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21世纪大学实用英语教案第二册 Unit1




I. Objectives

II. Suggested TeachingPlan

III. Background Information

IV. Class Presentation



Part I Listening

Part II Reading

Part IIISpeaking

Part IVTranslation & Writing

Part V Time to Relax

Video Exercises


Objectives I. Objectives

From studying this unit, students are expected to

1. have listening and speaking practices to explore time management and acquire the theme-related expressions and their functional structures;

2. understand the main idea of Text A and Text B, as well as master the useful sentence structures, words and expressions found in the two texts’ follow-up exercises; 3. know the structure of imperative sentences; 4. be able to read an after-sales policy; 5. be able to write a résumé cover letter.


II. Suggested Teaching Plan for Unit 1

II. Suggested Teaching Plan for Unit 1 Time 1 period Contents Theme- related Listening Plan Sections 1 & 2 To start the new unit, the teacher A. playsthe shorttalk once before handling Useful Languagein a unique way, e.g., asking studentsto choose a particular word and relate it to the topic; B.playsthe shorttalk once more, ortwice moreif necessary, and asks classto completethree statements as required; C.has a brief discussion withthe students onthethree statements to explore the main idea of the short talk; D. plays the talk again with an emphasis on details so that students can fill in the blanks of the text.


Objectives3 TimeContents PlanSections 3, 4 & 5 The teacher

A. keeps the theme in mind while making atransition from the short talk to the two dialogues;

B.handles Useful Language in a unique way, e.g., asking students to pick up the words/phrases they are familiar with;

C.playsthe first dialogue once, ortwiceif necessary, and asks students to do the T/F exercise as required to explore the main idea;

D. plays the first dialogue once more for the details so that students will have no

trouble answering the questions; Theme- related Listening


Objectives3 TimeContents Plan

Theme- related Listening

E.plays the second dialogue once, or twice if necessary, and then asks students to dothe listening comprehension exercises;

F.checks the answers in a meaningful way, e.g., asking students to justify their choices.

3 periods

Review of Theme- relatedListening Review

The teacher

A. gives a brief review of what students havelearned in the first period of listening practice;

B. makes a meaningful transition to Text A;



TimeContents Plan


After finishing the listening tasks, the teacher turns to Text A of the unit. To begin, the teacher Text A &Text-relatedExercises

A. asks the students what important things they are doing aside fromtheir daily routine. Whilethe students talk about allthethingsthey are doing, e.g., writing term papers, preparingfor atest, learning aforeign language, visiting some old friends, taking care of their parents, theteacher writes down all the things on the blackboard;


Objectives3 TimeContents PlanText A &Text-relatedExercises

B. asks further what each ofthe students would dofirst ifthere is so muchto be done and what next. While arrangingthethingsinthe sequence given bythe students,theteacherintroducesthe concept of Priority to the students. Text A

The teacher

A. discusses the whole text with the students;

B. guides the students through the exercises,focusing on certain items or leaving some exercises as the students’ homework depending on their levels.


Objectives3 TimeContents Plan

1.5 periods Text B & Text-related Exercises The teacher

A. asksthestudentstogooverthetextanddothe subsequent multiple choice questions about it;

B. while discussingthetext withthe students, callsthe students’ attention to the use of imperative sentences;

C.lets the students work on the vocabulary and language use exercises either in class or after class.

0.5 period Practical Reading The teacher

A. explains an after-sales policy of a film shop;

B. gives the students 5 to 10 minutes to do the exercise.


Objectives3 TimeContentsPlan 1 period Speaking The teacher

A.makes sure students know what the two categories are before they do Ex. 1;

B.asks classtoreadloudthe dialoguein Ex. 1 before doing the role-play either with the script or without it.

C. gives a briefreview ofthe suggestions usedfortime managementin Ex. 2, andthen asks onestudentto read loud the example monologue before encouraging some students to carry out the task.


Objectives3 TimeContents Plan

1 period Translationand Writing,Time toRelax &Workbook The teacher

A. leaves the sentence translation exercise as the students’ homework;

B.helpsthe studentslearn howto write arésumé cover letter by doingthe first exercise in Practical Writing, andthenleavesthe nexttwo exercises asthe students’ homework;

C.playsthe song “Right Now”in class andletsthe students fill in the blanks in the lyrics (this can be done as students’ homeworkifthereisn’t much classtime left in class);


Objectives7 TimeContents Plan

Translationand Writing,Time toRelax &Workbook

D.if possible, playsthe Workbook videoin class and has the students do the exercise based on the video. Notes:

* This unit should be taught in 8 periods. * The Teacher’s Book containsthe entire Students’ Book.It also containsthelistening scripts, the various notes and examples, as well as the answers.


Background Information -main

Personal Time Management

Basic Tips on Time Management for Students


III. Background Information1

Personal Time Management

Time management strategies are often associated withthe recommendation to set personal goals. These goals arerecorded and may be broken down into a project, an action plan, or a simple task list. For individual tasks or for goals, an importance rating may be established, deadlines may be set, and priorities assigned. This process results in a plan with a task list or a schedule or calendar of activities.

