, all nations had a fall in this respect, especially in Sweden (14 to 6 days). At the same time, LOS for Austria and France decreased to 9 and 8 days severally.


Overall, judging from the data given, it is clear to see that the medical care systems in Austria, Sweden and France made huge progress in last 20 years.


范文原创自小站老师Jeff. Lei

1月26日雅思大作文真题范文 女性去军队和警察等部门工作的权利

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十八篇

When it comes to the issue about job hunting, some people argue that self-achievement brought by a job is more crucial than its stability, but others contend that having a stable job may be of more importance than acquiring joy from it.

On one hand, satisfaction from work cannot be neglected. For people who have been working for decades, salary may be not so significant because they usually have had some wealth; comparatively, mental incentive may be a better motivation for them. Especially for some successful elites, their target may not be earning more money, but bringing some changes to the world, such as what Steve Jobs has done with his Apple products. The feeling of making breakthrough is the driving force that makes many successful men still advance their careers.

On the other hand, stability is also a crucial factor for many employees. In the current era, it is common that some companies go bankrupt suddenly and their employees become unemployed, due to which those unemployed workers may not afford the expense of their lives. That is why many graduates intend to choose some stable work, such as government officials, since they do not have huge working pressure and could have their salary fixedly. Thus, finding a permanent job could guarantee that individuals have a stable salary at least.

From my own perspective, whether people choose a job with stability or a job with satisfaction mostly depends on the personality they have. If people were ambitious, a job with uncertainties and challenges would be a preference for them because they could get joy from what they fight for and fulfill themselves. However, for people who want to live a quiet life, a stable job may suit them better.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第三十九篇

The bar chart compares 4 categories of domestic waste in terms of their recycling proportion in one specific city over a decade from1992 to 2023.


Generally, it can be seen that the household sectors had relatively low recycling rates in 1992 especially for plastic as merely 11% of it was collected. The remaining three kinds of trash including cans, paper and glass stood at an almost equal percentage 13%.


Five years later, the situation turned better off. There was a moderate increase in the amount of plastic and paper reused. While the rise was particularly noticeable in glass which nearly doubled in its recycling, a slight drop was actually found in cans.


The following half decade witnessed an overall upward trend except plastic which kept constant at about 12%. More cans and paper were recycled, with the proportion reaching more than 20% and almost 30% respectively. Also noteworthy is that glass remained the principal waste materials, approaching to as high as one half.


Overall, the gap between these waste recycling had enlarged in these years and while the vast quantities of glass and paper were recycled , plastic and cans remained unpopular.



年11月10日的雅思大作文写作题目是:Nowadays, many employers think that social skills are as important as good qualifications for employing people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




A. 双边讨论:认为两者都很重要

B. 一边倒讨论:只认为文凭更重要,或社交能力更重要

C. 批判思维:对某些工作而言,文凭更重要,而对其他工作而言,社交能力更重要。




It is important for job seekers to highlight both their professional qualifications and social skills. Employers are looking to hire those who have the right mix of professional qualifications as hard skills and social skills as soft skills.

(1) 本段开门见山,直接表明观点,即专业资质和社交能力同等重要。本作文采取双边讨论的结构。重要的是如何分别论述专业资质和社交能力的重要性。

(2) Highlight 高亮;强调

(3) Professional 专业的;职业的

(4) Look to do... 希望做......

(5) Mix 混合

On the one hand, hard skills are most important to any job, and the expertise required to do a job is always listed in job postings and job descriptions. That is why those job seekers with perfect certifications and licenses are preferred by their potential employers, for they indicate that their owners possess the sought-after knowledge and them, landing an interview or even getting past applicant tracking systems will become next to impossible. After all, in the job market, nothing can beat the importance of hard skills.

(1) 本段主要论述求职中工作技能的重要性:求职者必须拥有证明其具有某种工作技能的证书和执照。

(2) Expertise 专业知识

(3) Job description 职位描述

(4) Potential 潜在的

(5) Sought-after 急需的

(6) Next to impossible 几乎不可能

(7) Nothing can beat the importance of... 没有什么比......更为重要

Soft skills, on the other hand, are emotional abilities that are useful for an individual to stand out among other job applicants. While hard skills can be learned through proper training, soft skills are harder to develop. And this partly explains why soft skills are extremely valuable these days. Indeed, such emotional traits are so valuable that almost every employer looks for job candidates who are skilled in identifying emotions, using emotions, and regulating emotions. With good soft skills, one is able to connect emotionally with his/her co-workers, clients and superiors as one will look and feel more comfortable and therefore more confident and efficient in job situations.

