




贵阳英语导游词2023 篇1

  Ladies and gentlemen

  Huangguoshu waterfall is 137 kilometers away from Guiyang City, theprovincial capital. It is located on Baishui River, a tributary of Dabang River,which borders Zhenning County and Guanling County in western Guizhou Province.It takes about an hour and a half to get to Huangguoshu by bus from Guiyang.

  Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the most famouswaterfall in China.

  Huangguoshu waterfall is 68 meters high, and the upper waterfall is 6meters, with a total height of 74 meters and a width of 81 meters; Due to thestrong impact of the current, the splashed water mist can diffuse for more thanhundreds of meters, so that the stockade and markets on the top of the cliff onthe left side of the waterfall are often covered by the splashed water mist.Visitors call it silver rain sprinkling on golden street. When the water issmall in winter and spring, the waterfall will be divided into three or fivestrands and hung down from the top of the bank. From a distance, the whitecurtain of water will float down like silk, fairy's face and lady's raccoon. Forhundreds of years, the majestic appearance of Huangguoshu waterfall has beenmarveled by many scholars. In Qing Dynasty, Yan yinliang, a famous calligrapherin Guizhou Province and one of the three characters inscribed in the summerpalace, wrote a couplet in wangshui Pavilion: white water is like cotton, and itdoesn't need a bow to bounce. The red glow is so beautiful that it is notnecessary to weave the sky. What's more, it vividly summarizes the magnificentscenery of Huangguoshu waterfall.

  Now we come to Rhinoceros Pool, where the waterfall falls. This pool isnamed after the legend that there is a rhinoceros hidden under the water. No onehas ever seen a rhinoceros, but the mystery of the pool is still deep. Anyonewho stops by the pool will think about it. If it's 10 am or 4 pm on a sunny day,due to the refraction of the sun, you can also see the seven color rainbowrising from the deep pool through the rain and fog splashed by the impact of thewaterfall, which makes you feel majestic and gorgeous.

  Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall instead of otherwaterfalls? According to folklore, there is a tall Huangjue tree beside thewaterfall. According to the local accent, Jue and Guo have the samepronunciation, so people are used to calling it Huangguoshu. This is a way ofsaying. There is another saying. It is said that long ago, farmers near thewaterfall liked to grow yellow fruits. There was a large yellow orchard besidethe waterfall, so the waterfall was called Huangguoshu waterfall.

  Compared with other famous waterfalls in the world, Huangguoshu waterfallis not as wide, deep and magnificent as Victoria waterfall in Africa, niagarawaterfall in North America and anher waterfall in Venezuela. However,Huangguoshu waterfall has its own peculiarities. It is the most popular andspectacular waterfall in karst areas in the world. This waterfall is like astrange magnet. It has a series of magnificent sceneries on the ground,underground, water and water. One of the most amazing places is the cliffcorridor cave hidden half of the waterfall. Because of the climbing of vinesoutside the cave and the Pearl curtain hanging on the water, it is calledshuilian cave. This is a unique sight that no other waterfall in the worldhas.

  Ladies and gentlemen, the water curtain cave is 134 meters long. Itconsists of six windows, three Gudong springs and six passageways. This is thescene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV series journey to the West adaptedfrom Chinese mythology.

  This is the first cave window, which is the lowest, only 40 meters awayfrom the water surface of Rhinoceros Pool, but the cave window is the widest,more than 10 meters wide, located in the middle of the first and secondwaterfalls. When the water is heavy, the two waterfalls connect to form acurtain to seal all the cave windows; when the water is small, it opens againand again, ranging from a few meters to more than 10 meters. Min likes a curtainthat can be opened and closed at will.

  This is the second window. It's only about 4 meters away from the firstwindow. This is a quiet world, known as crystal palace. It is the heart of thewater curtain cave, 11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide. There is aspring beside the road, clear and clean, and the water level is kept at the samelevel for a long time. There are many stalactites hanging on the top of thecave, and there are valuable curly stones on the straw stalactites. There arecountless stone curtains and stone curtains hanging on the wall of the cave.

  This is the third hole window. It protrudes outwards, much like a balcony.The window is 1 meter high and 3 meters long. There is a guardrail outside.Visitors can reach the waterfall by standing behind the guardrail, so peoplecall it the waterfall platform.