A task list (also to-do list or things-to-do) is a list of tasks to be completed, such as chores or steps toward completing a project. Task lists are often prioritized.

幻灯片15 Objectives10

An early advocate of “ABC” prioritization was Alan Lakein.In his system “A” items werethe mostimportant (“A-1”the mostimportant withinthat group), “B” next most important, “C” least important.

A particular method of applying the ABC method assigns “A”totasksto be done within a day, “B” a week, and “C” a month.

(From Wikipedia)



Basic Tips on Time Management for Students

Every student spends alot oftime studying and almost every one of them would like their studying to be more efficient. Here are some basic tips to manage your time better when studying. Minimize Distractions

Eliminate everything that might be a distraction in the area where you are studying. Make sure there’s nothing nearby that might be tempting. If you love surfing the net, turn off the internet while you study. If you are totally into video

games, discipline yourself to only play them after you have finished your studying as a reward. Don’t put the video games anywhere near your study area.



Watching TV whilst studying is a very bad idea and makes your studying really ineffective. You need to minimize all distractions and TV is a big one even if it’s just on in the background.Time of Day for Study

Studying at the same time each and every day helps. Most people find it more effective to study during the day rather than at night, because they can concentrate better. But if you are a real night owl, then you may find that your ability to concentrate at night is just fine.

Total 100% Focus for at Least 40 Minutes at a Time



One of the most important things you can do to study effectively is to focus totally on your studyingfor atleast 40 minutes at a time. Studying for 10 minutes here and there just will not cut it. Instead of quick little snippets, make sure you get in at least 40 or 50 minutes oftotalfocus. While you’re doing this, don’t let yourself get distracted with anything else! Just focus intensely for the entire time. When you are finished, then relax, and play a video game or watch TV to reward yourself.

You also don’t want to study for too long at a time, because your brain gets fatigued and after a while it needs arest. 90 minutesis probablythe maximum you should go before taking a 10-minute break, and usually 60 minutes is enough.



Some Other Tips

Traveling time — make good use of your time traveling to and from school each day. This adds upto alot oftime and you can use itto getin some extra studying or reading.

What do you do with your time between classes? Do you use this time productively or do you waste it?

Sitting closer to the front of class tends to make it easier to concentrate.

These are afew basictipsfor effective studying. Applythese ideas when you’re studying and soon you will see a bigimprovementin how you manage yourtime and your study productivity.

(From http://www.timemanagement.com)


Part I Listening

Part I Listening

Listen to the upcoming short talk and complete the related statements below accordingly. Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful.1

Useful Language

run over create /????????/ vt.impression/?????????/ n. span/?????/ n.evolve /??????/ vi.time-conscious /????????????/ a.pace /?????/ n.multitasker /?????????????/ n.超过 创造 印象

一段时间(尤指人的一生) 进化

有时间概念 节奏


幻灯片21 Script

1) We can’t gain moretime for ourselves withtechnology: time is , so it’s not some thing that we can lose.

2) We often have the feeling that “time flies” because we are in terms of pace.

3) We can learn how to pick up the right skills and toolsnot something we have ever



actually had

living faster and faster______________________ to manage time



幻灯片22Script: Hello class,

There goes the bell! Time for class, everybody. Class begins on time because otherwise we would have to run over time. And no one would like that, would you?! Can you imagine what our lives would be like without time? Hard to imagine, isn’t it? We humans may have invented time, but we’ve never been able to actually create it. Technology can’t help us gain more time for ourselves either because in fact time is not something we have ever had. So it’s not something we can either gain or lose. “Time” as we know it results from our impression of the span of our lives.

Because time can not be created, only spent, we humans have evolved into time-conscious beings. This


sensitivity often leads us, unfortunately, to the feeling that “time flies,” that too much time has passed by before we know it. You know why? It’s partly because we value life and don’t want to see it end. But it’s also partly because our living pace is getting quicker and quicker with every passing year. By that I mean we are living faster and faster. As a result, most of us are becoming multitaskers — we write emails while talking on the phone, eat while driving, or cook dinner with the TV on, etc. You didn’t think you’re the only one doing that kind of stuff, did you? For sure, no: we are all just the same.

So today we are going to learn to manage time. If we can pick up the right skills and tools to manage time, our experience of life will be that we have more time — even if that’s not literally so.



Listen to the short talk again and fill in the blanks below with the missing words. 2

Hello class,

There goes the bell! Time for class, everybody. Class begins 1)because otherwise we would have to run over time. And no one would like that, would you?!

Can you imagine what our lives would be like 2)

? Hard to imagine, isn’t it? We humans may have invented time, but we’ve never been able to actually 3)

. Technology can’t help us gain more time for ourselves either because in fact time is 4)

. So it’s not something we can either gain or lose. “Time” as we know it results from our impression of the 5) .on time________ without



time create it ________

not something we



have ever had span of our lives ________________



Because time can not be created, only spent, we humans have 6)into time-conscious beings. This sensitivity often leads us, unfortunately, to the feeling that “7) ,” that too much time has passed by before 8). You know why?