(1) 本段主要论述社交能力的重要性。首先定义社交能力,然后论述它为什么重要。

(2) Stand out 突出

(3) Partly 部分地

(4) Valuable 有价值的

(5) Identify 识别

(6) Regulate 调节

(7) Superior 上级

In conclusion, the two types of skills are not mutually exclusive as both of them are equally important in the job market. As far as employment is concerned, there is no “either/or” question since the answer must necessarily be both.

(1) 总结前面的主要观点,强调两者都很重要。

(2) Mutually exclusive 相互排斥

(3) Employment 工作

(4) Necessarily 一定地

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第四十篇

题目:Some people believe that job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others believe that people cannot always enjoy their jobs and that a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is true that seeking for a decent job is not as easy as decades ago due to the economic recession and competitive job market. Although some may argue that a sense of satisfaction towards their jobs is crucial, personally, I believe that a permanent job is more meaningful.

On the one hand, a permanent job can guarantee to meet employee’s basic needs. This is because almost no one can escape from the reality. Everyday, we are facing with a variety of expenses, such as food, shelter, transport, bill and even education tuition for children. With a relatively stable job, people, especially those in middle aged can cover most expenses. In addition, those who stay in the same company or institute are more likely to get a promotion as they show the loyalty towards their company. However, those who change their jobs frequently may meet unintended outcomes. For example, they may find difficult to support themselves and raise their family members.

On the other hand, those advocates for pursuing a job they love might regard job satisfaction as the priority when finding an employment. They believe only working with friendly colleagues and employers and under a flexible working time schedule, can they fulfill their potential and accomplish all tasks well. However, this idea is unrealistic. For example, dozens of young graduateshave the bitter result because of their immature thought, that is unemployment.

In my opinion, there is no perfect job in the world. The only thing we can do is to find a suitable job rather than a perfect one. There is a 10,000 hours theory in psychology thatpeople who devotethemselves to jobs and spend more than 10,000 hours constantly can become experts in that field. This theory tells us a plain fact that no one can achieve a sense of job satisfaction without years of efforts and persistence.

In conclusion, people having a constant job are more likely to have a promising job career and wellbeing.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第四十一篇

Introduce the mentioned opinion and give your own recent years, animal protection has become an issue of concern. People take different attitudes toward the increasing attention and expenditure on wildlife

conservation. Some People suggest that the spending should be redirected to helping other fields in our society. I agree with the view that the investment in wildlife protection is not worthwhile.

Give specific Reason and details for the opinion mentioned in the question.

Animals, as a key component of the whole food chain, have a profound impact on the sustainability of an ecosystem. As we know, every kind of animals plays an important role in natural example, the demise of any species will lead to the species will lead to the growth or decline of other some extreme cases,some species may be at the verge of extinction such as Dodo bird. If people did not take actions to protect wildlife as soon as possible, we humans will be affected in the end.

Give specific Reason and details for the opinion of yourself.

However, there are more issues that we need to focus in our society rather than protecting current social context,the primacy task is still to improve living standards since there are many people living under the poverty when people are in a good living condition can they pay attention to other social technology and education are another two aspects for governments to concern, These two industries accelerate the development of society, which will provide a better protection for wildlife in turn.

In conclusion, although the animal is a significant part of ecosystem, it’s better for governments to invest more finance and resources in other social problems.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第四十二篇


Version 80

Some parents in the United Kingdom decide not to have a television in theirhome. They believe that, by doing this, their children will spend the leisure time more creatively. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this decision?

Version 81

Robots can free people form difficult or dangerous work. However, some people are worried about the possible dangers robots may incur. What's your opinion?

Version 82

In schools, some live animals are used in biological experiments or researches. Some people think that this kind of practice is cruel and unnecessary, while others believe it for the interest of human being.  Explain the two views.

Version 83

Many people think that work nowadays is more stressful and less leisurely than in the past. What is your opinion?

Version 84

Some people say that older people should live with their adult children, while others think that they should live in homes specially built for old people. Which do you think is a better practice?

Version 85

Science and technology created the modern society. However, some people think that scientists will no longer create anything from now on. What is your opinion?

Version 86

The computer is widely used in modern society. What are the disadvantages if one cannot use the computer? What should the government do?

Version 87

Some people say that sports should not be encouraged at school for it causes competition rather than cooperation among students. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?