  Ladies and gentlemen, now we are going to visit the Rhinoceros Pool canyon.You see, from the waist down of the rhinoceros, there are successive drops,which are Rhinoceros Pool, sandaotan, horseshoe beach, youyujing and so on.Among these pools, the Rhinoceros Pool, which is 17.7 meters deep, is the firstone. It is often covered by splashes and submerged by fog. As long as there issunshine, there are colorful rainbows hanging on the splashing beads of thewaterfall, moving with people and unpredictable.

  Why is Huangguoshu waterfall like this? This is because Huangguoshuwaterfall is located in karst area, which is caused by the erosion of waterflow. When the traceable erosion point reaches the upstream, the river waterscours, dissolves, erodes and abrades along the karst fissure, and the pipelineexpands gradually, forming the cave and underground river; after the localsurface river is injected into the cave, the proportion of water volumeincreases gradually, forming a unique attack in the karst area, and at the placewhere the open flow is injected into the cave, a cave waterfall is formed. Withthe increasing erosion and strategic collapse, the underground river cavesbecome larger and larger, so a series of vertical shafts and skylights aredeveloped along the dry valley of the surface. They are expanding, merging andcollapsing, resulting in the magnificent Huangguoshu waterfall and the deep andsteep canyon downstream of the waterfall.

  I hope you will hold up your camera, take a picture of Huangguoshuwaterfall, keep it in your memory and publicize it to more people, becauseHuangguoshu waterfall belongs to China and the world at the same time.

贵阳英语导游词2023 篇2

  Dear guests, dear friends, Hello!

  Welcome to Liupanshui, the capital of Liangdu, China. I'm Xiao Wang, yourtour guide. Today, I'm going to lead you on a pleasant tour to taste Liupanshui,the capital of Liangdu, China.

  Due to its unique climate, Liupanshui has a suitable temperature in summer,with an average temperature of 19.7 ℃. It is cool, comfortable, fresh, moist andultraviolet

  In 20__, it was awarded the title of Liangdu of China by the Chinesemeteorological society. It has become the first city named after climateresources in China. It is located in the west of Guizhou. It is a cityconnecting Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi in the hinterland of Wumeng. Inthe summer of 19 ℃, 360's passion perfectly interprets the coolness andenthusiasm here. It's a wonderful and magnificent place; it's a city full ofvitality and colors, and it's a paradise with colorful national charm.

  It's said that Liupanshui is a city brought by train. Now let's go to ourthird tier construction museum under the guidance of Xiao Wang. In 1966, PengDehuai took the post of commander-in-chief to guide the construction of thethird line. Since then, great changes have taken place in Liupanshui City. Inorder to commemorate the great achievements of the third line construction, wehave built the only museum with the theme of the third line construction inChina. The museum collects a large number of representative production tools,living utensils, as well as a number of important historical documents andpictures during the third line construction period, and reproduces theproduction and living scenes at that time through miniature scenes. This willretain the memory of history and carry forward the three line spirit.

  Well, after we've had our eyes full, let's let Xiao Wang take us all to ourstomachs. Out of the museum, we can just walk along the streets of the old cityand enjoy the local special snacks -- Laocheng hot pot and Shuicheng muttonpowder.

  Full of food, and then we along the time ropeway to enjoy the four seasonsof Liupanshui!

  In the spring of Liupanshui, whether in Yushe National Forest Park, Huopuand yejiping in Panxian County, or Jiucaiping, which is known as the roof ofGuizhou Province, you can enjoy the vast rhododendrons in the mountains.Everywhere you can see the charming scenery of Rhododendron yingri, Rhododendroncorridor, Rhododendron king, forest grass farm, mountain spring, etc. A thousandmountains stained with blood, love is better than fire, and the heart shines onthe sky.

  The summer sun shines on the Wumeng iron tower. When you come to thepeople's Square, the first thing you see is the square themed sculpture Wumengiron tower. Standing 29.006 meters, the tower is designed and built according tothe height of Jiucaiping, the highest peak in Guizhou, which is reduced by 100times, symbolizing the top of Guizhou. The tower body is inlaid with 104 piecesof black cast iron, which symbolizes the steel city and the coal sea. On thefour sides of the tower body, Liangdu Fu is engraved with Zhen, Cao, Li andZhuan calligraphy respectively, recording the development and changes ofLiupanshui, the Liangdu City, and becoming a landmark building in LiupanshuiCity. After browsing the historical changes, let's experience the coolness ofthe wetland park. Minghu Wetland Park is the main venue of the 8th GuizhouProvincial Tourism Development Conference and the first National Wetland Parkofficially awarded in Guizhou Province. Among the green mountains and greenwaters, more than 1000 meters of ribbon Rainbow Bridge sways on the lake,interpreting the design concept of water dance steel city, giving people aleisurely and romantic feeling.

