








2.帮助学生学会用英语介绍自己,常用句子:hello , hi , i am …

3.学习单词 cat 、monkey

4、歌曲 “ hello”



to enable students to speak loudly.






step 1 greeting

say hello or hi to students

choose some students to greet with teacher.( 可加上姓名)

make students say hello with their partners.

say together

step 2 introduction

1. t: hello, i am miss …

你们跟我打个招呼好吗,hello/hi, miss…

2. read: i am

3. 老师很想知道你们的名字,可以大声的告诉老师吗?

示范: i am …

4. choose some students to say.(鼓掌)

5. 老师打着节拍,学生和着快慢介绍自己。

6. 小组内互相介绍,打招呼

step 3 words

show pictures , learn to say . (可作动作)

play a game: (击鼓传花)


i am …

step 4 sing the song

1 3 5 3 5 5 5 1 3 5 3 2 3 2

hello cat do oh do hello monkey do oh do

1 3 5 3 5 5 5 6 6 5 3 1 1.

hello hello do oh do hello hello hello

step 5. reading




1. 学会用单词eye, ear, nose, mouth, face来表述人体部位。

2. 学唱并表演歌曲。

教学过程教学重点:学会用单词eye, ear, nose, mouth, face来表述人体部位。

教学难点:1. 让学生在听听、说说、唱唱、玩玩的动态学习过程中体验英语的无处不在和学习英语的快乐。

2. mouth的发音。



step 1: warming up

t: first, let’s sing the song by actions.


t: now, i say and you do.


t: look! i can dance, i can draw, i can jump. what can you do?

s:i can _____.

(ask students to practice these sentences. encourage them when they are right. encourage them to say “thank you!” to the teacher.)

step 2: presentation & consolidation

t: look! what am i doing?

(draw the eye on the blackboard)

s: draw.

t: what’s this?

(show them the picture of eye)

t: eye.


(draw two eyes)

t: one eye, two eyes.


(draw a nose.)

t: what’s this?


t: nose


t: how many noses?


(present mouth, ear in the same ways)

t: what’s this?


t: now, let’s read these words.

s: (ask individuals, partners, groups to read these word. ask them to practice in groups.)

t: let’s play a game. do you like games?


t: hide and say.

(first, the teacher hides the card in one of the student’s desk. then ask one student to find the card. the others read the word on the card lightly or loudly as the finder was far away of the card or next to the card.)


t: now, i say, and you do.


(do the exercises in the workbooks.)

step 3: homework

read these words to your parents.


Language targets:

1. Students can use imperative to give simple instructions:

Follow me.

Turn right.

Turn left.

2. Using formulaic expressions to identify people

e.g.: he is a postman.

3. Asking yes/no questions to identify people:

e.g.: is he a postman?

4. Students can read and say the words:

Postman, policeman, driver, fireman, milkman, tall, short

5. Students can sing the song: he is a postman.

4. 7

Lesson 1

2. Put the words on the blackboard; read the words get the student read follow the teacher.

3. Play a game: magic eyes & what’s missing.

Post-task activities:

1. Play the tape, let the students read follow the tape.

2. Read follows the teacher.

3. Invite some students to read.


1. Have a competition to see which group is the best reader.

2. Have a competition to see who the best reader is.


Listen and read this page at least five times.


Lesson 3

Learning skills:

1. Using formulaic expressions to identify people:

e.g.: he is a postman.

2. Asking yes/no questions to identify people:

e.g.: Is he a postman?

Learning materials:

Tape recorder, cards …

Learning course:

Pre-task preparation:

1. Free talk

I have got a book, what have you got?

I see a … what do you see?

What colour …?

How many …?

2. Review the phrase on page 17, and review the words on page 19.

3. Invite some students to read.

While-task activities:

1. Show a card, ask the students: is he a …? Encourage students answer: yes or no.

S: yes, he is a …

S: no. then the teacher ask who is he? He is a …

2. Show a card: is he a … he is a … let the students read follow the teacher to read.

3. Invite some students to read, correct the pronunciation.

Post-task activities:

1. Play the tape, let the students read follow the tape.

2. add some sentences: he is a driver.

He is a fireman.

He is a postman.


3.let the students read in order, read together.

4.invite some student to read.


Invite some students come to the blackboard, and hide a card, let the other students guess.


Listen and read this page at least five times.

4.14 Lesson 4

Learning skills:

1. Using formulaic expressions to identify people:

e.g.: he is a postman.

2. Asking yes/no questions to identify people

e.g.: is he a driver?

Learning materials:

Tape recorder, cards…

Learning course:

Pre-task preparation:

1.put a toy gun, a big bag of letters, a box of milk, a paper steering-wheel and a toy fire-engine on the table. Put the word cards for “policeman”, “postman”, “driver”, “milkman”, “fireman”, “tall ”, and “short”, into a

box that has an opening on the top .Have students take turns in drawing out a word card. Tell them to take the appropriate object or do an action so that others can guess what that word is.

2. Put up the word cards on the board. Across from them put the corresponding picture cards but in a different order . let students come up to match them.

While-task procedure

1. Choose five boys to come to the front. Each is given a representative object for the five kinds of people who help us.