Version 88

xxxCreative artists should be given more freedom to express their idea, either in forms of words, pictures, music or films; and the government should n

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第四十三篇

Animals were friends or foes of humanity at different times of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have long been a breeding ground for spirited debate. Some animal activists argue that we should ban animal experiments altogether because subjecting animals to experimentation is unjustifiable on moral grounds. Yet some other people contend that the advancement of science necessitates animal testing. Personally, I believe both their views have merit and demerit.

Granted, empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any heed to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure. First and foremost, improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages or poor veterinary is inhumane .It can gravely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animal. Further, the effects of vaccination and vivisection conducted on live rodents, primates and other lab mammals can be gruesome and chilling. They may, in some cases, even constitute sheer torture of live animals.

However, from a more pragmatic perspective, evidence is mounting that animal experimentation is still largely a necessary evil and there is no practical alternative for it at this point. In the first place, it is manifest that drug experimentation on live mammals is far more effectual than experimentation on bacteria or on other lower species in testing drug safety. Drugs that have severe potential side effects on homo sapiens must be tested by pharmaceutical companies on live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity. In the second place, in space research, live animals are still the only viable alternative to humans in testing living creature reaction to outer-space experience on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. Lastly, lab research about the behavioral tendencies of chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and other members of the primate group is also necessary. It produces valuable outcomes consistently advancing anthropological and genetic studies.

To conclude, I concede that experiments upon animals may induce suffering to the test animals. However, I am convinced that there are no feasible alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development. On balance , I think that we should allow animals testing to be continued but at the same time use techniques such as analgesic, anesthetic and tranquilizing drugs to minimize the pain inflicted upon the test animal and augment the general welfare of these animals.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第四十四篇

The pie charts below show the average household expenditures in a country in 1950 and 2023.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Sample Answer: The provided pie charts shows the expenses made in housing, food, health care, education, transportation and other items in a country in 1950 and 2023.

As is observed from the pie charts, in 1950 almost two-third expenditure was in housing whereas this average expenditure has been increased for food, transportation etc. in 2023.

According to the given data, more than 70% expenditure was in housing in 1950. The second most expenditure in this country was in food.

All other expenditures including health care, education, transportation etc. were less than 20% in total.

After 60 years the trends of expenditure in this country significantly changed. People's expenditure in housing decreased to only 22% while the expenditure for food increased to 34%.

Interestingly the expenditure on education decreased over time while the expenses for transportation increased to 14%. All other expenditure in 1950 was only which increased to in 2023 which indicates the new addition on category where people started expensing than they did in 1950.

In summary, the expenditure nature of people had changed significantly in 2023 than that had been in 1950.

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第四十五篇

There is a strange trend that while some people have to struggle to fight hunger,many consumers, especially in some developed countries, throw away as much as half of the food they purchase from shops and restaurants. Both overbuying and food spoilage are two principal drivers of the food waste.


Buying food way more than people really need without detailed plan contributes to food loss. This is mainly because with marketing ploy becoming so attractive and lucrative , most consumers are more likely to do impulse and bulk food purchases especially when retailers sell unusual production and provide different tempting sales promotion so as to lure their clients to buy their products. What is worse, the food bought in shops and restaurants, in most cases, hardly fit into their regular meal plans and therefore spoil before they can be consumed. With income rising to unforeseen levels, diners now seem to increase their portion sizes significantly than ever before , and thus leave some of their meals uneaten , and make half of edible leftovers left at the restaurants, an extravagant consumerism that must be discouraged.


Food spoilage is also responsible for this negative trend. After snapping up food in shops and restaurants, most of food have to be stored yet due to improper storage, lack of visibility in refrigerators, partially used ingredients and misjudged food needs, some food probably become less nutritious,inedible, or even rotten so that they have to be discarded before being used instead.


Different organisations should assume the responsibility for changing the way people consume the food they buy. Government could make laws to force shops and restaurants to sell a reasonable amount of food according to the average level;otherwise they will be fined seriously and even face criminal responsibility. At the same time, consumers themselves must raise the awareness that they had better not only buy food rationally and reasonably but also be frugal. In other words, what is by far most important is that they need to eat responsibly. As long as they consume food properly, the food waste will be prevented and even eliminated.


To sum up, the reason why people waste too much food is over-consumption and improper storage and the fundamental solution lies in empowering and encouraging consumers to change their way of eating food.



原题是:The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a European country in 1981, 1991 and .


题目:The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a European country in 1981, 1991 and 2023.



注意题目的改写:’in 1981、1991 and 200’ 一共二十年的时间,可以改写为20-year- period或者two decades.




