




短篇英语道歉信范文 篇1

  Dear My Boss:

  I am very sorry for missing the presentation which was scheduled on May 4 20xx, regarding the environment change review in our company. My friend was very ill and he was hospitalized since last 3 weeks. I had to take care of him and that's why I was not able to make it for the scheduled appointment.

  He came to Shenyang for a trip and I was his only former classmate here and no one else could help him and take him to the hospital. Now He is fine and I think he is able to find his way home by himself.

  I am requesting you to arrange my presentation as soon as possible. I want to thank you for your understanding and patience. I am looking forward to the next presentation when I won’t miss that no matter what.

  Best regards!


短篇英语道歉信范文 篇2

  Respected Mr. Arthur

  I am the manager of Med Tour. Thank you very much for bring this matter to our attention. I appreciate that you give us such a useful criticism which can help our tour make progress. I feel terribly sorry to hear that you have experienced a unhappy trip. Please accept our sincere apologies for what makes you unpleasant. I promise you that our tour will make a great change. First, I will give our staff a training and arrange someone as a representative in the airport. Then, the food in our hotel will be diversified and I will do whatever I can to improve the service level of whole tour. In addition, some transportation will be provided for visitors from our hotel to the beach. I hope you can keep faith in our tour. Our tour will make effort to make up our mistake for you. Above all, your satisfaction is our priority. Please find enclosed a voucher as a compensation for you. If you have any question or suggestions, please call me anytime anywhere. Thank you again.

  I wish you all the best! Your sincerely Med tour

短篇英语道歉信范文 篇3

  Dear Daisy,

  I would like to express my apology for missing our 14 o'clock appointment.

  A small accident happened to me when I was on my way to school. I am going

  to come over to your apartment the day after tomorrow — Monday, April4, at 14 p.m. If it is convenient for you, I will check my e-mail tomorrow to make sure whether you have left a note for me. Otherwise, I will see you at 14:00 p.m.,

  Monday afternoon.

  I am very sorry for that again.

  Best wishes,






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