2. Play the music while passing around the class five cards with sentences written on them, e.g. He is a postman. When the music stops, the students who happen to have the five cards in their hands need to walk out, find the right boys in the front and stand beside them.

3. When every boy in the front has been identified, get the rest of the class to point to each of them and say’ he is a’

4. Play the matching game until most of the students have the chance to match a sentence with the person it describes.

5. Open the Student’s Book to page 20. Play the cassette tape. Students listen and point to each person when the sentence describing him is being read out.

Post-task activity

Show some photos of the five kinds of people who help us. Have the students ask and answer questions about them in pairs, e.g.

S1:Is he a driver?

S2:Yes. Is he a postman?

Workbook page 15: Tick the correct sentence.

4.18 Lesson 5

Learning skills:

1. Students can use formulaic expressions to identify people:

e.g.: he is a policeman.

2. Using adjectives to describe people:

He is tall.

3. Using formulaic expressions to take leave:


Learning materials:

Tape recorder, cards…

Learning course:

Pre-task preparation:

1. Free talk

Is he a postman?

How many..?

What colour is it?

2. Review the words and sentences on page 20.

A, show the words, let the students read one by one.

B, show the sentences. Let the students read one by one.

While-task procedure:

1. Show a card, ask the students: is he a postman? Encourage students answer: yes, he is a postman./ no, he is a …

2. Point to a student and ask students: is he tall/ short? Encourage students answer: he is tall. He is short.

3. Today, let’s learn a song, ok?

4. Turn to page 21. Let students read by themselves. Then read follow the teacher. Sentence by sentence, then read paragraph by paragraph.

5. Let the students read together.

6. Play the tape; let the students listen to the tape together.

Teacher sings the song first, then let the students sing the song sentence by sentence follow the teacher. Follow the teacher, sing the song together.

Post-task activities:

1. Sing the song in role. Boys and girls, to see which role is better. Then girls first, sing the song.

2. Sing the song together.

3. Clap and sing.


1. invite some students to sing the song.


Listen and sing the song at least five times.

4.19 lesson 6

do workbook and analisys.

Learning skills:

1. Students can use imperative to give simple instructions:

Follow me.

Turn right.

Turn left.

Learning materials:

Tape recorder, cards, …

Learning course:

Pre-task preparation:

1. Free talk

I have got a book, what have you got?

I see a … what do you see?

What colour …?

How many …?

2. Sing a song.

One little two little

Three little rabbits

Four little five little

Six little rabbits

While-task procedure:

1. Show the letter “A”, do you know how to read it? Follow me, A. then show “b”, ask the students follow the teacher to read to teach the new phrase: follow me.

2. Let the students read together. Then invite some students to read this sentence.

3. Show a puppet, then say: turn right, turn left to it. Do several times and let the students know the meaning.

4. Then let the students do together with the teacher. Then ask the students to follow you to read.

5. Invite some students to read these two sentences.

6. Read these three sentences together.

Post-task activities:

1. Play the tape and get the students to read the sentences on page17.

2. Read follows the teacher.

3. Invite some students to read.


1. Have a competition to see which group is the best reader.

2. Play high voice and low voice.

3. Play somin says.


Listen and repeat this page at least five times.


Lesson 2

Learning skills:

1. Using nouns to identify people’s occupations

e.g.: postman, policeman

Learning materials:

Tape recorder, cards….

Learning course:

Pre-task preparation:

1. Free talk

I have got a book, what have you got?

I see a … what do you see?

What colour …?

How many …?

2. Play simon says.

Turn left, turn right…

While-task procedure:

1. miss shen is a teacher. Look at this picture; do you know who is it? To teach the new words.




【第1篇】初中班长竞选稿敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们:  大家好!  我叫潘清言。我是一名优秀、自信和阳光的少年。我爱好下棋,也喜欢在书海中遨游。小学阶段,我是附小少先队的中队长。今天我要来竞


你知道你的简历里哪些词语会在不经意间惹恼招聘者吗? 动词列表是简历编写指南里保留的项目,调查还发现:简历里尽可能的堆满动词、形容词和副词的求职成功率更高。几乎所有的人事经理都喜欢选择有效的字句,而

《左右温度的教育》读后感 几乎是一口气读完《做有温度的教育》这本书,我一拿到书就被封面上的那一句话吸引了——“只有真正把学生看成活生生的人,教育才能温暖,才有温度。” 所以在读书的过程中,我也很有目的

企业办公室工作总结篇1  忙碌中的今年即将过去,新的一年即将在我们面前展开画卷,回首这一年,在总经理室的领导下,在身边各位同事的密切配合下,完成了企业办公室的行政工作。通过一年来的学习、工作,使自己慢

辞职即辞去职务,是劳动者向用人单位提出解除劳动合同或劳动关系的行为。爱学范文今天为大家精心准备了正式教师辞职报告范文,希望对大家有所帮助!  正式教师辞职报告范文  尊敬的校领导:您好!  首先,十



各位领导,各位来宾,朋友们:  你们好!  很荣幸今天我能参加这个“理想与人生”的演讲会。我是一名农村信用合作社的职工,工作在山旮旯里,没有城市人坚实深邃的眼光,没有企业家们搏击商海的稳重与沉着,更没演讲稿