  The coolness and passion of summer and autumn recede, while the happinessof winter remains unchanged. Now let's go into Yushe National Forest Park andenjoy the snow sports. There is the only alpine ski resort in Guizhou, which hasthe lowest latitude among more than 200 ski resorts in China. The total area ofthe ski resort is 30000 square meters, and the length of the snow path is 500meters. It can receive 600 people at the same time. Every year, from thebeginning of the snowfall to around March 9, tourists come here to experienceskiing in an endless stream. From a long distance, you can hear the constantlaughter of the ski resort.

  In Liupanshui, the capital of Liangdu in China, the national and folkcultures represented by karst geological culture, ancient human culture,industrial culture and Changjiaomiao culture in liuzhisuoga reflect each other.The ancient Yelang ruins, Panxian Dadong, Danxia Mountain Buddhism, Wumengprairie and other precious pearls are inlaid in the land of Wumeng. Liupanshui,the capital of Liangdu in China, is full of its cool, waiting for us to shareThe same exploration and discovery, I hope this trip will leave you a goodmemory!

贵阳英语导游词2023 篇3

  As an old Chinese saying goes, "the north of the mountain is Yin, and thesouth of the mountain is Yang", the city is named "Guiyang" because it islocated in the south of Guizhou mountain. At the same time, ancient Guiyang isrich in beautiful bamboo, so Guiyang is called "Zhu" for short. It is located inthe mountains and hills, so it is also known as "the capital of mountaincountry". Moreover, the natural landscape, cultural relics and ethnic customs ofthe city are scattered all over the world, so it is also known as "bonsai city"of "Park province".

  Guiyang is another spring city in China, with mild and humid climate,abundant heat, abundant rainfall and pleasant four seasons. Spring, summer andautumn are the golden seasons for tourism. Here, there is no severe cold inwinter and no intense heat in summer. The hottest is in late July, and theannual average temperature is 24 ℃. The coldest is in the first ten days ofJanuary, and the annual average temperature is 4.6 ℃. The annual averagetemperature is 15.3 ℃. The air is not dry, and there is no sand in all seasons.It is widely praised that "there is heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below, andGuiyang is the best climate.".

  Here, the karst landform is very peculiar, and the terrain is diverse. Onthe ground, there are Qifeng and cuigu, surrounded by mountains and water;underground, there are karst cave communities, with unique caves. Mingshan,Xiushui, Youlin, Qidong and Gusi are integrated to form a magnificent and uniqueplateau natural landscape. Among them, there are 1 national scenic spot(Qingzhen Hongfeng Lake), 4 provincial scenic spots (Huaxi, Baihua Lake, XiuwenYangming scenic spot, Xifeng scenic spot).

贵阳英语导游词2023 篇4

  Among the numerous cultural relics and historic sites in Guiyang, there isa national key cultural relics protection unit Xifeng concentration camp; thereis the only wooden structure with three stories and three eaves and unequalsides of jiujiaozanjianding attic in China; Wenchang Pavilion built in 1610, the38th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty; Jiaxiu Pavilion, as the current symbolof Guiyang City, built in 1598, the 26th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty;There are the largest Buddhist jungle in Guizhou, Hongfu temple built in 1672,and Yangming temple built in 1794 in memory of Shou Ren, a famous philosopherand educator of the Ming Dynasty.

  Guiyang is a multi-ethnic city with the Han nationality as the mainpopulation. Its long history has bred the splendid national cultures of 38ethnic groups in this land, and formed a strong national customs. There areyoung men and women of ethnic minorities through affectionate songs and dances,and "April 8", "March 3", "June 6" and "dance field" festivals to find theirfavorite people; Nuo opera and local opera, known as the rudiment and "livingfossil" of Chinese drama, trace the long history of Chinese culture and recordthe blend of Central Plains culture and Guizhou national culture.

  Embroidery and cross stitch are two wonderful flowers blooming in thehundred flower garden of Guiyang National traditional crafts. Batik productscontain the artistic charm of national culture. They are favored by friends athome and abroad, just like the rough, simple Nuo masks and other nationalcultural products.





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