




英文导游词结尾 篇1

  That trip to Dalian to master of here will have been over.

  Believe in more of Dalian public square , big of greenbelt area, cleanappearance of a city and Euro-style city construction are stayed by you deeplyimpression, keeps an incense especially among the Dalian seafood lip and toothdefinitely as early as you.


  Owing to lack of time, today's visit is over now.

  Thanks for your cooperation.

  I do hope you enjoyed today's tour.

  Have a good rest.

  See you tommorrow.

  Thanks for your cooperation.

  Today is the last day of the tour.

  We spent a happy days together.

  I do hope the tour is rewarding and enjoyable.

  Wish you pleasant journey home and good health.

  I introduced over, hope you all have a happy trip

英文导游词结尾 篇2

  The tall building we are now passing is the gate of military prowess, theback door of the Palace Museum.

  Our visit is now drawing to a conclusion but the architectures of thePalace are not .

  On the other side of the road is the 43-meter-hign Charcoal Hill ,providing natural protection for the Forbidden City.

  This was also an embodiment of China` s construction style-putting a poolin the front and a hill in the rear.

  Now let` s climb up to Wanchun (Everlasting Springs ) Pavillion where we`ll have a great view of the Palace Museum.

英文导游词结尾 篇3

  Little meng thanks everybody's all the way support to my job andunderstands that also in here.

  Hope that everybody gets chance to come to Dalian again, small Meng and mylocation (所在)__ travel service will be that you provide (提供)the service usingmore well.

  Wish everybody's returning journey all smooth God-speed finally!

英文导游词结尾 篇4

  After 20 years of development and construction, the Tianzhu Mountain is thedevelopment of the eight scenic areas, open six scenic spots and touristfacilities has greatly improved the visibility and Tianzhu Mountain growingreputation, Tianzhu Mountain to the number of tourists has increased, the homeand about 800,000 passengers.

  Tianzhu Mountain is no longer Mr.

  Yu described a "lonely Tianzhu Mountain", the tourism economy of our countyand enriching Buried Hill County of the pillar industries.

英文导游词结尾 篇5

  Ladies and gentlemen, we are expected to back __x in __x minutes, theterninal of this journey.

  I'd like to express my grateful to every body for your kindly cooperationduring the journey.

  I spend a very nice time with in the past __ days.





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