首先可以从人数最多的central amusement park开始描述其二十年的趋势;

呈上升趋势的:national park; national gallery (每十年就几乎又一倍的增长);

呈下降趋势的:science park;

无明显趋势变化:central zoo


The bar charts give information about how many travelers have visited five tourist destinations in a European country and how this number has changed in two decades.


It is noticeable that Central amusement park was the most attractive tourist spot with 25 million people visiting in 1981. Though this figure dropped to 20 million in 1991, it reclined to 22 million a decade later. Another noticeable finding is that in one decade (1981-1991), the number of people visiting the National Park witnessed a dramatical increase from 10 million to 15 million. This climb slowed down in the next decade with an increase of only 2 million people.

值得注意的是,中央游乐园是1981年最具吸引力的旅游景点,有2500万游客。虽然这个数字在1991年下降到2 000万人,但十年后又下降到2 200万人。另一项值得注意的发现是,在十年内(1981-1991年),参观国家公园的人数从1 000万急剧增加到1 500万。在接下来的十年里,这一增长速度放缓,只增加了200万人。

A similar trend has been found in the increase of travelers to the National Gallery. In 1981, only 7 million people chose to visit that attraction. However, this figure was almost doubled in 10-years’ time. It continued to grow under the similar speed, in 2023, more than 20 million people have visited the National Gallery.


The figure has shown little change in the Science Park. In 1981, only 7 million people have visited that place. After experiencing a slight increase, the number continued to drop and reached 6 million in 2023. Similarly, the figure for Central Zoo remained stable, with just 5 million of visitors going there for two decades, which makes it the least attractive tourist spot for people.


201月17日雅思大作文写作7分范文 对于食物的浪费问题,我们应该怎样解决

雅思写作真题及范文答案 第四十六篇

Many young people today know more about international pop and movie stars than about famous people in the history in their is this?What can be done to increase young people’s interest in famous people in the history of their country?



Many young people today know more about international pop and movie stars than about famous people in the history in their country.

Why is this?

What can be done to increase young people’s interest in famous people in the history of their country?


本题讨论现在的年轻人对国际娱乐明星比对他们自己国家的名人感兴趣的原因以及如何提高年轻人对历史名人兴趣。题目类型是议论文的现象类题目, 题目的问法是“ Why is this? What can be done...”类型,可以采用4段式作文结构。







Die-hand fans 铁杆粉丝

Prominent historical figures著名的历史名人


Bombard with提供大量...信息

Fanatical 狂热的

Reverse trend扭转局势


Assume responsibility for承担责任

Commit..to (doing sth)致力于

Culprit 罪魁祸首

高分结构SVO, a/an (adj.) n. that SVO.概括性同位语

Bombarded with..., SVO.非谓语结构做原因状语

It is...that/who SVO.强调句型

Not just...but also平行结构

Without sth, S would not ... .介词短语做条件状语

What SVO 主语从句


An ever increasing number of the young these days are die-hard fans of international celebrities, such as pop and movie stars but unfortunately pay little attention to prominent historical figures in their own home country, an unhealthy but universal phenomenon that will take a heavy toll on those young people themselves as well as the society as a whole. The mass media is the principal contributor to this phenomenon.


That media excessively expose popular shows that are exclusively about these pop stars on TV, the Internet, and instant information on phones and employ them advertise are mainly responsible for this. Bombarded with different information, especially the gossip, about famous stars anytime and anywhere, young people have thus become gradually familiar with almost everything with those stars, and even become fanatical fans implicitly. It is the effects of fans that empower entertainment companies to invite those stars to endorse their products, and this win-win strategy not just enhances the recognition of international pop stars but also helps these companies advertise their products. But few media or advertisers will introduce the well-known people in the history in headlines ,let alone invites them to advertise their products, so that the younger generation then overlook them even though they have made way more significant contributions to society than those pop stars.








    各位老师,各位同学,大家好,我是20班的。今天我要演讲的主题是《爱自己》。  爱自己,不是只把自己放在生活的中心,让周围的人围绕着自己;爱自己,不是在心里只有自己的利益,不考虑周围人的感受。而今天演讲稿

    以我国大众目前的生活水平看,出入一次酒吧算得上是一次高规格的消费,但万不可把酒吧看成肆意挥霍和无理取闹的场所。  繁忙的工作之余,邀几个朋友,到酒吧里听歌跳舞,是一种极好的娱乐活动。  在我国,酒礼仪常识