It’s partly because we value life and don’t want to see it end. But it’s also partly because our living pace is getting 9)

with every passing year. By that I mean we are living 10) . As a result, most of us are becoming

multitaskers — we write emails while talking on the phone, eat while driving, or cook dinner with the TV on, etc. You didn’t think you’re the only one doing that kind of stuff, did you? For sure, no: we are all just the same. evolved _______ time flies ________ we know it __________

quicker and quicker___________________ faster and faster ________________



So today we 11)to manage time. If we can pick up the right skills and tools to 12) , our experience of life will be that we have more time — even if that’s not literally so. are going to learn

_________________ manage time _____________



Cherie and Victor are talking about time. Listen to their conversation and then decide whether the conversation-based statements below are true (T) or false (F). Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. 3

Useful Language

rush /???/ vi.issue /??????, ??????/ n.pin downon top of make sense 匆忙 问题

使受约束,阻止,压制 在?之上;熟练掌握







Cherie: Victor: Cherie: Victor:


Everybody seems to be a slave to time. We rush around all the time. I mean, we are always in such a hurry to do things.

Yes, we aretime slaves. We work, work and work still more. We never have enough time to do the things we enjoy doing.Is this way to live?

I think it’s an issue of choice.What do you mean?

I mean we can choose to be or not to be a slave to time.But we can do nothing about the clock.



Script: Victor:



Cherie: Victor:

You are right. Yet we can do something about ourselves.I guess we can learn how to manage time, can’t we?

Yes. The mostimportantthingis notto be pinned down bytime, butto be on top of things, the boss of time.That makes sense.

Life is not about how many things you can do, but about how much you enjoy doing what you do.



1) Neither Cherie nor Victor wants to be a slave to time.

2) Something can be done about the clock, as suggested by Cherie. 3) According to Victor, life is about how many things you can do. T ___ F ___ F ___


Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. 4

1) What are Cherie and Victor talking about?

They are talking about time slaves.

__________________________________________ 2) What are time slaves?

Theyrush around. They are always in a hurryto dothings. And they never have enough time to do what they enjoy doing.



3) Why does Victor think that being a time slave is “an issue of choice”?

Because we can choose whether to be a time slave, whether to give in or not give in to all the hurrying.


4) What does Victor mean when he says that we can do something about ourselves?

He means that we can learn how to manage time.

_________________________________________________ 5) What is life all about according to Victor?

Life is not about how many things you can do, but about how much you enjoy doing what you do.



Dennis and Belle aretalking atlunch. Listentotheir conversation andthen answer the questions below by choosingthe bestresponse. Gettingto knowthe following useful language first might be helpful. 5




Language Points

Evernote /?????????/万能记事本(一款笔记软件)



Language Points Things每日备忘



Language Points

Google Calendar 谷歌日历


keep track of

Language Points

keep track of: manage to continue following the track of 跟上?的进展;记录 e.g.

My sister has had so many different jobs. I fnd it hard to keep track of what she’s doing.

Write down the names of people you meet, and then keep track of them. 我妹妹干了那么多不同的工作,我觉得很难跟上她所做的一切。




Language Points

schedule /?????????? ????????????/: n. a planthatlists allthe workthat you haveto do and when you must do each thing 工作计划,日程安排(表) e.g.

Accordingtothe schedule, the first lecture begins at 9:00 a.m. 根据日程安排,第一个讲座9点开始。



Language Points

online /????????/: a., ad. 在线的(地),在因特网上的(地) e.g.

an online shopping centre

You can talk to other people who are online.

Now you can read a lot of magazines online. 在线购物中心





Language Points

appealing /????????/: a. attractive 有吸引力的 e.g.

The idea of having a long holiday in the countryside is rather appealing to me. 在农村休长假对我相当有吸引力。



Language Points

option /??????/: n. choice 选择 e.g.

a list of options

He had two options. 一系列选择




Language Points

smart /sm??t/: a. intelligent; controlled by a computer, so that it in an intelligent way 聪明的;智能的 e.g.

a smart young man

a smart car

appears to act

She’s smarter than her brother.一个聪明的年轻人





Language Points

divide /dI?vaId/: vt. separate (sth.) into parts 分,划分;分开 e.g.

This book is divided into two parts.

The wall that divided this city in the past has now gone.这本书分为两部分。




Language Points

responsibility /????????????????/ : n. 责任(心);职责e.g.

We cannot accept responsibility for the loss of your money.

My responsibilities include answering the phoneand talking to the customers.我们不能为你丢钱担责。




Language Points

calendar /????????/: n. 日历;日程表;记事录 e.g.

a desk calendar

My calendar is full for the rest of the week. 台历




Language Points

share /???/: vt. have or use (sth.) atthe same time as sb. else; give some of

(what you have) to sb. else; tell sb. (sth.) so that he/she can know it too 共有;合用;分享;告诉e.g.

People inthesetwo countries share a commonlanguage.



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